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I got through chapter 4 listening while gardening. I'm going to exercise now with the little one, then start on homework as she does hers. I think her homework will consist of R&S Preschool books, pattern blocks, and puzzles. I'm not sure though because I usually pick something and let her choose whatever she wants. I'll see if she wants to play with the cuisenaire rods today. I haven't pulled those out in a while.


Aw look. She found a dinosaur page, colored and cut out one of the dinosaurs, and put it in an envelope. Now she wants to mail it. Got to go!

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Good morning folks.  Coffee, hugs or vodka for whomever needs whatever :lol:  Have to head out the door in about 20 minutes for work.  I suppose that means I should be getting dressed.  But checking in here seemed more important so y'all get me in my towel fresh out of the shower lol.  

Oh an btw someone my die today, I am starting whole30 again today and have a sore throat which means I want to sip an ice cap on my way to work, but that won't be happening lol  Though a tea may help and I can have that.  See everyone tonight when I get home from work again.  No crazy shopping trips tonight, just straight home to my minions

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Actually, I've yet to meet an Ignoramus I didn't like, so all y'all are my virtual besties.   :001_wub:   


Even the ones who curse a little.  And the ones who forget to add an h.  And the plain-belly ones, and the ones with stars upon thars.  

I know, right???


I like most people.  I think people are interesting, and I kind of like the ones who aren't like me in some way because they are more interesting.

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Ds drove to work again today (he's learning to drive).  Question:   Is the "how hard to press that gas pedal" something they just get with practice?  He's either inching along or starting to zoom forward. . . 

Yes.  Also, braking.  Take your anti-anxiety pills prior to getting in the car.  :D

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I got through chapter 4 listening while gardening. I'm going to exercise now with the little one, then start on homework as she does hers. I think her homework will consist of R&S Preschool books, pattern blocks, and puzzles. I'm not sure though because I usually pick something and let her choose whatever she wants. I'll see if she wants to play with the cuisenaire rods today. I haven't pulled those out in a while.


Aw look. She found a dinosaur page, colored and cut out one of the dinosaurs, and put it in an envelope. Now she wants to mail it. Got to go! This is adorable!

John went crazy over The Big Yellow Drawing Book this morning. I mean CRAZY. In case she's interested.

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John went crazy over The Big Yellow Drawing Book this morning. I mean CRAZY. In case she's interested.


Thanks, I added it to my wish list.


I walked 2 miles with dvd, dd did about .75 of a mile, but then did a ballet portion of her Dance with Tots dvd. I tried to convince her to do the jazz, but she wanted to do the ballet. The ballet is sooooo boring. She lasted maybe 7 minutes. She's now playing with cuisenaire rods. And I'm about to finally start my homework!

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I was venting and decided what I said wasn't very Christian.

FWIW, I didn't find what you said unChristian.  You didn't damn her to hell or anything.  You just told the facts.  Sometimes the facts are really, really ugly.



Edited by texasmama
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Dude, Slache, this is not someone who would ever spend a minute alone with my children.  I have cut off my MIL from my kids for years with much less reason than you have.  Now that my kids are older, they can spend a few hours with her doing specific activities pre-approved by me. 


I would not have a problem telling my son that grandma didn't get him what you had requested and donate the gift to the Goodwill and get some something else or pitch in more to the group gift.

She doesn't. She doesn't mean to take bad care of small children, she just doesn't understand them. She thought he would come in and was watching the other 3 and was preoccupied. She wants Mary to lay in her arms and be still because she's a baby and that's what babies do. She complains when newborns look around since they can't see anything anyway so they should just behave. She doesn't get it. I think that's why my sister in law is a mind boggling idiot. She doesn't mean to be but she spent the first 4 years of her life in a high chair in the kitchen by herself. My father in law was home with Matt and they used to go to parks and he read Russian novels to him.


We always skype Christmas. Everything she buys either breaks or they don't like it because she doesn't listen. She gets gifts for the grandkids she wants, not the ones she has. I just hate the heartbreak of them always falling apart if they like them.

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FWIW, I didn't find what you said unChristian.  You didn't damn her to hell or anything.  You just told the facts.  Sometimes the facts are really, really ugly.


I always like to say that most people are doing the best they can, but some people's best is really, really bad.  That would include my MIL.   :D


Unfortunately my father in law is really awesome and while he and I aren't "friends" I would love for him to see the kids all the time. When we move we'll be a 2 hour drive from her. She won't be able to stop by and won't need to spend the night when she comes. Her visits are hell on me.

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Slash, how do you use Education Unboxed? Feel free to take your time answering because I'm not supposed to be here anyway. I'll check back later. Much later. :D


I watch the videos myself and then start acting it out next to him. He often decides to do something completely different but I see our math time as a time of discovery and while I want his brain stimulated I'm not concerned about progressing forward. He's very language oriented so we have structure and progression in phonics with review and stuff, but he might not start a formal math program until 1st grade. Education Unboxed jumps around a lot. He can't do some of the early videos, but can do some of the 1st gradeish ones. What math program do you hope to use?

