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I'm coming to the same conclusion.


Certain clean-ups we have done in our bedroom over the past year or two have freed up plenty of perimeter space (we gave away our dressers after adding drawers in our closet).  DH thinks he wants to move the treadmill up there.  I might let him for a little while, but I'm eyeballing the loft -- if I get that cleared of clutter there is plenty of space for it there, and it will still be upstairs like he wants.


Which will then leave that lovely perimeter space for things like bookcases....  :laugh:

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I like the stork explanation myself .


How about the cabbage patch?



However, my stats prof in college told us about a study of a town in Germany that looked into the birth rates of humans and the storks the town was famous for.  They found that every time there was a baby boom in the stork population there was a similar baby boom several months later among the humans of the town.

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I'm around. Cat's eye looks no worse today, and she didn't act as disgusted with the drops as she did yesterday. I hope this means that the eye is less tender. She's back in her bed for second sleep.

I fixed scrambled eggs for the boys this morning. They'd better be thankful--I don't make hot breakfast for me, let alone anybody else usually. I'm going to try to get in about 1000 words this morning after I update the school schedule for the day.

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Hi all! Got home from VBS. Had 14 more kids. I think we are maxed out. Yikes.


Had Taco Bell for lunch. It was gross, but it was after 1:00 when we pulled into town and I just wasn't lovin' this idea of making lunch. So, TB it was. And then.... oh mercy, I pulled up in the driveway and the UPS guy was there and he's terribly cute . So, I jump out of the van and get my new dehydrator that he left on the porch and there I am talking to him about dehydrating things, he asked if we were going to make jerky, in my VBS costume of overalls and bandana (our theme this year is Barnyard Round-Up). Ugh! What a dork I am!


Sounds like you need mud-spattered wellies to complete the look!  I bet he thought you were cute in that get-up.


As for your first line -- here we were just talking about storks and the source of babies and you throw in a statement that you just got home and had 14 more kids.  Dang, those are busy storks!



ETA:  Storky booyah!

Edited by AMJ
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Good Wednesday Morning!


I woke up around 3:00, went back to bed around 6:00 and now up for coffee. I guess I had Jean's second sleep, sort of.


Susan, yay for ds at music lesson!!!


Slache, I decided against the garmen. I think all step counters are probably beyond my tech know-how. I'm content to use an app on my phone or nothing at all. Oh, what are you linking to in the vacuuming post? All I see is the workout stuff you already got.



I have no idea how I did that.




My Jawbone app was pretty intuitive. I would recommend it to someone fairly non-tech savvy. I imagine the same could be said for the Fitbit. It does everything for you. I did put my food in but that wasn't hard. It even logged my workouts. Something like "Were you partaking in vigorous physical activity from 6:38 to 7:02?"

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This is what I forgot.  I turned the buzzer on my dryer off.  And gave all of the laundry jobs to dh and the dc.   :coolgleamA:


Younger DD grew 3 inches in the past year (according to the pediatrician).  She's starting to get enough height to reach the laundry soap, so I think this year is a good year to assign her some laundry loads to do.  It hasn't been entirely unfair having her older sister doing some laundry while the younger didn't -- younger has always been more willing than elder on the dishes and bathroom fronts.

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Not much sleep last night. My alarm went off at midnight because I forgot to reset it after the power went off. Then Dd9 had a nightmare so I sat up with her for a while. Then she was up around 4am having trouble breathing, so I helped her with the inhaler. She has eaten two crackers without throwing up, though, so that's progress!!


We were down to 1/2 roll of toilet paper this morning. No tissues. That's 1/2 roll to share among 8 people and 3 bathrooms. Sigh. I picked some up at Walgreens on my way home from dropping off ds at work.


The oven repair guy might come today. The worst-case scenario estimate (replacing the entire gas element) was much less than I expected, so hopefully that will take care of it.

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And dishes and Pyrex and tupperware and pots and pans. And food. And spatulas and spoons. And silverware. No toaster though. Dun dun dun. I have a microwave. And a fringe and a stove.


I think that's it.


