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Today is not going so well.  The driving instructor said dd16 needed to work on her turns before taking the test.  So now I have to figure out when we can schedule a test for her.  I already paid for the training school to do it, so hopefully I can schedule with them.  I tried to call but no one answered the phone.  Not even voice mail.  So.  Otherwise there is a 2 month wait for an appointment at the DMV.  
Then I tried to recitify dd20's billing error at the lab but I have to call customer service.  They also did not answer the phone.  Not even voice mail.

So then as I was pulling out of my space at the lab I scraped the front bumper of the car next to me  and also broke the headlight.  So I had to get all that dealt with and get home in time for ds18 to get to his cello lesson.    
So I'm all done for the day.  

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2 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

Aaaaannnd...futuredsil wrote a 6 page (typed, double-spaced with footnotes) letter of apology which is sitting next to me and I just don't have the emotional or mental energy to read it now.  Why do we not have any ice cream in the house?!?!

A typed apology with footnotes? Wouldn't talking to you be easier?

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Six hours!  Where is everyone?

Morning.  I'm still sneezy, stuffy, and wake up with a sore throat.    Allergies are super awful around here right now.  Pollen everywhere.   And my current allergy medicine (azelastine nasal spray) is just not cutting it.    I'm back to Benedryl or Dayquil periodically.    

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Good morning!

Trying to make myself get up and get breakfast ready (yogurt and granola) and make tzatziki sauce for dinner tonight.  I think I have quartet this afternoon.  Just before bed I went to change my violin D string that was getting worn only to discover that my A string broke right off.  I have a replacement D string but not an A so I will have to buy one today.  

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Good Morning!!


Humph Day!!

Yesterday was rough. And long. Didn’t get home from the Big City till almost 8:00. Had a long, but i think productive, meeting with a family, but there are more questions than answers and a big problem for me to tackle. Gotta start figuring that one out.

School for some, work for others today. More family meetings, I gotta teach my class, loads of paperwork,  not enough hours in the day.

And it doesn’t help that a loud train came through town in the middle of the night.

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42 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

The neighbor who holds grudges against everyone in the neighborhood for something or other, now has a vendetta against the next door rooster. 

I don't live there and I have a vendetta against the rooster. That's completely valid.

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2 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I think that it’s a regional accent form of “Lord”.   If I am thinking about it correctly. It would help to see it in a sentence…


2 hours ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

Quoting myself to say that it could be in the form of "Law's sake" (ie. the Lord's sake) as a mild oath.

Or Lawsy + Lordy. 

I concur.

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I have never read Uncle Tom's Cabin.

In other news, dd16 and I spent the late evening at the ER after she hurt her toe playing soccer BAREFOOT.  Did you know there are portable x-ray machines?  They just wheeled it into the room and did it right there!  Her Big Toe is good and broken in a whole lot of pieces.  We will have to go to the bone specialist in the next couple of days to see if they need to put a pin in it.  For right now it's taped and she's wearing a special sandal.

I am praying it will heal quickly.  She is supposed to go on a scout high adventure trip at SeaBase with dd14 and me on May 31.  Mostly paddling and snorkeling.  Sigh.

Edited by Susan in TN
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Good morning!  
I'm doing a whole lotta scrambling this morning.  Dd16's insurance wants some kind of referral code before seeing a specialist so I am calling around trying to find out how that works.  I called the foot specialist we were referred to anyway and by some miracle she was able to get an appointment tomorrow morning.  Naturally, I am supposed to be taking the kids to Kentucky for a field trip in the morning and dd16 was very upset that I made an appointment at that time.  Ds27 said he would take her to the doctor so I can bring the others on the field trip, but I am a little wary of that plan.

So for the rest of the day I will need to take dd14 to a tutorial luncheon, grocery shop while she's there, bring her home, and then run home and change into concert clothes and to go play with the string quartet for a fancy gala at the Opryland Hotel.


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I am so fuzzy headed this morning. I woke up during the night with pain. Took a pain pill which did nothing. But then I noticed that the deck motion sensor had been tripped. I tried peeking out there to see what it was but couldn’t see anything. But it kept being tripped over and over again and I had a hard time getting back to sleep knowing that “something “ (and hoping that it wasn’t a someone) was out there. This morning there are a lot of long scratch marks (like from the nails on paws) on the deck. Raccoons maybe?

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7 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I am so fuzzy headed this morning. I woke up during the night with pain. Took a pain pill which did nothing. But then I noticed that the deck motion sensor had been tripped. I tried peeking out there to see what it was but couldn’t see anything. But it kept being tripped over and over again and I had a hard time getting back to sleep knowing that “something “ (and hoping that it wasn’t a someone) was out there. This morning there are a lot of long scratch marks (like from the nails on paws) on the deck. Raccoons maybe?

Sounds like raccoons. They are stinkers. When we lived closer to the river we got raccoons visiting all the time. Huge, nasty ones. 

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Weed whacked. Then I tried to get my lawn mower started but absolutely can’t. And I can’t lift the mower into my car to take it to be serviced and Dh has hurt his back so he can’t do it. So I did something new: I signed up for an app called Thumbtack, found a local guy who will actually service it here at the house. He’s coming on Monday. I feel accomplished. 😜

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The gala was fancy and boring and I am glad to be home.  It took almost an hour and a half to get there because traffic was terrible in every direction; then at the place there were no signs directing to the correct parking area.  The parking area itself wasn't even labeled - I had to ask a security guy which entrance I needed to go into.  But I finally made it there and was not late.

Broken Toe Girl is sleeping on the sofa again tonight.  I'm tired.  I don't want to go on a field trip tomorrow.

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Tomorrow I get to sleep in a bit.   These days getting up at 6am are really killing me.  Hopefully dh's car will be fixed soon.    I stay up too late because I need some quiet time before bed so I have to wait until dh goes to bed at 9:30 for my quiet time.  Then I go to bed too late.  and I'm getting up too early.   And having long days.    

But today was a good day.  Classes went well, 4H went well, had a nice chat with some friends after 4H.  

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Good Morning!!!



School for some, work for others. It’s really heating up. supposed to be 96 degrees today. Snow melt is going to be a real problem. We do live by a river, but our neighborhood is high enough up on a bluff that i am not worried. Other areas along the same river are in quite a bit of danger of flooding.

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