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Always try Chlorox bleach before amputation. 



(Medicinal bleach is a family joke:  My Dad told me bleach would dry up my poison ivy - I think I was 13 or so.  I cleared up the poison ivy.  But then my burns had to heal.  Ouch!  At least it didn't itch anymore!)

I'm now afraid of bleach, but I do have some Windex, and we know that cures everything.

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I texted another friend, and she says I have heat rash and to put hydrocortisone on it.  So Jean was wrong.  I am not probably going to die or even in need of amputation.  On to other things...do you think I will get lice from camp?  I've never had lice, and I don't want to start now!

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I texted another friend, and she says I have heat rash and to put hydrocortisone on it.  So Jean was wrong.  I am not probably going to die or even in need of amputation.  On to other things...do you think I will get lice from camp?  I've never had lice, and I don't want to start now!

That was my second choice.  But I always like to lead with the worst case scenario so that by the time you figure out it is heat rash, you are dizzy with relief.  

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Always try Chlorox bleach before amputation. 



(Medicinal bleach is a family joke:  My Dad told me bleach would dry up my poison ivy - I think I was 13 or so.  I cleared up the poison ivy.  But then my burns had to heal.  Ouch!  At least it didn't itch anymore!)


My dh uses medicinal bleach all the time. On himself.

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It makes me sad that SWB is disappointed. I'm glad I stick with this thread.


In other news, I'm helping dd pack. You know, what she's been doing for the past two weeks and assured me was complete. Sigh. We leave tomorrow at 11. Still have a trip to make to buy a camera. Trying to figure out which broken down car will make the 4 hour round trip. I have AAA.

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And, in yet other news: we almost brought home the sweetest, most gentle 70 lb dog home. The smallest and she bonded really fast and the little cried crocodile tears when we walked away. She had the leash in hand and the kennel door almost open so we would take her. We are just not prepared to bring home a dog that size. Otherwise, I would have dropped the $$$ right then.

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And, in yet other news: we almost brought home the sweetest, most gentle 70 lb dog home. The smallest and she bonded really fast and the little cried crocodile tears when we walked away. She had the leash in hand and the kennel door almost open so we would take her. We are just not prepared to bring home a dog that size. Otherwise, I would have dropped the $$$ right then.

Quick - go back and get her!  

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I am in MN and the weather is perfect. PERFECT I tell you.


I bought lefse and kringla in a grocery store! (There was much rejoicing!) I love my home in TN, but there is something very special about a place that puts lefse in stores. Of course, we had to buy a 4lb bag of sugar and a pound of butter in order to eat it at our picnic, but it was so worth it.


AMJ, I have been waving and greeting MN on your behalf today. The wildflowers on the banks of Plum Creek were particularly cheerful this morning. :)


Thank you so much!  I hope the weather stays perfect for your entire stay.  Summer is gorgeous there!

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Quick - go back and get her!  



I hope the trip goes well, Renai.


The uncivilized supermodel dog weighs a light 66 pounds. She is what is referred to as a pocket Pyr. ;) I vote yes on the 70 pounds of dog.


I have to get some type of gate or fence to limit her wandering in the house. There is just no room for a large kennel. She is a german shephard mix, 2 years old, at a 2nd chance rescue. The woman said she had the dog since it was 7 months old. I could not believe that dog was still there. She was very calm and sweet, and they said that was her personality - good with kids and small dogs (I have a 7 lb chihuahua/terrier mix, also a rescue). 


They were sitting outside PetCo, and I only went there because the little one needed the bathroom and Sally's Beauty Supply didn't have a public one.


My dh is saying no, but I don't listen to him much anymore anyway, lol!

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So I think I am going to take a board break for a while, perhaps the whole summer, if I can stand to stay away.  I rarely post anywhere but on this thread anymore, and with the number of people I have on ignore right now, it shows me there are far more bigots on this board than I imagined and really have no patience to read a single word they have to say on any topic.  I have no respect for them at all at this point, even those I previously did.  So for the sake of preserving my sanity, and focusing on my family this summer and not getting banned anytime soon, since apparently you can not call a bigot a bigot, I need the break.


Hope you all have a great summer, perhaps I will see you in the fall.


