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Ya know, I was thinking Hair, not Head, so this didn't come out right, lol!

I knew whatcha meant.


Get braces, hornblower.  Lots of adults do it.   :)


Made it to co op.  My ds14 needs about $2,000 more of dental stuff done due to worst.teeth.ever.  We have $6,000 in his mouth already and this is in addition.  No dental insurance.  Gulp.  The moral of the story is:  Do not have bad genes in the way of teeth.


I took a two hour nap.  I never nap, but I could not stay awake.


The cat still did not birth.  A watched cat never births.


Also, I need to lose 20 pounds.  Well, really 30, but I will settle for 20.  I am bad at this, though.  At this point, it is dragging down my self-esteem and making my clothes fit badly.  So someone needs to come up with a good diet for me that does not involve money or meetings or going hungry.  I cannot abide going hungry.  I already exercise daily, though I am not amazing in that regard and never will be.  Go!

Stop eating bad things. I stopped drinking soda and eating candy. I'm allowed chocolate when I'm menstrual and soda if we have pizza. I eat veggies for lunch. If you're craving carbs it probably means you need protein. Buy quinoa pasta. Eat more salad.

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Stop eating bad things. I stopped drinking soda and eating candy. I'm allowed chocolate when I'm menstrual and soda if we have pizza. I eat veggies for lunch. If you're craving carbs it probably means you need protein. Buy quinoa pasta. Eat more salad.

People can do this?!?!  I have terrible self-control.  I think I need hypnosis.


Protein.  I can eat more protein.  Must eat protein.  


I do know that carbs are not my friend.  Big-time.  If I ditch the sugar and obvious carbs (bread, cereal, cookies), I can lose weight.  

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 My ds14 needs about $2,000 more of dental stuff done due to worst.teeth.ever.  We have $6,000 in his mouth already and this is in addition.  No dental insurance.  Gulp.  The moral of the story is:  Do not have bad genes in the way of teeth.




Just returned from an ortho consult... ds and twins are each getting braces put on in two weeks, that's $6000 down, $675 per month for the next 16 months! DD13 already has $7000 in her mouth and is looking at two more months of braces. Poor thing was hoping to get them removed today... AND I had to pay $750 out of pocket to get all their teeth cleaned. No dental insurance here either.

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I knew whatcha meant.


Stop eating bad things. I stopped drinking soda and eating candy. I'm allowed chocolate when I'm menstrual and soda if we have pizza. I eat veggies for lunch. If you're craving carbs it probably means you need protein. Buy quinoa pasta. Eat more salad.


Carb cravings mean protein?

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Just returned from an ortho consult... ds and twins are each getting braces put on in two weeks, that's $6000 down, $675 per month for the next 16 months! DD13 already has $7000 in her mouth and is looking at two more months of braces. Poor thing was hoping to get them removed today... AND I had to pay $750 out of pocket to get all their teeth cleaned. No dental insurance here either.

It's a car payment.  A nice car.  I'm currently putting off little dd's braces.  My kids have really cruddy teeth.

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People can do this?!?!  I have terrible self-control.  I think I need hypnosis.


Protein.  I can eat more protein.  Must eat protein.  


I do know that carbs are not my friend.  Big-time.  If I ditch the sugar and obvious carbs (bread, cereal, cookies), I can lose weight.  

When I started losing weight my oldest was 3 months old and my husband was fully on board so it was easy. We just didn't buy the stuff. If it's not in the house you can't eat it.


Get the Lose it app.  I can do this.  This is not hard.  I will get the Lose it app.

It's good. You truly don't know how bad your diet is.

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Get braces, hornblower.  Lots of adults do it.   :)


Made it to co op.  My ds14 needs about $2,000 more of dental stuff done due to worst.teeth.ever.  We have $6,000 in his mouth already and this is in addition.  No dental insurance.  Gulp.  The moral of the story is:  Do not have bad genes in the way of teeth.


I took a two hour nap.  I never nap, but I could not stay awake.


