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We're back from obedience school. Hazel was a bit unruly, but overall she was fine. I am baking bread for sandwiches this week and for a baby shower I am hosting next weekend. And I made 3 dozen pumpkin muffins for the shower, too. Not all 3 dozen are for the shower, though. We get to eat some, too.


Ooooh, a Booya/h. A Bread Booya/h.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good Evening!

We are home from Sweet Home Alabama.  The skies were not so blue and it rained most of our time there, but it was still super fun and a really beautiful area.  I made goat's milk soap and lotion and some felted soaps.  I am  looking forward to going back in October.

Dd18 made a decorative iron hook and some nails and dd15 made some delicious sourdough pizzas (one with fresh peaches, grape tomatoes, and rosemary!) which we ate for dinner on the way home.



Edited by Susan in TN
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Two things that happened today. 

First, Isaac came in first thing this morning and said he was starving and I said I don't care. He said he was dying and I said I was sorry. So he left and came back with a blanket over his head like a habit and I asked what he was doing. He told me he was in mourning so I asked who died and he said "me". He is 4.

Second, I had been in the kitchen for about 10 minutes when I needed the canned green beans which are in the pantry. When I opened the pantry I found Mary standing in there with her back to me. She had been in there the entire time I had been cooking. I ignored her, grabbed the beans and closed the door. It was another 3 or 4 minutes before I left the kitchen and she made no escape. I went to bed while things cooked and I assume she left while I was gone because she came out of her room (not the pantry) when dinner was ready. 

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My first week of classes is done.  It was a good week, but crazy as it usually is the first week of a new year.   

I also started my tap class that I'm taking.  Oldest dd is the teacher.  It was fun.  Not as bad on my knees as I thought it would be and I've been told it's actually really good for osteopenia. 

This week is going to be worse.    I teach 18 classes a week, plus I have both my 4H clubs this week (first meeting of the year for the stem club), plus I'm trying out weekend activities so if anyone signs up I'll have a kids night out activity Friday, an open lab/maker space event Saturday morning, and a science workshop Saturday afternoon.   Plus tap.  And a 4H board meeting.  Plus I really should start getting back to working out at the Y this week. 

I'm only running the weekend stuff myself until I see if they are popular enough to make it worth hiring someone else to do them.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Good Evening!

We are home from Sweet Home Alabama.  The skies were not so blue and it rained most of our time there, but it was still super fun and a really beautiful area.  I made goat's milk soap and lotion and some felted soaps.  I am  looking forward to going back in October.

Dd18 made a decorative iron hook and some nails and dd15 made some delicious sourdough pizzas (one with fresh peaches, grape tomatoes, and rosemary!) which we ate for dinner on the way home.



I want to go there. Take me next time.

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Good Morning!

Green tea!



I think I have the answer to my sleeping problems. Kefir. I've been making it and if I drink a glass before bed I sleep wonderfully.  For months I have been waking up in the middle of the night and staying awake for a while, but when I drink kefir....not so much.

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Good afternoon!

We went to Sunday School and late service today.  I sat with the girls and the parents of some long-time members who visit often from out of state but are now moving to the area.  A couple new friends are looking into coming to the Alabama Folk School with me next month.  Krissi, there's still room for you!  What class do you want to take?  Quilting? Creative Writing?  Basket weaving? Old Time Music?
I leave in about an hour for The Ladies of Grief Book Club and straight from there to the church picnic.  I actually need to leave book club early to get to the picnic on time - since I was the instigator of the church picnic jam I figure I should be there.


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I am back from all the places.  Book club was much too short (especially since I had to leave halfway through, but at least I got some pie), and the church picnic was fun and we played Tunes and Songs and I got hit in the head with a football but no damage done.  At least I think no damage done.  Do I seem OK to you? 😂

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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!


School and work!!

There is a puppy chewing on my foot.

Middle DD has a dentist appointment this morning!!

I think Susan is fine, for the bump on the head with the football.

We had a 3+ hour church business meeting yesterday afternoon and I just about lost my mind. It was pretty awful.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I made kiefer back in the day.  My kiefer grains got out of control until I couldn't manage them and finally just put some of them in the freezer.  I wonder if they will work if I try making it again.

I had a dream that I bought a lake house.  I was excited about the nice area for a garden with a great view of a small lake across the street, but after waking up I realize that the layout of the house and yard were completely ridiculous and would likely flood every time it rained, lol.

The girls are taking tests and/or quizzes this morning but otherwise it's a fairly light week for schoolwork due to fall break at tutorial.  I should probably make a couple of phone calls to health insurance and the social security administration today.  Better to get them over with, I suppose.


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Good morning!

Little Pup threw up in his crate overnight, likely due to Eating Nonsense, so we're keeping an eye on him.  I got the crate pad and general area cleaned up.  Dd18 has a migraine and the downstairs toilet is not acting right.  I am supposed to have Bible Study this morning but we'll see how everything is going in a couple hours.


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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!


School for some and work for others.

No driving around today. I hope I can get a lot of paperwork done. There’s a lot to do, but sitting at my computer all day is not something I love.

Susan, I hope your day turns out better than it started.❤️

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Good Afternoon!

Happy Tuesday!

We went to the zoo yesterday and had a really nice time.  The weather was absolutely perfect.

This morning I woke up with a terrible headache.  I got second sleep and felt much better.  


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1 hour ago, Servant4Christ said:

When did this start?! I've clearly missed some very important things in my absence.

Well, I am doing intermittent fasting….preferably 16:8, though that doesn’t always work. Anyways, I have to have half and half in my COFFEE!!~D and I can’t do that early in the morning. So…. now….Green Tea in the morning and COFFEE!!~D in the afternoon. 

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About once a month I get a new letter from the state health department telling me they have changed my third party liability insurance.  Why do they call it liability insurance?  As far a I can tell, it's just prescription drug coverage.  There is no other explanation unless it's hidden in code in the 10 pages of text in about 300 languages that follows.

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Good morning!

I saw a hummingbird yesterday flittering around my hanging basket of pansies.  Also, I think the giant flock of robins was migrating through the yard yesterday.  They were quite chatty, lol.  They come through for a day or two each spring and fall.

Today I have to prioritize college applications with dd18.  We've never done the common application, but maybe we should give it a go.  I had a dream about it last night and it involved a lot of fancy fireworks graphics and some memes, lol.


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