Enjoy the warm weather, and come right back here when you come back!

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What can I say, we spend 8 months of our year under snow.  We have more weeks at -30 to -40C than we do of them being this hot.  Yes this is hot. 



You wouldn't say that if you knew how cold it gets where she lives!  



Don't I know it.  In about 8 weeks we will be pulling out the jackets and sweaters again.  The good part is you can bundle up against the cold, but you can only strip off so many layers in the heat.  Now I hate the extreme cold, the -40C days (which is also -40F) don't get me wrong.  I am more of a mild weather gal, my favorite seasons are fall and spring, crisp mornings, warm days, cool nights.  I would love to have that all the time.  Especially since the dial to change the temp in my car is broken off, so no heat and no AC, it is stuck exactly in the middle.


I didn't remember where you lived.


I don't think I could handle 8 months of snow. We have short season of good weather, but not that short, and it gets really hot! We're currently in drought, so haven't had much snow. We used to get snow from a little before Halloween through around Mother's Day, but not every day of course. This past year, it was decent fall through October, into November, then we had a last cold snap the week we put out our plants - May 15. Smh. It just won't make up it's mind.

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Always try Chlorox bleach before amputation. 



(Medicinal bleach is a family joke:  My Dad told me bleach would dry up my poison ivy - I think I was 13 or so.  I cleared up the poison ivy.  But then my burns had to heal.  Ouch!  At least it didn't itch anymore!)


Or Windex.  Some guy in some movie swore by Windex, so it must be true!

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It makes me sad that SWB is disappointed. I'm glad I stick with this thread.


In other news, I'm helping dd pack. You know, what she's been doing for the past two weeks and assured me was complete. Sigh. We leave tomorrow at 11. Still have a trip to make to buy a camera. Trying to figure out which broken down car will make the 4 hour round trip. I have AAA.


I haven't even peeked anywhere else in the forums since I got back -- what is our Great Grand Poobah disappointed about?  Is that thread still going?

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I haven't even peeked anywhere else in the forums since I got back -- what is our Great Grand Poobah disappointed about?  Is that thread still going?


I think it is the one about the recent Supreme Court decision. She has a sticky at the top of the Chat Board about her disappointment.

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I think it is the one about the recent Supreme Court decision. She has a sticky at the top of the Chat Board about her disappointment.


Thank you.  I will go look.

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Ohhhhhh, who's a widdle cutie-pie?!?  Hello, Sweetums!  You look just like my Abby Kitty-Wookums!


My cat HATES it when I do the Kitty Wookums bit with her!


My Kitty Wookums is a lucky girl.  My DH is very indulgent of me, and looks out for my cat because she's MY cat.  Thunder and lightning abound right now and I was getting quite worried since she didn't come in when I called and didn't come out of the garage when I opened the door to check.  DH went out and found her curled up in the garage and carried her in.  She is safe and dry and probably going to sleep on HIS fuzzy blanket tonight instead of in her usual spot on youngest DD's bed, much to his consternation.  (She does this at times when she wants to be closer to me.  She either sleeps on top of me, or moves over to DH's fuzzy blanket if I get too uncomfortable to lay on.)


I am a lucky woman to have DH!

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Hey, all.


I've been busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.  We're leaving tomorrow for a camping trip, but we had to get the horses moved into the new barn first.  Which meant we had to build the four stalls, which meant I spent two days staining a million pieces of wood because there was no way DH could get it done in time unless I did.  Which meant I wasn't getting to the other stuff I needed to get done, like my work.  So I will have to work on vacation.  Bummer.  I really wish DH would listen to my time estimates for projects; you'd think that, after 15 years of marriage, he would have figured out that my estimates are usually more reliable.  :001_rolleyes:


Oh, well.  The stalls and paddocks are beautiful.  Hopefully, my tack room is the next project. :willy_nilly:

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Okay so I am really still on a board break, but I have been sharing this story from today everywhere.  My dd15 saved a little girl's life today.  SHe is being modest and just shrugs it off and says "anyone would do the same" but as momma I am so very proud and telling everyone.  My daughter is a hero.