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And I know I keep saying this but I'm going to buy the RS game kit to go with EU. I have the AL Abacus activities and between that, EU and the games I think a kid is really set until like 4th grade. I plan to use Strayer Upton beginning slowly in 2nd and drawing it out with the games. I imagine I'll skip most of the first book.

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Today has been quite the trial and it's only noon. It wasn't just my mother in law but the dog was sick all over the floor, and not even the good kind of sick, and not even the good kind of floor. The worst part has been my poor kids. They're confused about the sun coming up so early and they got up about 530 this morning. They have been so tired and cranky all day. They asked to go down for a nap very early and I let them. John wanted me to sing to him so I did. Mary wanted her big Minnie and her baby Minnie and her Anna and her Elsa and to wear her Minnie dress and her Minnie hat and she wanted her dog book because it was pretty and her frozen book because the thing flipped and her green eggs and ham book because daddy does the blub blub blub sound really well. Now they're in their room giggling instead of sleeping but it's an hour before their nap time so I don't care. I only got half my workout done but that was 45 minutes of weight training after not weight training for like 3 months so I'm good with that. I'm sick from not eating enough. So here I sit with my spinach salad with grilled chicken, avocado, peach, apple, and balsamic vinegar because I was too lazy to make a salad dressing that was whole30 compliant, and my Kindle, in bed. Goodnight.

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I watch the videos myself and then start acting it out next to him. He often decides to do something completely different but I see our math time as a time of discovery and while I want his brain stimulated I'm not concerned about progressing forward. He's very language oriented so we have structure and progression in phonics with review and stuff, but he might not start a formal math program until 1st grade. Education Unboxed jumps around a lot. He can't do some of the early videos, but can do some of the 1st gradeish ones. What math program do you hope to use?


Yeah, I noticed that the videos are organized by topic, which was why I was wondering how you did it. I guess then, I just pick what topic I want to work on and watch the video?


Right now, I let her play with the materials. I'd like to use that cuisenaire game book that is available free online. I already have the cards printed and laminated from when I worked prek. I just never actually used it. I pull out MEP Reception periodically. I also have Shiller math from waaay back when oldest was little, and bought the RS game kit a while back. I'm not sure what math I want to use in the future.




And I know I keep saying this but I'm going to buy the RS game kit to go with EU. I have the AL Abacus activities and between that, EU and the games I think a kid is really set until like 4th grade. I plan to use Strayer Upton beginning slowly in 2nd and drawing it out with the games. I imagine I'll skip most of the first book.


I still haven't bought that abacus. I keep saying I will. I'm thinking I will stick with MEP. It reminds me in some ways of Singapore, which I used several levels of with oldest. Oldest clicked with Singapore as she said that was how she thought about math. Oldest liked MEP as well and calls it the puzzle math. Plus, MEP is available in Spanish. And it's all free. Once a week was math game day with oldest and it worked out well. 

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The abacus is like $10. Just get it next time you have a rainbow resource order. I was planning on using MEP, but I really love the simplicity and content of vintage math.


Okay, I'm really going now.


Yes, ma'am.  :gnorsi:  I'll need to take a look at whatever math that was you mentioned above.

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Also, my friend was supposed to come over, but I haven't heard from her.  She moves at the pace of a snail.  She is the one who ate froot loops when sick.


She sounds like she moves at my pace. But, I notify people, usually via text.

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Here's my homework list, because that's how I organize myself.



5.1 discussion (Monday)

5.1 response to discussion (Tuesday)

5 assignment (presentation -Wednesday)

5 reflection (Saturday)

***catch-up work by Saturday, if there's time***

2 assignment ** must do

2.2 discussion

3.2 discussion

4.1 discussion



discussion #4 (Wednesday)

chapter summary - 1 chap from 21-26 (Sunday)

tutoring log 5 (Sunday)

instructional unit - 3 lessons in SIOP format (Sunday)


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This is turning into the week of appointments, but by this time Wednesday I should have a brand new hearing aid -- one that helps to counter tinnitus as well as augment deteriorated hearing.  Today's hearing test showed that yes indeedy, my hearing has deteriorated, but mostly in the tinnitus ear.  I need augmentation for high frequencies, which explains exactly why I have the most trouble understanding what kids say.  Once I had the confirmation I had the unexpected sensation of being both sad and relieved at the same time.  There is a part of me that is a little sad that part of my hearing has gone away, but now it's mostly relief and a bit of eager anticipation of hearing certain things once again and maybe being bothered by the tinnitus less.


I will be getting a behind-the-ear model, though it really is quite small.  I only need one right now, unless the unaided ear proves to be too different from the level of the aided ear.  It has a tiny piece going into the ear -- it turns out the types of hearing aids that entirely fill the ear canal are wrong for tinnitus patients because it augments the "internal" sounds, including the ringing in the ear.