The cat still did not birth.  A watched cat never births.


Also, I need to lose 20 pounds.  Well, really 30, but I will settle for 20.  I am bad at this, though.  At this point, it is dragging down my self-esteem and making my clothes fit badly.  So someone needs to come up with a good diet for me that does not involve money or meetings or going hungry.  I cannot abide going hungry.  I already exercise daily, though I am not amazing in that regard and never will be.  Go!



Edited to delete my whining.


This is more appropriate:  :grouphug:

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Carb cravings mean protein?

We're going to eat protein.  We are making a plan to eat protein.  We can do this.  Can I just eat a lot of turkey hot dogs (natural with no nitrates, of course) and eggs?  I like salad.  Salad is good.  I can do this.


I have a bad story to tell on dh, though,  He is on a huge kick of angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream from a can.  One time recently the kids (and maybe me...) had eaten all the whipped cream so he went to Sams and bought two THREE PACKS of large whipped cream cans.  It was an obscene amount of whipped cream.  Truly obscene.  I have whipped cream self-control issues.  (I am baring my soul here!)  So I asked him to please buy no more whipped cream!

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Happily, DD has lovely teeth that will not require orthodontia.  The cost of which doesn't even begin to touch the cost required to have her, keep me alive, and support us during my recovery.  And we had insurance.  Go with the braces, honey.  And remember the JoJosMom mantra:  It could always be worse.


Like my new diet plan.  Look at the tax return and see how much we owe.  It made me throw up.  Now, so long as my stress doesn't shift to snarfing chocolate chip cookies, I should see a little bit of a positive out of this.


If I look at how much we owe, I might end my vomit streak.

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Tex, what kind of exercise do you do? You said you walk, right? Would you be willing to lift?

I walk/jog a mile a day around the neighborhood with the uncivilized dog and a kid or two.  Sometimes, in the afternoon/evening I do an extra half a mile.  I am unwilling to lift.  (I don't have anything philosophically against it.  I just know it will not happen.)  I make myself do this walking/jogging exercise.  I am a 48 year old chubby out of shape woman who has NEVER once taken up any type of exercise lasting longer than a week or two.  I've been at this for FOUR MONTHS.  I feel like I should be getting a huge incentive prize already.  :D


I know this is not amazing.  I really do.  I'm just a lifetime couch potato so it SEEMS amazing to me.

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Tex, what kind of exercise do you do? You said you walk, right? Would you be willing to lift?

I walk/jog a mile a day around the neighborhood with the uncivilized dog and a kid or two.  Sometimes, in the afternoon/evening I do an extra half a mile.  I am unwilling to lift.  (I don't have anything philosophically against it.  I just know it will not happen.)  I make myself do this walking/jogging exercise.  I am a 48 year old chubby out of shape woman who has NEVER once taken up any type of exercise lasting longer than a week or two.  I've been at this for FOUR MONTHS.  I feel like I should be getting a huge incentive prize already.  :D


I know this is not amazing.  I really do.  I'm just a lifetime couch potato so it SEEMS amazing to me.

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I lost about 25lbs over 2  yrs. Went vegan from vegetarian, drink lots of green smoothies. Be busy. Embrace a bit of hunger. It's ok really & when I'm philosophical, it's pretty humbling to feel a teeny bit of a rumble & meditate a bit about how minor an inconvenience it is & how many others now & throughout history have felt much more severe hunger.

There have been several long weight loss threads recently & honestly, I'd say the one common thread is accept there is no diet. You're making a lifestyle change that will be permanent. The only adjustments will be to continuously revise and decrease the number of daily calories taken in because as we age, not matter how much we exercise, our metabolic rates will slow.


Exercise is good. Weights are great. But you cannot outrun or outlift a bad diet (bad being defined strictly as too many calories) & the closer you are to 40, and once you've tipped over 40, the truer that holds.

