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Fortunately, she’s not interested in the cats.  The cats are very wary of her, but she really doesn’t care about them. She just loves middle DD and follows her around everywhere.


It’s a booya/h. A doggie booya/h!

Edited by KrissiK
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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Also today is my oldest dd's 26th birthday.  The Girls stayed up until midnight so they could text their sister happy birthday.  That woke me up.  And then more texting at 6am which woke me up again. 🙄

Big Pup did not eat his dinner last night.  I suspect that he ate something stupid yesterday.

I watched a mockingbird dive bomb a cat across the street.  The cat did not seem overly impressed.


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Good Morning!!!

Green Tea!


My last week of summer vacay!! 😩😩😩 It’s probably for the best. I don’t do well without a schedule. I haven’t been entirely unproductive, but ….well…

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I brought ds19 to the eye doctor.  They did not have a record of his appointment but they took him anyway.  Then got home and made an appointment with urgent care for dd15 but later got a call that their physician was not covered by dd's insurance.  It was nice of them to call at least so I could cancel.  Then called her PCP who was only doing video appointments today but they squeezed her in.  Then went to the back parking lot of the PCP's office for a super duper covid test and then off to the imaging center to get super duper photos of her lungs.  Now we are just waiting around to see what the doctor has to say about anything.

Just got a robo call from Hungary.  Didn't answer, but it's nice that my phone lets me know all the exotic locations that are having their robots give me a call.  Hungary is a new one.  Usually it's Russia or Greece and occasionally Belgium.

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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!!


Girls have to go back to the ortho today and get a few repairs done on brackets. Baby is almost done with braces, but they aren’t sure about Middle DD.

I made homemade dog food yesterday.  It was quite a hit. Since we got her, Hazel had just been semi-interested in the kibble, but yesterday I put 1/3 of a cup of the homemade stuff in her dish and she downed it in nothing flat.

Edited by KrissiK
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Good Morning!

Happy Tuesday!

We are having a good but busy summer.  The girls enjoyed camp, as they always do.

I've been enjoying physical therapy.  Which sounds weird.  But feeling better is a really good thing. :)

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Good morning!

The doctor's office called and dd15 does not have covid.  Also the doctor did call in a prescription but now that I am thinking about it, I think I accidentally asked for a prescription for dd17 at the pharmacy instead of dd15.  My brain needs help.  So I will need to bo back today.  Also I will probably go get a phone set up for dd15.

At breakfast this morning I finally remembered the "A part" melody of "Hawk is a Mule."  It was bugging me, but not enough to actually look up the tune on spotify.


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So the little squirt has pneumonia.  Sigh.  I've always encouraged the girls to share but seriously.  
I got 1/2 the lawn mowed before the battery ran out.  The grass is super long so I expected to have to do it in stages.  I could probably get the trimmer out and work with that until the battery is charged again.  Or not.  Maybe I should lounge around and drink water for a while.

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I’m sorry about the pneumonia, Susan. Glad it’s not Covid.  I hope she feels better soon.

I finished a book this afternoon, “Hinds’ Feet on High Places” by Hannah Hurnard. I’ve probably read it 10 times, but it still makes me cry, is still an encouragement and I still highlight different things with each reading.

I also made bread. My family refuses to eat regular sandwich bread. They only want homemade sandwich bread.🙄 So, I make homemade sandwich bread.

Baby has cheer practice tonight.

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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!

Humph Day!!

DD1 has an allergist appointment today.

I have a hair appointment.

Then, DD1 has an interview with this respite care place. She was approached by a family at church with a special needs child about doing respite care for them.  I think she will do well, and it’s pretty flexible. They will work around her school schedule.

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14 hours ago, KrissiK said:


I finished a book this afternoon, “Hinds’ Feet on High Places” by Hannah Hurnard. I’ve probably read it 10 times, but it still makes me cry, is still an encouragement and I still highlight different things with each reading.