This (bolded) had me smiling, not because of the typo/autocorrectism but because of the previous owner of the house BIL and his family recently moved into.  She was very much into Marilyn Monroe, disco, sailing motifs, and FRINGE.  She hot-glued rope and fringe to the walls everywhere others would have put crown molding or other trim work.  One of the large rooms upstairs was turned into a disco/game room, complete with Budwieser pool table light fixture and disco ball with spot lights.  She took down the disco ball and left it in the trash before leaving the house, but BIL fished it back out and put it back up -- the nephews LOVE it. 


The room my college-bound niece got was the Marilyn sanctum -- Marilyn Monroe switch plates, dark purple walls and ceiling with glow-in-the-dark stars everywhere, MORE FRINGE, and really deep (though stained) carpeting.  This room has since been repainted a pale lavender (good choice given the underlying purple) and had new hard-surface flooring installed.

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Slache, my dream robot vacuum is the new Neato model. https://www.amazon.com/Neato-Botvac-Connected-Enabled-Vacuum/dp/B0168KHVZW/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1468415471&sr=8-4&keywords=Neato+botvac


Unfortunately, it runs about $700!! Instead I got a Hoover Air cordless 2-in1 https://www.amazon.com/Hoover-Cordless-Deluxe-Handheld-BH52120PC/dp/B00SWCU1LG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1468415609&sr=8-1&keywords=Hoover+cordless+2


the kids can use it easily. :) So far it works well on the hardwood floors and rugs, which get very dusty and always have leaves, dirt, and bits of yarn and paper that get strewn about.

Edited by Susan in TN
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He did so much better in class tonight! He did really well keeping focus on the teacher when he wasn't supposed to be actually playing. He didn't freak out when she called him the wrong name (which is common), kept much better track of what he was supposed to be doing and when, and was able to calmly articulate a question when he wasn't sure about something.


Now, he also took a long nap after lunch (which has become a Tuesday thing) and actually slept, which probably also helped. (With Ds21 home for the summer, we think ds11 doesn't get as much sleep since they share a room. Ds21 is quiet and uses as little light as possible, but it still makes it harder to sleep.)


We're going to cautiously call the coffee experiment a success, and plan to do further testing. :D


I might have to try this with elderDD when we start school again, then.  How long before the studies or class did your DS11 drink his coffee?

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Back from writer's group. Gave advice. Nobody to slap me around tonight because the caustic dude wasn't there. I like him, even if he sometimes gives bad advice, because I can sort it. And also because I can dish it out and he can take it. Tonight I read a section of my book that needs work, and all I got was that they liked it. Drat. 

I need meaner critics.


I can't promise to be mean, but I can make comments and ask questions if you would care to PM me a portion.  If you do please let me know whether or not you want commentary on typos and grammar/punctuation errors.  I've done lots of proof-reading in the past and tend to point these out, but one friend of mine has asked me not to for hers because it's just the very rough building of the story right now.


I am not a practiced composer of stories -- not yet -- but I have read a lot and am developing a feel for flow.  And I won't be offended if you disregard anything/everything I say!

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I have no idea how I did that.




My Jawbone app was pretty intuitive. I would recommend it to someone fairly non-tech savvy. I imagine the same could be said for the Fitbit. It does everything for you. I did put my food in but that wasn't hard. It even logged my workouts. Something like "Were you partaking in vigorous physical activity from 6:38 to 7:02?"


Which Jawbone do you have?  How long have you been using it?

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Not much sleep last night. My alarm went off at midnight because I forgot to reset it after the power went off. Then Dd9 had a nightmare so I sat up with her for a while. Then she was up around 4am having trouble breathing, so I helped her with the inhaler. She has eaten two crackers without throwing up, though, so that's progress!!


We were down to 1/2 roll of toilet paper this morning. No tissues. That's 1/2 roll to share among 8 people and 3 bathrooms. Sigh. I picked some up at Walgreens on my way home from dropping off ds at work.


The oven repair guy might come today. The worst-case scenario estimate (replacing the entire gas element) was much less than I expected, so hopefully that will take care of it.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Hugs to you all.  Great job getting more TP before the house was completely out!  :hurray:   And crossing fingers that the repairs are quick, long-lasting, and inexpensive.

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It was about an hour and 15 minutes (we have to leave for class an hour before it starts).


Okay, thanks!  ElderDD is not much of a morning person but I make her get out of bed by 7 AM on school days so her "clock" doesn't get too far away from the rest of the family.  I can have her try drinking her caffeine with breakfast before showering and getting dressed -- that should give it time to kick in before she starts her studies for the day.