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I walk/jog a mile a day around the neighborhood with the uncivilized dog and a kid or two.  Sometimes, in the afternoon/evening I do an extra half a mile.  I am unwilling to lift.  (I don't have anything philosophically against it.  I just know it will not happen.)  I make myself do this walking/jogging exercise.  I am a 48 year old chubby out of shape woman who has NEVER once taken up any type of exercise lasting longer than a week or two.  I've been at this for FOUR MONTHS.  I feel like I should be getting a huge incentive prize already.   :D


I know this is not amazing.  I really do.  I'm just a lifetime couch potato so it SEEMS amazing to me.

Can you do C25K? The 100 push up challenge app actually reminds you to do it. They're both free.


I lost about 25lbs over 2  yrs. Went vegan from vegetarian, drink lots of green smoothies. Be busy. Embrace a bit of hunger. No. It's ok really & when I'm philosophical, it's pretty humbling to feel a teeny bit of a rumble & meditate a bit about how minor an inconvenience it is & how many others now & throughout history have felt much more severe hunger.


There have been several long weight loss threads recently & honestly, I'd say the one common thread is accept there is no diet. You're making a lifestyle change that will be permanent. The only adjustments will be to continuously revise and decrease the number of daily calories taken in because as we age, not matter how much we exercise, our metabolic rates will slow.


Exercise is good. Weights are great. But you cannot outrun or outlift a bad diet & the closer you are to 40, and once you've tipped over 40, the truer that holds.

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I lost about 25lbs over 2  yrs. Went vegan from vegetarian, drink lots of green smoothies. Be busy. Embrace a bit of hunger. It's ok really & when I'm philosophical, it's pretty humbling to feel a teeny bit of a rumble & meditate a bit about how minor an inconvenience it is & how many others now & throughout history have felt much more severe hunger.


There have been several long weight loss threads recently & honestly, I'd say the one common thread is accept there is no diet. You're making a lifestyle change that will be permanent. The only adjustments will be to continuously revise and decrease the number of daily calories taken in because as we age, not matter how much we exercise, our metabolic rates will slow.


Exercise is good. Weights are great. But you cannot outrun or outlift a bad diet (bad being defined strictly as too many calories) & the closer you are to 40, and once you've tipped over 40, the truer that holds.

This does speak to my soul.  I am very intolerant of hunger - for me or for my kids.  It is wrapped up in weird anxiety for me.  


<insert laying on couch having brain shrunk smiley>


Embrace the hunger.  Embrace the hunger.

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Can you do C25K? The 100 push up challenge app actually reminds you to do it. They're both free.

I tried this twice in the past ten years.  Both times, within two weeks I had terrible knee bursitis that caused constant pain and took two weeks to recover from.  So I gave up running.  Though I will say that my knees tolerate walking with short bursts of jogging.  I have to fight a mental game of all or nothing.  I have to rejoice in my "old lady" walking the neighborhood, if that makes sense.  If I start thinking I need to do too much, I will give up.  I do better addressing food intake than adding massive amounts of exercise.  I've successfully done Weight Watchers, calorie counting, lowish carb (short-term), a juice diet....I think that is all.  I really feel better without all the junk.  Need to get the family on board.


I do have a Vitamix, which really makes it easier to get more produce in my diet.

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I tried this twice in the past ten years.  Both times, within two weeks I had terrible knee bursitis that caused constant pain and took two weeks to recover from.  So I gave up running.  Though I will say that my knees tolerate walking with short bursts of jogging.  I have to fight a mental game of all or nothing.  I have to rejoice in my "old lady" walking the neighborhood, if that makes sense.  If I start thinking I need to do too much, I will give up.  I do better addressing food intake than adding massive amounts of exercise.  I've successfully done Weight Watchers, calorie counting, lowish carb (short-term), a juice diet....I think that is all.  I really feel better without all the junk.  Need to get the family on board.


I do have a Vitamix, which really makes it easier to get more produce in my diet.

I wish more people thought this way. I know runners that have permanently damaged their body. The purpose of fitness is to be *healthy*. If it's not healthy don't do it. Ok. Now go get the family on board. And get the push up app.