I took the kids for a year end event for 4H.  We went out to the lake lot of the main leader of our 4H group.  We got down the lake and were getting set up, my 15 year old daughter and 11 year old son headed out into the water right away.  Suddenly we hear a woman screaming as she runs down the beach "Somebody help me, I can't get there in time" someone else called "are you okay?" woman screams "my granddaughter!" and pointed out into the water.  Her little grand daughter had gotten away from them and into the water and had gone over the drop off and was drowning.  My children were less then 10 feet from her.  I yelled out to the "Ceilidh! RUN!" while pointing to the girl.  Ceilidh was off in a flash with my 11 year old hot on her heels. She scooped that little girl up out of the water and the girl started to cough up all the water she had been taking in, and starting carrying her into shore.  The grandmother met up with her halfway and was so grateful. We saw the girl later wearing a life jacket playing, and happy.  The outcome could have been much worse if my kids hadn't been so close to her.  At the drop off the lake is about 15ft deep, and her head was going under more and more. Everytime I think about it I get choked up.  How easily it could happen to anyone, a young one (she looked to be about 4) can get away and how terrifying that moment was when I saw her head go under and yelled at my daughter to run. I am so proud to call her mine :)

So now going back on my board break (with my addiction it will likely last a week and not a summer, but I am gonna try), but I am such a proud momma I couldn't help but share.

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Hey, all.


I've been busier than a one-legged man in a butt-kicking contest.




I really wish DH would listen to my time estimates for projects; you'd think that, after 15 years of marriage, he would have figured out that my estimates are usually more reliable. :001_rolleyes:




Oh, well. The stalls and paddocks are beautiful. :





You are awesome!

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Okay so I am really still on a board break, but I have been sharing this story from today everywhere.  My dd15 saved a little girl's life today.  SHe is being modest and just shrugs it off and says "anyone would do the same" but as momma I am so very proud and telling everyone.  My daughter is a hero.


I took the kids for a year end event for 4H.  We went out to the lake lot of the main leader of our 4H group.  We got down the lake and were getting set up, my 15 year old daughter and 11 year old son headed out into the water right away.  Suddenly we hear a woman screaming as she runs down the beach "Somebody help me, I can't get there in time" someone else called "are you okay?" woman screams "my granddaughter!" and pointed out into the water.  Her little grand daughter had gotten away from them and into the water and had gone over the drop off and was drowning.  My children were less then 10 feet from her.  I yelled out to the "Ceilidh! RUN!" while pointing to the girl.  Ceilidh was off in a flash with my 11 year old hot on her heels. She scooped that little girl up out of the water and the girl started to cough up all the water she had been taking in, and starting carrying her into shore.  The grandmother met up with her halfway and was so grateful. We saw the girl later wearing a life jacket playing, and happy.  The outcome could have been much worse if my kids hadn't been so close to her.  At the drop off the lake is about 15ft deep, and her head was going under more and more. Everytime I think about it I get choked up.  How easily it could happen to anyone, a young one (she looked to be about 4) can get away and how terrifying that moment was when I saw her head go under and yelled at my daughter to run. I am so proud to call her mine :)


So now going back on my board break (with my addiction it will likely last a week and not a summer, but I am gonna try), but I am such a proud momma I couldn't help but share.


:hurray:  :hurray:  :hurray:


I'm choked up just reading this!!  So grateful for your daughter's quick response!  

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You are awesome!



Actually, DH is awesome; he does good work.  Me?  I'm just manual labor. :001_smile:




I have said exactly this to my dh more times than I can count!   


But I am AWESOME at planning and direction.  There's a reason why, in Genesis, it says, "And God recognized that the creature with the defective Y chromosome would need guidance and direction, so He made Eve.  And, finally, it was very good."

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Okay so I am really still on a board break, but I have been sharing this story from today everywhere. My dd15 saved a little girl's life today. SHe is being modest and just shrugs it off and says "anyone would do the same" but as momma I am so very proud and telling everyone. My daughter is a hero.


