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  • Slache


  • Susan in TN


  • Jean in Newcastle


  • KrissiK



We've been getting periodic torrential rains and thunderstorms for days already and they are supposed to continue through Wednesday at least, with a brief break Thursday and Friday before they are back on Saturday.  What fun.   We lost power last night.  We have a generator but power wasn't coming on until around 2am so dh showed ds, who was definitely going to be awake, how to switch the circuits back from the generator to normal power when it came on.   Then just let the generator run until it ran out of gas since some of the gas was older.   

I did not sleep well between worry about the generator, the ozone smell in the air, the very loud torrential rain and thunder.   So I'm super tired again.   

My teacher did really well handling camp yesterday.  I just periodically checked on things.  Today will be the same unless she needs help with something.    This group is a bit rowdy with a bunch of young boys, so will be more crafts and games than involved science projects, but that's fine for camp. 

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Good Morning!!



Baby has volleyball, DD1 has work, the second opinion plumber is coming at 8:00. The first plumber fixed the leak in the front yard yesterday, which was good. it was a little more straightforward than the one in the house.

Toto. your weather sounds insane. Here, we have three types of summer weather….hot, hotter than he11, and somewhat bearable. 

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Good morning!

We are having a few days of sun.  The weather app is warning us of a Dome of Excessive Heat for the next few days.  I think the app is bored and is trying to stir up some excitement.  It's summer.  In TN.  No one should be surprised that the temps sometimes get into the 90's.

I should be getting a facetime call in a little while from dd24 who is looking for wedding dresses.  Ds18 has a cello lesson and the girls are meeting a friend from music camp to walk around town this afternoon.  Tonight I'm going to a dinner hosted by an widow's support group.


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On the topic of empty nests, I am starting to rediscover my own interests. Weird programs with subtitles on PBS, learning about music in Appalachia or cashmere goats in Mongolia. Sort of like homeschooling myself without having to cater to the interests of my kids. (Not that I regret doing that as they were growing up ). I know that none of you other than Ellie are empty nesting it like I am, but I thought that I would give you a glimpse of the future. 

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11 minutes ago, Slache said:

I don't understand how I filled a box for goodwill and my shelves are just as full. I need to speak to the manager. 

If you need to speak to a manager, please fill out a request, in triplicate and the matter will be attended to in 12-14 business days.

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Good Morning!!


Humph Day!!

Everyone around here either has or is recovering from a cold. DD1 is still going to work, so after I drop her off I’m going to the farm to feed my mom’s cats, pick some veggies and some flowers and then come home and tackle the office. I just don’t want to deal with the office. It needs an organizational system, but we can’t afford one right now because paying for the leak in the house is going to cost a fortune (plumber is coming out Friday). Anyhow, I will do the best I can with what I got in there.

Temps are rising. We had the mildest June I have ever experienced, but it’s supposed to be 109 by the holiday. 

Edited by KrissiK
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Nah, it's important to show poison ivy who's boss. Put on long pants and long sleeves and gloves, get out there, and pull it up from the ground. Occasionally glare around the yard in case anything else is getting ideas.

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10 hours ago, KrissiK said:

We had BLT sammies for dinner.

Mmmmm...I was thinking about BLTs just this morning!

2 hours ago, 73349 said:


We have reached the intersection of

better finish school because camp is soon


better get ready for camp.

So. Yeah. Let's do all the things.

Camp!  School has been on break since the laptop broke.  Hopefully we'll get a replacement soon and can resume math.  Otherwise, it's camp prep all over the place here, too.  The girls have their big bins out.

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Good morning!

The stupid squirrel jumped onto the grackle feeder and panicked and in the process of scrambling back off, spun the feeder so that it knocked down my flower pot.  😠  I tried to salvage the flowers and think they might survive.

I took Chester to the groomer and need to leave soon for the grocery store.


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57 minutes ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

The stupid squirrel jumped onto the grackle feeder and panicked and in the process of scrambling back off, spun the feeder so that it knocked down my flower pot.  😠  I tried to salvage the flowers and think they might survive.

I took Chester to the groomer and need to leave soon for the grocery store.


Susan, you need to write a set of children’s books called “Adventures in Susan’s Backyard” and make it all about the grackles and squirrels and birds and you can get Chester in there as well.  It would be a best seller.

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I'm working a camp this week.  Mostly I'm hanging out and doing paperwork and letting my teacher handle running it.  It's small this week - some schools are still in session plus the holiday weekend coming up meant light enrollment.  But the 6 kids we have are like having 15.  Very active, loud, everything is a weapon group of boys.  

After tomorrow I'm off until August, except stopping in Monday mornings with rosters, and math workshop Monday and Thursday afternoons.  

My air conditioning isn't working again at work so hopefully they'll be able to fix or replace it next week while I'm closed.  

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10 minutes ago, Wheres Toto said:

I'm working a camp this week.  Mostly I'm hanging out and doing paperwork and letting my teacher handle running it.  It's small this week - some schools are still in session plus the holiday weekend coming up meant light enrollment.  But the 6 kids we have are like having 15.  Very active, loud, everything is a weapon group of boys.  

After tomorrow I'm off until August, except stopping in Monday mornings with rosters, and math workshop Monday and Thursday afternoons.  

My air conditioning isn't working again at work so hopefully they'll be able to fix or replace it next week while I'm closed.  

Wait, what? Some kids aren't on summer break yet?

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