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No! Hunger is bad! Different philosophy here. She's not wrong, I just disagree. You need to eat well and often to keep your metabolism up. Being hungry slows your metabolism and will make you tired and gain weight.

I have a fear of hunger, though, and I don't think that is healthy.  There is no reason for it, you know?  I have access to absurd amounts of good, nutritious (or not) food.  (I should not freak out if I am not able to eat exactly when I want and need to wait an hour. I don't freak out, but you know what I'm saying.)  It's kind of like fasting for religious reasons and meditating on your dependence on God.  That sort of thing would be good for my soul.

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Non sequitur alert.


I just discovered a new cool toy.  DH put Life 360 on our phones and it lives online, too!  I just figured out how to stalk him on his trek across the Nevada desert, complete with satellite imagery (well,not real time imagery, but still.)  This is awesome.

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I grew up in a country with persistent food shortages and parents who lived through a world war. Hunger did not make any of us fat. You have to be in a caloric deficit to lose weight & sometimes that will mean feeling a pang of hunger.

I'm sorry. :grouphug:  This would be a real reason for having feelings of fear about hunger.  I did not know this about you, and I cannot personally imagine this for me or for my children.  

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Non sequitur alert.


I just discovered a new cool toy.  DH put Life 360 on our phones and it lives online, too!  I just figured out how to stalk him on his trek across the Nevada desert, complete with satellite imagery (well,not real time imagery, but still.)  This is awesome.

I am so NOT techy so I don't really understand this. :hat:

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And, sadly, I'm not techy enough to explain.  In fact, it's darn near miraculous that I stumbled across it figured it out myself. :o



Here's a try:  Our phones (well, all modern cell phones) have GPS location stuff in them.  The life 360 service tracks the phones of people in your "family circle."  There's a web site, too, I've found, and I am able to see where DH is on his trip to California.  I just have to hit "update" occasionally and it shows me where he is on a map.

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I'm sorry. :grouphug:  This would be a real reason for having feelings of fear about hunger.  I did not know this about you, and I cannot personally imagine this for me or for my children.  


chalk it up to the failures of communism as implemented in E Europe in the 60's & 70's ;) I fortunately had a very resourceful aunt, who was not beyond smuggling and buying/selling on the black market and we also had distant relatives who still worked a farm. Plus, I had a grandma who sent us parcels with candies from Canada. Glorious magical parcels :) We sold some of the clothing she sent & traded it for other black market items.


Usually it meant that we could get something somewhere but food shortages in general were common so even if you had money, some things just couldn't be found. We had ration cards on & off for certain staples and there were times where stores were pretty much empty.... though I don't remember there ever being no bread so you could always eat bread. But there were times of what were tediously boring meals. There's a reason potatoes, onions, and cabbage are the foundation of much of eastern european cuisine; our cook books are essentially a 1001 things to do with those ingredients LOL


For my parents it was quite different & they remember having no food.  Those poor mothers must have been frantic. Can't even imagine...

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Get braces, hornblower.  Lots of adults do it.   :)


Made it to co op.  My ds14 needs about $2,000 more of dental stuff done due to worst.teeth.ever.  We have $6,000 in his mouth already and this is in addition.  No dental insurance.  Gulp.  The moral of the story is:  Do not have bad genes in the way of teeth.


I took a two hour nap.  I never nap, but I could not stay awake.


The cat still did not birth.  A watched cat never births.


Also, I need to lose 20 pounds.  Well, really 30, but I will settle for 20.  I am bad at this, though.  At this point, it is dragging down my self-esteem and making my clothes fit badly.  So someone needs to come up with a good diet for me that does not involve money or meetings or going hungry.  I cannot abide going hungry.  I already exercise daily, though I am not amazing in that regard and never will be.  Go!


The "S" diet.  No sugar or second-helpings, except on days starting with "S." 


(I have no experience with this, btw, but my bil does and swears by it.  Then again, he's a guy, and guys seem to lose weight a lot more easily than we do).  

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