Mostly I am heartened.  It was more than 15 years ago that I last saw anyone about my hearing and the tinnitus, and there have been a LOT of technological developments since then.  Back then there was literally nothing that could be done about persistent tinnitus, especially the kind I have.


The audiologist says my hearing aid will have certain tinnitus-treating capabilities, but we won't turn them on right away.  It turns out that augmenting the hearing in the tinny ear often reduces the tinnitus (while the hearing aid is active), and that alone might be enough.  We can turn on that feature later if it proves to be needed.


DH is home now.  I gotta go gush at him excitedly now.


I can't wait until Wednesday, now!

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AMJ, so excited for you!


Go, Renai, Go!


Slache, I missed the vent, but hugs for difficult situations and implementing so many good habits!


(BTW, dh and I did C25K again this am after a week and a half interruption.  yay!)


Tex, yay for getting the ceiling fixed.  Boo for the interruption of having people in your house all day and using your kitchen sink! 


againstthegrain - sorry for lack of sleep.  But yay for changing plans for fall - simplifying and streamlining is good for everyone!


Jean - glad you found the cat.  You are trying to channel your inner MacGyver?  My dh fixed our toilet once years ago after hours of struggling (and maybe a few choice words) and came out singing the theme song from Rocky.  You can be whoever you want to be, lol.


Brandy, glad to see you have your priorities straight! 


And, one more cheer for Renai doing her homework:  Hope you're getting a lot done!  (Btw, do you have to take older dd to eye specialist this week?  Did I miss that?)

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After a frustrated call from my sister to my cellphone because our landline kept going right to voicemail, I found out why it has been so blessedly quiet around here today.  Ds says, "Oh yeah.  I'm supposed to call the phone company so they can switch our number over."  (We just went with a new company.)  Grrrr.  That might have been higher on the list and he might have told his mother about this?

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And, one more cheer for Renai doing her homework:  Hope you're getting a lot done!  (Btw, do you have to take older dd to eye specialist this week?  Did I miss that?)


Nope. Didn't get a blessed thing of homework done. I did read a little bit though.


I forgot to update on dd's eye. The studio had taken her back to the other eye doctor last Wednesday, and the swelling had gone done and her sight had improved dramatically. It went from 20/300 to 20/30. She said it was still a little blurry though, and she ran into a post when dancing once. Anyway, it's improving well.

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PSA: if you are planning to sign up your kids for a program, please actually read the description of the requirements so that the people running the program don't have to deal with your tantrum when you discover your kid cannot participate because you didn't pay any attention to the requirements. It is really easy, and takes about 30 seconds of effort. (And no, the program directors are not interested in rearranging their schedules to accommodate your incompetence. They have families and lives, too.)

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AMJ, so excited for you!


Go, Renai, Go!


Slache, I missed the vent, but hugs for difficult situations and implementing so many good habits!


(BTW, dh and I did C25K again this am after a week and a half interruption.  yay!)


Tex, yay for getting the ceiling fixed.  Boo for the interruption of having people in your house all day and using your kitchen sink! 


againstthegrain - sorry for lack of sleep.  But yay for changing plans for fall - simplifying and streamlining is good for everyone!


Jean - glad you found the cat.  You are trying to channel your inner MacGyver?  My dh fixed our toilet once years ago after hours of struggling (and maybe a few choice words) and came out singing the theme song from Rocky.  You can be whoever you want to be, lol.


Brandy, glad to see you have your priorities straight! 


And, one more cheer for Renai doing her homework:  Hope you're getting a lot done!  (Btw, do you have to take older dd to eye specialist this week?  Did I miss that?)

Lynn is like our own private cheerleader! :willy_nilly:   (That was the closest one I found.)


AMJ, I am very excited to see how your hearing aid works.  Pulling for a great improvement!


Renai, that is goog news about your dd's eye.

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Renai, I'll talk more about that math when I get on the computer and can link some things so don't waste your time.


Back from the chiropractor and icing my back. Oi. He's good but oi.


MIL called Matt today and said she was coming out for a visit after she and I finished chatting. She's not welcome here. I think I have a solution. Oi!

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Awww, you all are so sweet.  I'm not that energetic.  I have never been the typical "cheerleader" type - far from it, actually - physically awkward, low-maintenance clothes and appearance, anti-social, and a skeptic of mandated enthusiasm.  But, I love you guys and think you're accomplishing amazing things.  So, I'm all for encouragement!

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Awww, you all are so sweet. I'm not that energetic. I have never been the typical "cheerleader" type - far from it, actually - physically awkward, low-maintenance clothes and appearance, anti-social, and a skeptic of mandated enthusiasm. But, I love you guys and think you're accomplishing amazing things. So, I'm all for encouragement!

We'd a been buds.

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