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If I can get a service call time frame, I will attempt second sleep. I am not feeling great but it's probably just tiredness.


Hugs and crossed fingers.  :grouphug: :grouphug: -_-

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Time to get busy doing more laundry and finishing the clearing out of our bedroom.  The delivery guys gave DH a time window of tomorrow, 9 AM to 1 PM.  If I'm not ready they will be here at 7 AM, I'm sure!

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I really love my Jawbone. I am not tech savvy. It's just so easy to use!

Which one ya got? 

Slache, my dream robot vacuum is the new Neato model. https://www.amazon.com/Neato-Botvac-Connected-Enabled-Vacuum/dp/B0168KHVZW/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1468415471&sr=8-4&keywords=Neato+botvac

Unfortunately, it runs about $700!! Instead I got a Hoover Air cordless 2-in1 https://www.amazon.com/Hoover-Cordless-Deluxe-Handheld-BH52120PC/dp/B00SWCU1LG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1468415609&sr=8-1&keywords=Hoover+cordless+2

the kids can use it easily. :) So far it works well on the hardwood floors and rugs, which get very dusty and always have leaves, dirt, and bits of yarn and paper that get strewn about.

My husband has allergies so with the new hardwood floors we're vacuuming constantly. I'm not looking to replace my vacuum, just use it less.  

Which Jawbone do you have?  How long have you been using it?

I had the original. It died, but I was pregnant and not working out or eating well so I didn't replace it. It helped me eat better, drink more water, work out more, and sleep better. It did not encourage me to walk more. :P It also showed me that I sleep walk all. the. time. Maybe 2 nights a week on average and for up to 2 hours.


Mine was blue but this model https://www.amazon.com/Jawbone-Activity-Tracker-Discontinued-Manufacturer/dp/B00GQB1JJ8/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1468418187&sr=8-7&keywords=Jawbone

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Good late morning.


I have 4 bags and a box of books to donate to the library, and some more I haven't bagged up yet. So now I can organize our books for this fall and buy more books. :hurray:


I put bleach in the fabric softener dispenser. Grrr.


The timber guy called, and said he wouldn't be able to cut this year probably because of the rain and he is behind. However he said he could advance us money to build mom's addition now. I told him I would call him later this week. We have to talk to tax people and the builder first. I like the timber guy though. He seems honest and trustworthy. I have known him a long time.


Gotta go. Dh is repairing a book shelf.

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I need the Cranky Pants.



Here you go, Susan.  I washed them first so you won't get any cranky cooties from me. 


I refilled the pockets with some decadent dark cruelty-free & child labour-free chocolate. You have a choice of plain or with whole hazelnuts.  Also shoved a romance novel in the pocket - but a sweet one, not too raunchy.... 


(the cranky pants now come in comfort waist pants, comfort waist pants with cargo pockets, and overalls with pockets too numerous to count) 

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AMJ and Junie are on my list for possible beta readers. I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet, and it's hard to get feedback on something as long as a novel. Hopefully my mean critic will be back in the next few weeks to tear my manuscript up.


I noticed some stormy conditions out in the treacherous sea today. Stay safe out there, all those that venture into dangerous waters!

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Y'all, I may be losing my mind. 
I've been applying for jobs, but they are all paying beans really. I don't even know how I found the job posting, but I came across two teacher positions in the town where we want to eventually live. 
I am insane, I think. But, it's CRAZY to have two positions open this late in the year. 

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Y'all, I may be losing my mind. 

I've been applying for jobs, but they are all paying beans really. I don't even know how I found the job posting, but I came across two teacher positions in the town where we want to eventually live. 

I am insane, I think. But, it's CRAZY to have two positions open this late in the year. 

I don't know. It seem the US has so much labour mobility that people are always moving, sometimes with little notice, kwim? if a spouse got transferred or got a job offer or something, I can see people quitting & leaving schools in a lurch. Plus in female dominated professions you get pregnancies and occasional bed rest and sick kids or just deciding to stay home etc etc. 


Are you thinking of applying or is it too early to be thinking of moving there? 

