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It is so cold outside. We will probably be down around 4F tomorrow morning. I've been painting most of the day. Back is okay--not good but not as painful as I feared it would be. The chickens won't go in their house until dark, but their feet are cold. They keep standing on one leg, then shifting to the other. I wish they would just go in their warm house and lie down in the deep straw.

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Are we changing things for the semester? I think I'm getting a different singing CD and beginning John on oral presentations IEW style like I claimed I was 4 months ago.


I'm changing things for 9th grade dd.  We're focusing on writing and doing less literature this semester.  I have a couple resources on the way from Rainbow Resource.  History and writing will be combined - using Diana Waring for an overview and then reading and researching a chose topic from the relevant time period.  We're also dumping Understanding the Faith in favor of Mere Christianity, Case for Christ, Screwtape Letters....  


Was this a paid for thing? RAR has caught my attention.


I was tempted by Mystie's habit-workshop thingy, but I'm not in the mood for it with school starting back up.   :laugh:  


Dh is getting ready to make nachos!


We're thinking about nacho dip here, but I'm not sure I have enough cream cheese.  (Layer of groundbeef - already browned - mixed with salsa, layer of cream cheese mixed with sour cream, layer of shredded cheddar cheese - in the oven for 15 minutes on 350.  Eat with chips.  duh. )  

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The read aloud challenge is free.

The 21 day thing?


I'm changing things for 9th grade dd.  We're focusing on writing and doing less literature this semester.  I have a couple resources on the way from Rainbow Resource.  History and writing will be combined - using Diana Waring for an overview and then reading and researching a chose topic from the relevant time period.  We're also dumping Understanding the Faith in favor of Mere Christianity, Case for Christ, Screwtape Letters....  



I was tempted by Mystie's habit-workshop thingy, but I'm not in the mood for it with school starting back up.   :laugh:  

Why are you dumping Understanding the Faith? Your plan looks simple. I love simple.


What's the habit workshop?

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The neighbor has returned from the hospital and at first I was glad because I don't have to take care of her dog but now I'm ready for her to go back. She's in a wheelchair and it's her excuse to not do anything. Like rotate laundry, take the trash out, go to the store or put her groceries away. She has us doing all of that. She just tried sending us out after Matt got got back from the grocery store and we said no. She's never worked. You know how people in wheelchairs can't work.  :001_rolleyes:

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You’re gonna do a what?????

I'm going to put pigment in three dose cups with water and pour it on the wet paper and see what happens. It's supposed to create a diffuse, out-of-focus background so that the objects in the foreground (a white camellia and associated blue-green leaves) will pop out. The flowers and leaves are all masked and drying so that the color won't get on them.

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I'm going to put pigment in three dose cups with water and pour it on the wet paper and see what happens. It's supposed to create a diffuse, out-of-focus background so that the objects in the foreground (a white camellia and associated blue-green leaves) will pop out. The flowers and leaves are all masked and drying so that the color won't get on them.


You should start building up an Instagram. I'm a huge fan of IG for marketing purposes because of the hashtag possibilities there. I would upload artwork, quotes, and places you like to go like coffee shops, libraries and the waterfall.

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I'm going to put pigment in three dose cups with water and pour it on the wet paper and see what happens. It's supposed to create a diffuse, out-of-focus background so that the objects in the foreground (a white camellia and associated blue-green leaves) will pop out. The flowers and leaves are all masked and drying so that the color won't get on them.

Well, now, that sounds really cool!! I want to see it when you are done!!


And this is a Cool Painting Techniques with Critter Booya/h!!

Edited by KrissiK
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I’m not feeling good and we have a party to go to tonight. I’d bow out if it were a huge shindig, but it’s a more intimate affair, and i’d Feel bad if we didn’t go. So, i’ll Just lay here on the couch and peruse the Chat Board and watch Derek Carr lose again. 😩😩

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Things I want to know:


How did Paige’s last visit with relatives go?


Is Lana’s sweet kitty still wearing her hoodie?



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Kitty is not currently wearing the hoodie. It needed to be cleaned. I will put it back on her before bed.

You should start building up an Instagram. I'm a huge fan of IG for marketing purposes because of the hashtag possibilities there. I would upload artwork, quotes, and places you like to go like coffee shops, libraries and the waterfall.

I would totally follow instaCritter.



Are we changing things for the semester? I think I'm getting a different singing CD and beginning John on oral presentations IEW style like I claimed I was 4 months ago.

Changing things? Yes and no. Same resources for the most part, but approached in a more relaxed, hands-on style. I want to present it in a less schooly way.


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Are we changing things for the semester? I think I'm getting a different singing CD and beginning John on oral presentations IEW style like I claimed I was 4 months ago.





Trigger Warning!!




No, i’m Not changing anything up. Last fall was such a nightmare with DS and doing CAlifornia Virtual Academy and then not and trying to figure out what to do with him that I just want to keep going with what we’re doing. And also, I can’t afford to buy new curriculum. I finished the year with a lot of red ink in my budget, so I need to cut spending and pay back our savings.

Edited by KrissiK
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Kitty is not currently wearing the hoodie. It needed to be cleaned. I will put it back on her before bed.I would totally follow instaCritter.Changing things? Yes and no. Same resources for the most part, but approached in a more relaxed, hands-on style. I want to present it in a less schooly way.


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Sounds great!


31 day

Found it! I was looking at the wrong thing. I think we'll do it!






Trigger Warning!!




No, i’m Not changing anything up. Last fall was such a nightmare with DS and doing CAlifornia Virtual Academy and then not and trying to figure out what to do with him that I just want to keep going with what we’re doing. And also, I can’t afford to buy new curriculum. I finished the year with a lot of red ink in my budget, so I need to cut spending and pay back our savings.

Aside from like a $15 CD I'm not buying, just implementing what's already been purchased.

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MIL and BIL left yesterday. It was fine. I like short trips much better! MIL actually got up before 12 most days which has never happened before, afaik there were no inappropriate conversations with the kids, and DH and the kids were home most of the time to help entertain. 


The house was a wreck but I refused to care as long as I at least had pantz. They were useless w/baby because they can't handle crying but they were fine w/me napping w/him and I didn't feel like I was neglecting the big kids because they were there.


MIL is a pretty good guest, or at least tries. She doesn't complain about food or housekeeping like my parents so as long as she wakes up, doesn't talk politics, doesn't disappoint the kids by over promising, and doesn't stay long enough to make me anxious I'm good.


She did give everyone decent presents except DS(16), which was frustrating but not unexpected. The girls got nice jewelry and ornaments, Baby got some outfits, DH got a shirt, and I got holiday tea towels. DS (16) got a nylon bag that looked like something they'd give you for free at the state fair. He is nice, however, accustomed to MIL's eccentricities, and has low expectations, so he wasn't offended or hid it well. 


My nephew may come in a couple of weeks but that would only be for a night or 2. We don't know what his plans are yet. 

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You would like Dusty Strings, the instrument/ music store in my area that Susan referenced not long ago. I almost bought a bowed psaltery the last time I was there.


You've been there?!? Luckeeeeeeeeeee! I would need JJM on hand for some serious extra strength duct tape around my wallet.

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