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It's been **10 hours** since anyone commented. People are not taking this thread seriously.

Today is my field trip day. Taking a drive down to Wimberly, a cute little town south of me. I will probably not stay long because (1) it's a small town, not all that much to do, and (2) it's stinkin' hot today, and it will probably not be much fun to walk around in the humid heat.


Edited by Ellie
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Good Morning!!

(second cup of…) COFFEE!!~D

Worked out in the yard this morning!! Now I am eating breakfast out under the trees. Phoebe-cat is keeping me company and checking my COFFEE!!~D and breakfast for any would-be assassination attempts. And Richard the Mockingbird is providing breakfast music.

Have to to to the AFSA today, then to my doctor to have my TB skin test read and then go pick up Baby’s cheer camp gear from her coach and turn some documents in.


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Yesterday ds19 applied for a bunch of on-campus jobs - everything from librarian to event set-up to groundskeeping.  They have a pretty cool system where students upload a resumé to the host site and then apply to various jobs by clicking on APPLY! and that's it.  He'll have to do an in-person interview but I am guessing those will happen at the start of the semester.

I like looking at cats.  They are a curious bunch.

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The house across the street has finally sold!  Looks like a youngish couple without kids.  The girls were disappointed.  But are still looking forward to bringing them some jam.

The "artisan" bread turned out pretty well.  I topped it with some olive oil, coarse salt, and fresh rosemary.

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Good morning!

I need to go to the grocery store this morning and possibly help the girls find birthday gifts.  They have a party this evening.  
Other than that I need to get a few misc. things done. 

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Good Morning!!

COFFEE!!~D (first cup. no yard work because I forgot to tell DH to adjust the sprinkler timing and everything is wet.)

It’s a beautiful morning for breakfast out under the redwoods. Richard is serenading me again.

Don’t know what’s on the docket for today. Most of the errands have been done. I don’t have tuberculosis, thank goodness. That had me worried. (not really, but now my employer has proof I don’t have it and I can keep working there)

I did get a closet cleaned out the other day, which is good. Probably should do some other housework so we don’t come home from vacation to a complete disaster.


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27 minutes ago, Slache said:

I have lost two pounds in two weeks. The only difference that I made was that I went through a gallon of ice cream by myself in that time. Clearly, I should buy another gallon. 

I think you're on to something here...

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27 minutes ago, Slache said:

I have lost two pounds in two weeks. The only difference that I made was that I went through a gallon of ice cream by myself in that time. Clearly, I should buy another gallon. 

i like your diet plan, Slashie. I may try it since I gained a pound in 2 weeks on low carb.

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1 minute ago, KrissiK said:


I have never in my entire life had rhubarb. We do not eat it in California.

I'm so sorry.  When I was growing up (in MN) my mom had a huge rhubarb plant in the yard.  It's really sour raw but I loved it.  It is embarrassingly expensive here, but I have failed in all my attempts to grow it myself.

In other news, dd17 is begging me to drive her to the scout headquarters so she can get her Eagle certificate.  It's either go right now or in two-and-a-half weeks.  Sigh.  Off we go again.

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Good Morning!!


Baby has cheer camp today, and she wants me to stay for a while, so I will do that!! Then I need to come home and get a bunch of stuff done because we are leaving on our cruise tomorrow.

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Good morning!

Cheer!  I watched the "Cheer" reality series.  Yikes those stunts!

We have a busy day today.  I brought dd17 to a local Cars & Coffee meetup so she could give a Philmont deposit check to the crew leader.  Then to the local farmer's market to pick up a couple boxes from The Peach Truck.  Parking in that place is a zoo but I managed to find a spot.  I love the farmer's market.  Everything is massively expensive due to the fancy environment they endeavor to cultivate, but it's still an awesome place to browse.  Also we ran into the scoutmaster's dh so that was fun.

Meanwhile dd15 has been prepping for special birthday dinner for ds28 whose birthday is tomorrow but we're having dinner tonight since the girls leave for camp in the morning.

After lunch we are going to a game arcade place for a couple hours of fun.

Now for sorting peaches!


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Cheer Camp update: I have been having a very nice conversation with another mom. They are going on an Alaskan Cruise, too. Leaving a couple days after us, same cruise line, different ship.  Had a good lunch - asada tacos. 

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The game arcade was fun.  They have at least 200 pinball machines - I tried Elvis, Dolly, Indiana Jones, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Alien Attack, Lord of the Rings, and a few others. I played on one that was so old it didn't have anything digital on it - the score numbers flipped in a little panel.  Also I played Tetris, Pac-Man, Pac-Man Jr., Ms Pac-Man, and a music rhythm game that was in Japanese so you had to kind of guess what was happening, lol.