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I refilled the pockets with some decadent dark cruelty-free & child labour-free chocolate. You have a choice of plain or with whole hazelnuts.  Also shoved a romance novel in the pocket - but a sweet one, not too raunchy.... 


(the cranky pants now come in comfort waist pants, comfort waist pants with cargo pockets, and overalls with pockets too numerous to count) 


OK now I want these cranky pants for real. 

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I don't know. It seem the US has so much labour mobility that people are always moving, sometimes with little notice, kwim? if a spouse got transferred or got a job offer or something, I can see people quitting & leaving schools in a lurch. Plus in female dominated professions you get pregnancies and occasional bed rest and sick kids or just deciding to stay home etc etc.


Are you thinking of applying or is it too early to be thinking of moving there?

Oh, I applied. I applied for both this morning. I actually went in to check something on my first application and noticed the new one. I changed up the cover letter and hit submit on the 2nd position.

I would have to drive for a bit, but it's doable. We also rent month to month, so it will be easy to move.

My only concern is childcare for my daughter considering she still can not control her bowel movements. [emoji20]




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Edited by Southern Ivy
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Y'all, I may be losing my mind.

I've been applying for jobs, but they are all paying beans really. I don't even know how I found the job posting, but I came across two teacher positions in the town where we want to eventually live.

I am insane, I think. But, it's CRAZY to have two positions open this late in the year.

Am I supposed to be giving you a hug or a glass of wine? Or maybe slapping you? I'm confused.

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Oh, I applied. I applied for both this morning. I actually went in to check something on my first application and noticed the new one. I changed up the cover letter and hit submit on the 2nd position.

I would have to drive for a bit, but it's doable. We also rent month to month, so it will be easy to move.

My only concern is childcare for my daughter considering she still can not control her bowel movements. [emoji20]




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My chiropractor has helped many kids with constipation issues. :)

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Am I supposed to be giving you a hug or a glass of wine? Or maybe slapping you? I'm confused.

All three?

I'm confused too.

The church thing didn't work out, other applications have not panned out, and I really am not sure which direction to take.

This was my Gideon's fleece. I laid it out and said, God, if You want me to keep teaching, here it is. Do your magic because this is so far from my original intent and what I thought You wanted.


So, yeah, I am at a loss right now. I feel like I'm crazy, but maybe it was the plan all along. Who knows.

Edited by Southern Ivy
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Lynn, https://www.amazon.com/Jawbone-Activity-Tracker-Discontinued-Manufacturer/dp/B00N3BU8N2/ref=sr_1_1?s=exercise-and-fitness&ie=UTF8&qid=1468430321&sr=1-1&keywords=Up+move



She goes to the chiro. She's also on Miralax, but I'm going to start her on my Plexus stuff and get her off the Miralax this next week.



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I'm sorry. Did the elimination diet help at all?

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Not really, plus she was just not eating.

We're going gluten free again to see if maybe that's the culprit.

She is finally looser with the Miralax, but she still can't always tell when she has to go.


We had an X-ray back in June and she was very backed up. So, we did the Miralax and got her cleaned out. Keeping her on it a bit more because it keeps her from being pellet-y.

That's mainly why I want her on the Plexus. With the probiotic and the drink, it should keep her normal without having the Miralax.


She got frustrated yesterday when she pooped in her panties. I said, Riv, you have to poop in the potty.

She got upset and said, But I don't know HOW. I never learned and I just don't know!

She was pretty sad about it.


It's frustrating - Not the fact that's she's not trained (though that is a bit frustrating), but not having a cure-all and definitive plan to fix this.



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Not really, plus she was just not eating.

We're going gluten free again to see if maybe that's the culprit.

She is finally looser with the Miralax, but she still can't always tell when she has to go.


We had an X-ray back in June and she was very backed up. So, we did the Miralax and got her cleaned out. Keeping her on it a bit more because it keeps her from being pellet-y.

That's mainly why I want her on the Plexus. With the probiotic and the drink, it should keep her normal without having the Miralax.


She got frustrated yesterday when she pooped in her panties. I said, Riv, you have to poop in the potty.

She got upset and said, But I don't know HOW. I never learned and I just don't know!

She was pretty sad about it.


It's frustrating - Not the fact that's she's not trained (though that is a bit frustrating), but not having a cure-all and definitive plan to fix this.



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