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Morning, Happy Monday.  

Ds doesn't have school today so I have my car and didn't have to get up too early.   I have to run by the AFSA this morning (ugh) and I'm thinking of taking a walk if I have time.     I think I'll have time but I'm not sure yet.  

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

I've been doing all the things.  Went to the county clerks office and took care of the car's registration and got the new license plate.  Talked dd20 down from the ledge as she realized this morning that she forgot to turn in an assignment last week that makes up 40% of her grade and was showing up as an F on her class account.  (She emailed the professor and sent in the assignment and within 20 minutes her grade changed to an A).  And found an airbnb/vrbo in The City That Must Not Be Named to reserve for us and the extended family for the wedding in October.  For some reason I can save about $100 going through airbnb rather than vrbo.  So.  
I think we may be getting some more rain.


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Good Morning!!!



School for some, work for others. DS is sick. He’s got infected lymph nodes. On the orders of his boss, I took him to the doctor yesterday and yes, they are infected. The doctor gave him a Z-pack. I guess it’s good I took him in when I did. He was pretty miserable last night, but he did have the first dose, so he should be better today already.

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You know, I am not a good mom sometimes, and it bothers me. I don’t know if I feel like my kids are over exaggerating their illness or what, but… most of the time my kids have been really sick (this is the second time with DS) someone else has made the call for medical attention. I do think that after last night I would have called the doctor this morning, but I feel bad because i am more of a “wait and see” type a person and then it turns out my kids are really sick. They are actually rarely sick. DS hasn’t been to the doctor in 5 years, so I don’t know. I’m just feeling bad.

Edited by KrissiK
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54 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

You know, I am not a good mom sometimes, and it bothers me. I don’t know if I feel like my kids are over exaggerating their illness or what, but… most of the time my kids have been really sick (this is the second time with DS) someone else has made the call for medical attention. I do think that after last night I would have called the doctor this morning, but I feel bad because i am more of a “wait and see” type a person and then it turns out my kids are really sick. They are actually rarely sick. DS hasn’t been to the doctor in 5 years, so I don’t know. I’m just feeling bad.

I am like this, too.  I wonder if it's because my mom was/is a nurse and she only took me to the doctor when she knew I was *really* sick.  So normally I just assume you're fine and just a little congested.  😁  That was especially bad when I finally took dd to the walk in clinic and she had pneumonia.  😩 (And now that our insurance has changed and there are very specific places we can go to get medical care and some people can only go here and other people can only go there, it gets overwhelming.)

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!

I seem to have a couple bug bites on my neck.  Vampire bugs?  I'm taking dd14 to the county pool today so we can try out our snorkels and masks.  Otherwise it's a pretty normal Tuesday in which we endeavor to accomplishate.

I made a phone call yesterday that led to a conference call and that's gonna be it for this week!

I found a VR program that will teach hula.  I'm a little tempted to try it.


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So my one vice in life (don't believe this) is that I have this compulsion to buy tea.  So I have probably 30 boxes of tea, some which I bought years ago.  So this morning I grabbed the first box at hand and brought it upstairs - a white peach oolong.  It "expired" in 2012 but it still smells and tastes like peaches.  I don't think that I will keel over from poisoning.  My goal is to finish up my stash in the next five years or so (😜) and then I will allow myself to buy new tea! 

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7 hours ago, KrissiK said:

You know, I am not a good mom sometimes, and it bothers me. I don’t know if I feel like my kids are over exaggerating their illness or what, but… most of the time my kids have been really sick (this is the second time with DS) someone else has made the call for medical attention. I do think that after last night I would have called the doctor this morning, but I feel bad because i am more of a “wait and see” type a person and then it turns out my kids are really sick. They are actually rarely sick. DS hasn’t been to the doctor in 5 years, so I don’t know. I’m just feeling bad.

I do this too.  And yes, there have been some mom guilt moments when it turns out to be something serious.     My oldest used to have a nervous stomach.  Any upset, her stomach would hurt.    Then there was the time I blew it off and she wound up in the hospital for a week with some unknown infection.

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I am SO proud of myself. After months of trying I have finally found and completed the trail to the Holy Grail. On the trail markers it's marked as something completely different but it comes up on my maps correctly. That’s why I couldn’t find it before. That and the fact that all the trails around here have similar names. Then when I came towards the end, I discovered that I had been on this trail from the other end!  But because it seemed to be going in the wrong direction, I had given up on it. 

So-  Day 234 hike with Juliet 

There is one other trail- actually two other trails that I am trying to figure out so hopefully I can figure them out another day. 

