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We did about a year and a half of daily therapy through a neurodevelopmental therapist - we met with her every couple of months and she would evaluate and give us daily therapies to do. (A different organization, but similar to Little Giant Steps out of Plano, TX). He made a ton of progress and most of his sensitivities are gone now - water temp., food texture issues, skin/texture sensitivity, some speech issues, etc. He is much more conversational now, and can often carry on conversations with other kids, though not always.


Another thing which I suspect has helped but have no data to back it up, is that he plays the cello and we also have a lever harp that I play (too infrequently). The cello and harp were taken on without thought of the therapeutic benefits, but I have since read that these are the two instruments that are most effective in helping develop the auditory nerve because of their harmonic and overtone range (has to be live playing - recordings are not helpful in this case).

I have a local friend who is using Little Giant Steps for her severely dyslexic child.  

Edited by texasmama
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Where's Tex?


You are right. I am tenderhearted, unless you are my child or husband.....who am I kidding? I'm still too easy on them. ;)

I've been out a lot, but I have checked in through photos with two of the ITT members.  Then my friend visited to give a bday gift.  Then dh came home.  I have had a lot of distractions today.

Edited by texasmama
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I can't believe I missed that Jean is collecting bugs.  (need facepalm smilie dude here [Renai!])


I will gather up the hordes of nasty little ladybugs that want to overwinter in my house and send them your way, Jean!

I am not collecting bugs!  Slache is being mean to me by threatening to send her personal plague up my way.  Sob!  And I was too, working on my lesson planning.   :toetap05:

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I'm feeling overwhelmed. I'm not sure whose idea it was to have a third child. Even Adam and Eve only had 2 for the first 20 years and that didn't end very well. How am I supposed to handle a third?


With the grace of your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.


(And the occasional glass of wine.  Following His example, of course.)


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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Here's that song. You can't blame John for falling in love with the car. You need to skip the first 12 seconds or so. :glare:


Funny, I read the words you sang and it never clicked with me, but as soon as it started on the video I was like "hey I know this one!"  That never seems to happen to me.

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No doting here. I came home from the hospital and did laundry.

My parents doted on me after my last 2 pregnancies since I had no one else to.  It wasn't like they wanted to but the hospital would not let me drive myself home, so my dad would pick me up and bring me to their place where my other kids were since my folks babysat them while I was in hospital.  My mom served us dinner, then I packed all my kids in the car and drove home and life resumed, after my 4th I left my folks with the kids and stopped at the grocery store with all 4.  SHe was in the NICU for 5 days, we needed food, so there I was just hours after leaving the hospital in the grocery store with my 4 kids.   Basically any and all doting I got post birth was in the hospital by the nurses lol.  

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Horse ointment!


Renai, I cannot like your bp.


My hair is too long now.  I always realize this immediately after leaving the stylist when I told her not to cut it.  I plan on chopping a couple of inches off next time and asking for more layers.  I think it has been falling out due to thyroid, but I am kind of prone to suggestion so who can say?

On the topic of hair, that is something I made a change on last month.  It had been down to my bra strap, so very long, dark brown with strands of silver through it.  I got it cut to my shoulders and had it dyed with streaks of blond, brown and auburn throughout.  The stylist was awesome, I told him I liked long hair but my split ends had split ends, I only get a hair cut once a year and I want to look good.  He said by doing the streaks the way he did as it grows out and the silver reappears they will blend in due to the blond etc and I could go a whole year before coloring it again (which is very good for my budget).  Now that I took care of that part of my looks, and had started working out regularly, I have an appt booked for laser hair removal.

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My parents doted on me after my last 2 pregnancies since I had no one else to. It wasn't like they wanted to but the hospital would not let me drive myself home, so my dad would pick me up and bring me to their place where my other kids were since my folks babysat them while I was in hospital. My mom served us dinner, then I packed all my kids in the car and drove home and life resumed, after my 4th I left my folks with the kids and stopped at the grocery store with all 4. SHe was in the NICU for 5 days, we needed food, so there I was just hours after leaving the hospital in the grocery store with my 4 kids. Basically any and all doting I got post birth was in the hospital by the nurses lol.

How on earth did you manage to not bleed to death? I always bled a lot for at least a couple weeks and had to go real easy. (I loved being in the hospital. They brought me graham crackers with peanut butter whenever I wanted some. :) In one hospital they actually gave me a menu to order my meals off of. That place was awesome but they sadly discontinued their maternity services shortly after my 3rd was born.)

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How on earth did you manage to not bleed to death? I always bled a lot for at least a couple weeks and had to go real easy. (I loved being in the hospital. They brought me graham crackers with peanut butter whenever I wanted some. :) In one hospital they actually gave me a menu to order my meals off of. That place was awesome but they sadly discontinued their maternity services shortly after my 3rd was born.)

I bleed hard for the first week and then taper off fairly quickly.  By 4 weeks post partum I am typically starting a normal period again (which is also why I got pg with my 2nd when oldest was only 5.5 weeks old).  With youngest I had some hemorrhaging when we got to the hospital due to retained placenta(she was born early in the back of an ambulance).  They gave me morphine for pain, oxytocin to make my uterus start to contract even harder and then a nurse laid on my stomach to induce the same thing.  I think they squeeze most of it out of me in that process lol.


While my deliveries are far from easy I tend to recover quickly.  LIke my first was a c-section, they never put up the sheet so I watched them cut me open and take him out which made me nauseous so they gave me maxeran which I had an adverse reaction to (panic attack and the feeling that I absolutely had to move my legs right then or something terrible would happen, of course with the spinal I could not), and then the demerol for pain post op never worked (I metabolize pain meds quickly and need a higher dose than what is typically given based on weight), the nurses never told the dr.  So anyway, I spent the first 24 hours passing out from pain, the next day I was up and about and on the 3rd day when he was readmitted to the NICU rather than discharged I was walking up the 2 flights of stairs to see him from the room I was given so I could be close.  We came home when he was 7 days old, at 9 days old I was taking public transit (didn't have a driver's license yet), as in 2 buses and the LRT (above ground subway train) to get to my folks place for a visit.  


2nd born was a vacuum extraction with 2nd degree tearing.  While I was very sore I was doing what I do.  We were discharged when she was 12 hours old, went to my folks and had a mini family reunion/bbq, then went home (I had a husband person at that time), the next day he went to work and I carried on with my 2 babies under the age of 11 months.  


3rd born was my easiest delivery, no complications even though he was prem, we got discharged 48 hours after he was born.  I was already a single mom so after I did the dinner and pick up at my folks I headed home and put my kids to bed (oldest was 5 at that time and just really starting to show the severity of his issues, which included running away).  


4th born like I said was back of an ambulance, premature (would have been a hospital birth but they sent me home saying I was not in labor, she was born mere hours later), retained placenta, 5 days in NICU.  The first day they wheeled me to see her in a wheelchair, after that I was up and walking to the NICU on my own from my room and sleeping very little.  I was happy to go home and get life back in order.  


I did spend a lot of time on the couch just cuddling newborns and establishing nursing, but still had a household to run, other children to feed, etc.  So I did those things.  

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Yes you do! Never mind our old wives (mothers) tales. Our children are beautiful gifts and yours will be as well.

I've got a pretty bad story to go with John too. He needed CPR when he was born. He's also the reason that I have to get up to pee in the middle of the night. :leaving:

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Spent the whole day in my jammies. Watched a couple of episodes of Stargate SG1 Season 9. And then Close Encounters, Star Man, and E.T.


That is all.


P.S. I did catch up on y'all. I am such a slacker compared to you.


That is all again.







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