I also made bread. My family refuses to eat regular sandwich bread. They only want homemade sandwich bread.🙄 So, I make homemade sandwich bread.

I remember that book always being in the coffee table book pile when I was growing up.  I don't think I've ever read it.  I'll out it on my list.

If someone in my house knew how to make bread, I would also refuse to eat store-bought sandwich bread!  

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Allergy appointment done.

Hair done.

While I was getting my hair done it occurred to me the solar guys were coming out to clean the panels and Hazel was in the back yard and no one was home. But, I got home and the panels were clean and Hazel was whining at the back door, so all is well.

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On 7/29/2024 at 9:07 AM, Susan in TN said:

🎉🎈Happy Nirthday, Toto! 🎈🎉

Thank you (a couple days late).   

This is the first time I've been on since last week.   4H Fair was great over the weekend but very busy.   I had presidential duties, plus club leader duties, plus sponsor duties so it was a bit nuts.  

The science center received the "Friend of 4H" award that's given out to a business that contributes a lot to local 4H.  The business hosts three clubs plus sponsors the Fair plus we loan stuff for programs (like 20 hot glue guns) (plus the stuff I do personally). 

Plus I'm teaching a dissection camp this week so actually having to follow a time table this week, unlike most of the summer where I was working but mostly on my own catching up on things. 

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I got home from quartet, made dinner, ate, took 2 kids to the Lobby of Hobby, stopped by Kroger for corned beef hash (as requested by dd17 for her birthday breakfast), made a gift notice, and just now tried to log on to our homeschool umbrella website to update our info (deadline is tomorrow) and it won't let me log in.  I suspect that everyone got that email this evening and the server is overloaded.

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Good morning. Happy August!

Weather is back to Absurdly Hot with a Chance of Storms.

I gotta see if I can find out when DS's science class is going to be. I'll build the week around it.

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Good Morning!

Green Tea!!

Friday Eve!!

I woke up at 4:00am and was not able to go back to sleep.  I am not happy about this.

We’re getting hot again, too CW. I am about ready for this summer to be over.

I will be alone part of the day today. Oldest DD is working and my mom is taking middle DD and Baby thrifting. So it will be me and Hazel holding down the fort. I have some reading to catch up on.  And I need to finish up that last video on Russia by Hillsdale. Two days I have left of summer vacay. Gotta make them count. Tomorrow the girls want to go to the beach and take Hazel. There is one beach on the Central Coast that is dog friendly, so we will go there.



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Good morning!

Today dd is 18yo!  I made French toast with berries and whipped cream and corned beef hash (as requested) for Birthday Breakfast.  She is currently looking for a job online.  Originally she was hoping for something in a city or county park (outdoors) but it looks like they require a high school diploma.  She might look into pet sitting/animal boarding.  She really wants something flexible so she can be free to go on occasional weekend backpacking trips with the venture crew.
It's state voting day, so I may go do that and get gas in the car so dd18(!) can drive it to her tutorial yearbook meeting this afternoon.


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4 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

Today dd is 18yo!  I made French toast with berries and whipped cream and corned beef hash (as requested) for Birthday Breakfast.  She is currently looking for a job online.  Originally she was hoping for something in a city or county park (outdoors) but it looks like they require a high school diploma.  She might look into pet sitting/animal boarding.  She really wants something flexible so she can be free to go on occasional weekend backpacking trips with the venture crew.
It's state voting day, so I may go do that and get gas in the car so dd18(!) can drive it to her tutorial yearbook meeting this afternoon.


Happy Nirthday to your dd.

Berries, whipped cream and corned beef hash?  One of these things is not like the others...

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I have been sleeping very well at night but wake up still feeling tired.  Not sure what's up with that.   It is hot and my allergies have definitely been acting up, so it's probably due to that.   Saturday will be the first time I'm able to sleep in in two weeks.   I get up at 6:30am for summer camps and then had to get up for Fair over the weekend.

Dd(just turned 17) is working for me this summer.  It's her first job and she's not really appreciating having to get up at 7am and work 6 hours a day.  But she's doing really well despite that.