I took the kids for a year end event for 4H. We went out to the lake lot of the main leader of our 4H group. We got down the lake and were getting set up, my 15 year old daughter and 11 year old son headed out into the water right away. Suddenly we hear a woman screaming as she runs down the beach "Somebody help me, I can't get there in time" someone else called "are you okay?" woman screams "my granddaughter!" and pointed out into the water. Her little grand daughter had gotten away from them and into the water and had gone over the drop off and was drowning. My children were less then 10 feet from her. I yelled out to the "Ceilidh! RUN!" while pointing to the girl. Ceilidh was off in a flash with my 11 year old hot on her heels. She scooped that little girl up out of the water and the girl started to cough up all the water she had been taking in, and starting carrying her into shore. The grandmother met up with her halfway and was so grateful. We saw the girl later wearing a life jacket playing, and happy. The outcome could have been much worse if my kids hadn't been so close to her. At the drop off the lake is about 15ft deep, and her head was going under more and more. Everytime I think about it I get choked up. How easily it could happen to anyone, a young one (she looked to be about 4) can get away and how terrifying that moment was when I saw her head go under and yelled at my daughter to run. I am so proud to call her mine :)


So now going back on my board break (with my addiction it will likely last a week and not a summer, but I am gonna try), but I am such a proud momma I couldn't help but share.

Oh wow, Brandy! How scary! But kudos for your girl's quick response and cool head! That is awesome!
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Okay so I am really still on a board break, but I have been sharing this story from today everywhere.  My dd15 saved a little girl's life today.  SHe is being modest and just shrugs it off and says "anyone would do the same" but as momma I am so very proud and telling everyone.  My daughter is a hero.


I took the kids for a year end event for 4H.  We went out to the lake lot of the main leader of our 4H group.  We got down the lake and were getting set up, my 15 year old daughter and 11 year old son headed out into the water right away.  Suddenly we hear a woman screaming as she runs down the beach "Somebody help me, I can't get there in time" someone else called "are you okay?" woman screams "my granddaughter!" and pointed out into the water.  Her little grand daughter had gotten away from them and into the water and had gone over the drop off and was drowning.  My children were less then 10 feet from her.  I yelled out to the "Ceilidh! RUN!" while pointing to the girl.  Ceilidh was off in a flash with my 11 year old hot on her heels. She scooped that little girl up out of the water and the girl started to cough up all the water she had been taking in, and starting carrying her into shore.  The grandmother met up with her halfway and was so grateful. We saw the girl later wearing a life jacket playing, and happy.  The outcome could have been much worse if my kids hadn't been so close to her.  At the drop off the lake is about 15ft deep, and her head was going under more and more. Everytime I think about it I get choked up.  How easily it could happen to anyone, a young one (she looked to be about 4) can get away and how terrifying that moment was when I saw her head go under and yelled at my daughter to run. I am so proud to call her mine :)


So now going back on my board break (with my addiction it will likely last a week and not a summer, but I am gonna try), but I am such a proud momma I couldn't help but share.


WAY TO GO, DD15 and DS11!!!!  They are BOTH heroes, because they both responded immediately.  Sometimes it takes more than one person to rescue someone.  DS deserves accolades, too, even though DD had it covered this particular time.  You can never be sure when back-up will be needed.


Drowning is quiet (see the link in my signature, below).  It happens fast and quite suddenly, and a drowning person doesn't have breath to call out loudly or much energy for flailing and waving.  Sometimes (even adults) they don't have the presence of mind to think their situation through, either -- they are entirely distracted by their struggle to get air.  I nearly drowned in a river once while surrounded by people.  The others watched me in disgust because they thought I was clowning around inappropriately (despite the fact that I wasn't the type to clown around and many there knew that, and I had mentioned to more than one of them that I wasn't a strong swimmer).  It was only when I managed to gasp out a feeble "help" that one bothered to pull me out -- I think the two who finally pulled me into the shallows away from the rocks did it just to make me quit "clowning", because no one bothered to make sure I was okay afterwards.  There was a small grotto under the water where I was, and I had gotten hung up on the rocks and stuck there while the undertow swept my feet under the rock ledge.  I was being dragged under, and couldn't fight my way free.  All they saw from shore was me clinging to the rocks and slowly sliding under while trying to wave to get attention.  Once I caught my breath I went back to camp alone and had a good cry.