Dd15's dinner was tasty - she made mini stuffed cucumber bowls and two kinds of pizza - BBQ chicken and pesto ricotta.  Ice cream pie birthday cake will come later tonight.

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1 hour ago, Susan in TN said:

Willy Nilly it's almost time!

I know. We leave tomorrow morning for the airport. I have trouble packing. I pack too much. I like to have choices. I don’t want to wear clothing I am not in the mood for. It’s really a problem. i have too many shoes. But you never know. I like to have options.

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46 minutes ago, KrissiK said:

I know. We leave tomorrow morning for the airport. I have trouble packing. I pack too much. I like to have choices. I don’t want to wear clothing I am not in the mood for. It’s really a problem. i have too many shoes. But you never know. I like to have options.

Don't forget your ukulele!

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Good morning!

Today is my Eldest Baby's birthday - 29yo!  Quiche Lorraine is in the oven for birthday breakfast.  After that I will be driving the girls and several other scouts to scout camp and should be back by mid-afternoon.


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I'm off this coming week since we aren't running a camp due to the holiday.  Last week's camp went well, I didn't work most of it but was there for support of my teacher who was running it.  It was a small group of kids who had taken camps with us before so not rough at all.

Today (and yesterday and probably tomorrow) I'm doing laundry.  Tons and tons of laundry.  From our trip, from the week before our trip, from last week when I was at work so didn't do laundry.  So much laundry. 

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I love driving those girls to scout camp.  They are so delightful!  Dd15 is her troop's Senior Patrol Leader, so she was feeling a bit of nervousness due to additional responsibilities, but I know she'll be fine.  She has a few others with her who have been SPL at camp and can advise her.

A friend called and three of us went out for dinner at a local bbq place.  Very tasty.  There was a couple at the restaurant, neighbors of one friend, who had offered my friend $10,000 to move out of the neighborhood.  Morons.  Other Friend and I offered to kick them in the shins or squirt hot sauce on their food, but we refrained.  
I realized this past week that I haven't had a panic attack in a good while.  Go me!

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I did all the things today.

I am off from teaching hula for the month of July. I love teaching, and I love hula, and I love teaching hula, but the students I have right now, as much as I love 'em, are not dancers, and I despair of ever teaching them more complex dances than the one I'm teaching them now, which was choreographed for keiki (children). Or even good technique, because they seem to have no muscle memory at all. ::heavy sigh:: bless their hearts. My dancer dd says my job is to help them have joy for the week I have them, so I'll be pondering how to do that this month, so we can come back joyfully in August. 🙂

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Halfway through 2024! [optional theme music: "Livin' On a Prayer"]

Giving Week! We're doing Giving Week this week differently than in previous years; instead of scattering a little confetti of money to this and that charity, I'm giving what I'd saved to our Box Project family. Hopefully that will get them out from under an overdue utility bill or two. DS has money ready to put toward a Kiva loan as well, and I think that's going to be it.

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Good morning!  It's The Queen's favorite day!

Big Pup is on the sofa with me and keeps putting his paw on my iPad.  It's very quiet here with the girls gone.

My mom is hoping I can come up to MN at the end of the month.  Svengo.  It's so last minute.  Not sure if I would take any of the kids with me and the logistics of it is stressing me out.

I should get the lawn mowed today.


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We only got a little rain Sunday. Now the weather is cooler (high ~87F).

Anybody else use Trello with a high schooler to plan/ track what's getting done when?

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Good morning!

I have not used Trello.  Looks like a handy app!

I woke up extra early with the realization that I've been forgetting to feed dd17's fish and shrimp.  They seem to be OK.  She has a lot of little baby shrimp swimming around in there.  So adorable.

I think I have formulated a plan to visit grandma and grandpa which includes dd/sil house and dog sitting.  
It seems it's a bit early for blueberry picking yet, but I was able to pick about a pound-and-a-half and a handful of blackberries.  Also, my boxes of peaches are ripe! Willy_Nilly!

Today ds19 has his pre-college physical and possible shots and I plan to go to an Old Time jam tonight.


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Good Morning!

Happy Tuesday!

Things are falling back into a routine.  Did some cleaning this morning.  The girls are cleaning out their closets.  

I've been doing physical therapy for a few weeks and I can tell that I'm getting stronger.  

Trying to eat healthier, but when there's junk food in the house, I tend to eat way too much of it.

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Good morning from Vancouver, BC. Had a lovely day yesterday.  Did the Capilano Suspension Bridge, which was very cool. Then hit the False Creek area and had a late lunch at Granville public Market and walked down False Creek trail to the subway station and then back to our hotel. Vancouver is just gorgeous. 

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