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Good Morning!!!


Humph Day!!

I guess all ITTers have had a good night sleep because there was no overnight action here on the oldest thread in the Universe.

School and work here. DS seems to be getting better. The antibiotics are kicking in, which is good. Poor kid. He gets to go back to work tomorrow.

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Morning, Happy Wednesday.  Hopefully a nice, relaxing day today.

Yesterday was awful.  I was woken up to text messages about a teacher calling out sick, my adult dd needing money, questions about 4H.   It was not a nice way to wake up.   

One of my teachers has called out sick a lot.  Generally for her kids being sick, not herself.   So far we've managed to cover between combining classes and me not normally teaching at that time.  But next year the schedule is different and her being out a lot will be a huge problem.  So I'm going to have to talk to her.  Which will suck.  But I need to figure out if she's going to be reliable or if I need to just change things for my one teacher to take that day, or hire another person.    My other teacher would rather have the day off and kind of hates the class she would need to teach that day.  So I'm kind of leaning toward hiring someone.    If I can find someone.  

Ds is done with school until August so we don't have to play the car shuffle anymore, which is a huge relief.  

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13 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

. On the trail markers it's marked as something completely different but it comes up on my maps correctly.

This sounds like it could be a good Eagle Scout service project - fix the trail markers so they are clear and easy to follow.

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Good morning!

I didn't get so much sleep last night.  Partly because Pup was restless and kept slumping against my bedroom door.  Thus and so.   Online Physics class is starting soon, ds18 has a cello lesson after that, and I have string quartet this afternoon.  
I have some things that need to be mailed and I only have one stamp.  Bah.


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32 minutes ago, Junie said:

Good morning!

Happy Wednesday!

Woke up with a horrible headache. 😞

I was able to get Second Sleep, but the headache is still hanging around. 😞

Not sure if I'm going to get anything done today. 

((Junie)). I hope that headache goes away!!

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Good morning!

I didn't get so much sleep last night.  Partly because Pup was restless and kept slumping against my bedroom door.  Thus and so.   Online Physics class is starting soon, ds18 has a cello lesson after that, and I have string quartet this afternoon.  
I have some things that need to be mailed and I only have one stamp.  Bah.



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I have had a moderately productive morning. Wrote my lesson/slides/guided notes for my Home Ec class. We are studying housing. Choosing where to live, why type of housing, talking about whether to rent or buy and the procedures of both.  Don’t think I will complete the lecture today, but that’s ok. i can finish it on Monday.

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1 hour ago, KrissiK said:

Toto, are you having a better day today than you did yesterday?

Definitely a better day.   Got up nice and relaxed, went for a walk before work, two easy classes, another walk after work, just had some watermelon and I'm going to go take a shower shortly.  

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I got an email today from my haumana (student) who moved away. She has found a hula school in her community that she has joined, and she was so kind: she said that because of my excellent teaching she was able to fit right in and even participate in a show. Made my heart proud. 🙂 And I sure appreciated her comments, given my current students' progress (and comments in class, such as my being a "perfectionist." Yes, I am. Because it all matters, and practice makes permanent..).

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Morning, Happy Thursday.

Once this week finishes I am half-way through the last session of the year.   Then one week off and summer camps start.  But I'm only teaching three summer camps this year.   Only one in June, then two in August so most of my summer will be nice and relaxing, except for 4H Fair, which will be nice but not relaxing.

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Good Morning!!


Friday Eve!!

Tried to sleep with the windows open but between the train and the marauding cats, that’s not happening. 

Work for some, school for others today. DS gets to go back to work today. He was under doctor’s orders all week, but the antibiotic is doing its job.  I’m going to the Big City to visit one family today and then it’s paperwork all day.

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Good morning!

(((Junie))) hope you feel better soon!

I slept much better last night!

Ds18 has his Eagle board of review tonight.  We need to iron his shirt and shorts and get copies of his paperwork (in triplicate) and make sure he combs his hair, lol.  I'm going to Aldi this morning.  Then I'll need to get some stuff done and so forth.  We have a bunch of people staying next week for ds18's graduation and we need to clean and organize.


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11 hours ago, Ellie said:

I got an email today from my haumana (student) who moved away. She has found a hula school in her community that she has joined, and she was so kind: she said that because of my excellent teaching she was able to fit right in and even participate in a show. Made my heart proud. 🙂 And I sure appreciated her comments, given my current students' progress (and comments in class, such as my being a "perfectionist." Yes, I am. Because it all matters, and practice makes permanent..).


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