When my kids were smaller and couldn't swim well I insisted they wear life jackets with leg straps when they were in swimming pools or at the shore, much to other parents' consternation.  At one child's birthday pool party (at their home, not a public pool) I was sitting next to my DD watching her (who was hanging out in the nice, warm but not hot hot tub IN her life jacket) when the kids' PE teacher, a friend of the family, darted past and dove into the main pool fully clothed.  A boy had found the drop-off to the deep end of the pool and was quietly drowning, and no one else recognized it except the PE teacher.  His mother earlier claimed he was a good swimmer when several of us were discussing my insistence that my DD have her life jacket on.  At the next pool party I noticed more children attending with life jackets of their own.


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Thank you.  I will go look.


Okay, I looked.  SWB's disappointment is apparently about some forum users being royal twerps to each other; basically some rather strong verbal sniping has been happening again in some of the other threads.


This thread is SOOOO my happy place.  Everyone is playing nice here.  I hang out here so much I sometimes forget the other stuff even happens.



Hugs to all my wonderful playmates here!  :grouphug:

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Air conditioning doesn't come with many places around here, and we don't own a window unit either. The owner who built these triplexes did not get windows with even the smallest window unit in mind. We have fans. That blow around hot air. Lovely.


Have you tried looking around Amazon or elsewhere for stand-alone air conditioners?  We bought one a few years back for DH's grandmother, who until then only had one window unit in a bedroom (not her bedroom) and used fans to push the cool air around.  The problem with her system was she had to wait until someone could come install the window unit each spring (she was tiny and frail), and had to get someone to take it down again as winter approached. 


We bought her a stand-alone unit she could wheel about from room to room.  It has a hose and an adjustable window panel for outside ventilation and she was able to manage these easily on her own.  Family would still come take care of setting up or taking down the window unit, but with the stand-alone she could get cool air in the meantime while waiting, and it also helped spread more cool around when the window unit was in action.

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That sounds like an excellent plan!


I'm going to share some pics but don't tell dd I did this! She is not pleased with her posture at the time of the shutter click. They are public pics on a page of one of the schools she auditioned to for a summer intensive. She's the brown one on point. :D





She's so graceful! 

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Went to high school reunion.  I think I'm over those.  Too loud.  Too late.  Too long.  Too location.  (Trying to keep up with the alliteration theme but the location is traffic-y, crowded, hard to find parking, etc.)  I am on the bank account with another classmate.  I think we both want out!  We've held the job for six years, through two reunions.   That is enough.


Ds12 just pulled the kitten out of his room where she was eating our adult cat's food.  That's a problem.  Lily still hisses when she sees the kitten.  She is a princess diva. She hisses her displeasure and slinks off.  Eating Lily's food will not go well, though.  


Lilycat the princess diva cat once found a scorpion and batted at it.  She's too busy being a princess diva to fight crime and mice.


I so get "too location".


I went to my 10th high school reunion, and didn't have fun.  We had a small class, so you'd think we all would have been better at "Oh, hey, hi!  How've you been?  Whatcha been up to?", but no, we weren't.  The people I most wanted to see weren't there, and everyone else cliqued up, though the groups changed a bit from when we were in school together.  I did find some people to talk to and just sit with (it is nice to be able to sit comfortably with people and not have to maintain a constant stream of chatter), but mostly we were the spectators to the goings on of the others.

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Everyone here is pregnant, breastfeeding, or frumpy. I guess I must be frumpy then.


Frumpy is a mindset.  *hairflip* to your frumpy comment.  *nosehighintheair hmphing*

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Someone just shoot me in the foot now.




ETA:  How do you like that?  A bang with a BOOYAH!!!!


This is the thread that never ends....


la la la!

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And I'm working.  So I'm a grumpy frump.  Or a frumpy grump.


You are a gorgeous babe of whom the world stands in awe.  Abate thy displeasure, and stand assured in the adulation that surrounds you.

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My beloved Agatha (may she rest in peace) was a great  hunter.  She was especially renowned as a moler.  She used to have a wild rabbit friend.  They would sit side by side on the front lawn every morning.  Until one morning we came out to see a rabbit carcass on the front step.  The neighbors thought we were ghoulish because we then had a biology lesson.  "Look kids, the spleen!"  


I just had an honest to goodness spit-take all over my keyboard!  :lol:

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