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Dawn dish soap has a "new fresh scent".  It's horrific.  Like super strong fabric softener.  I like the smell of fabric softener, but not on my dishes.  Who thought this would be a good idea?!?

I didn't think I was particular about smells but apparently I am.  I also hate the smell of the Aldi brand of blue dish soap.  I bought some Kroger brand in hopes that it will be more tolerable than the other two.

It may be a ploy by Procter & Gamble to get us to buy the super expensive "Platinum" Dawn, which seems to have the original scent still.

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A FAFSA on stinky dish soap! I wound up with a bottle of Dawn through a curbside shopper error, and I'm determined to use it up, but looking forward to going back to an unscented product.

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Good Morning!!

Green Tea!!

Fri-yay!! but not really. Today is my last day of summer vacation. 😢 I have the weekend, of course, but that doesn’t really count.

We’re going to the beach today. The girls have been begging, so if it doesn’t happen today, it won’t. It’s a good day to go to the beach, though, because when it’s hot here in the Valley, it’s usually in the 60’s and 70’s at the beach. And I just looked it up….71 degrees today at Morro Bay. Well, there you go. We had wanted to take puppy, but….the girls also wanted to go shopping in SLO (and I wanted to visit the mission because it’s a lovely mission and I like visiting it), and there’s only one beach in the area that is dog friendly and she’s still only a puppy and has a very small bladder and doesn’t know how to walk on a leash so….not this time Hazel.

My sweet Phoebe-cat just joined me out here in the yard. She really loves the Bible. When I’m out here doing the devotions in the morning she always sits right on top of it.

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Good morning!

Beach Day sounds lovely!  Imma need some advice for our California Road Trip.

We went to Tutorial Orientation last night, which consisted of picking up our family folder and then the girls went around to find their teachers and get class syllabi.  Now they are stressed out because school.

Much progress has been made on Married Girls' bedroom.  Dd15 has transferred her books to the Big Bookshelf and needs to get her bedding and clothes moved over.  Now we have Many Boxes & Baskets of things in the living room.

I have a bunch of financial things to deal with today.  Also might go through ds19's clothes and make sure he has decent clothes to take with him to college.


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On 8/1/2024 at 10:23 AM, Susan in TN said:

Originally she was hoping for something in a city or county park (outdoors) but it looks like they require a high school diploma.


Why doesn't she have a high school diploma??

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Happy Friday.   Another week of camp done.  I had to actually work this one.   

My teacher who was handling the younger kids camp while I did dissections with teens, was sick today.  She let me know last night that she had a sore throat and fever so I did have time to try and find someone.  Nobody was available so dh ended up covering the camp for me.   We checked with dd (who has been working as assistant all summer) if she thought she could do it if I started the activities and she was mainly monitoring after, since I was in a room that was right around the corner about 10 feet away (and could hear everything) but she wasn't comfortable with that.  

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9 hours ago, KrissiK said:

Fri-yay!! but not really. Today is my last day of summer vacation. 😢 I have the weekend, of course, but that doesn’t really count.


I always get thrown off on the boards when I see people talk about school starting this early.   Around here we usually don't start until after Labor Day.  A FEW school districts start the week before Labor Day but I don't think anyone starts any earlier than that.  

We also don't generally get out until mid to late June though.

Except homeschoolers.  They start after Labor Day and finish by Memorial Day.  😉

(no reporting or counting of days or anything required here)

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On 8/1/2024 at 8:23 AM, KrissiK said:

We’re getting hot again, too CW. I am about ready for this summer to be over.

Me too!   My air conditioning at work is really powerful, despite being a unit from some time in the 1960's.   IT feels amazing walking inside when it's hot and heavy humid outside, but going back outside feels like walking into a wall.  It's completely gross.

We did just have a few thunderstorms come through so I'm hoping it cools things off since our bedroom doesn't have AC.   The heat index was 101 today.   

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