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Dd13 still talks about the time that Ds was the cat and dd was the mouse and ds bit her! (She holds long grudges!)

Have I told you about the time when dd17 was about 2 and was pretending to be a puppy while in line at McDonalds? She licked the leg of an elderly lady standing next to her.


Oy veh. Such children!

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You have high bp. You should not be adding salt to anything, missy!


Actually, some salt in the diet is important. I am not a salt-eater anyway, so the little I do use (like on avocado, unless the other foods have enough salt content), does not change my numbers.

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Did I already know this?? My mind is so foggy these days. But I should pick your brain. Ds 8 also has auditory processing disorder. We've toyed with OT but it would be expensive, and his case is mild so I'm trying to tackle it myself for now. Groups without me (like CC, or clubs at church) are the biggest challenge. I'm trying to find specific ways to strengthen his listening skills (he tunes everything out if overwhelmed... I can cue him back if I'm in the room, but of course his other teachers are understandably not able to do this or catch the signs of it like I can).

We did about a year and a half of daily therapy through a neurodevelopmental therapist - we met with her every couple of months and she would evaluate and give us daily therapies to do. (A different organization, but similar to Little Giant Steps out of Plano, TX). He made a ton of progress and most of his sensitivities are gone now - water temp., food texture issues, skin/texture sensitivity, some speech issues, etc. He is much more conversational now, and can often carry on conversations with other kids, though not always.


Another thing which I suspect has helped but have no data to back it up, is that he plays the cello and we also have a lever harp that I play (too infrequently). The cello and harp were taken on without thought of the therapeutic benefits, but I have since read that these are the two instruments that are most effective in helping develop the auditory nerve because of their harmonic and overtone range (has to be live playing - recordings are not helpful in this case).

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Have I told you about the time when dd17 was about 2 and was pretending to be a puppy while in line at McDonalds? She licked the leg of an elderly lady standing next to her.


Oy veh. Such children!


To heck with the children.  Have you told us yet whether you've flossed today?

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I have 9 tubs and 2 laundry baskets of clothing in my living room that need to be dealt with. Hows about I deal with them while you make dinner. Taco meat is in the freezer, shells in the pantry.






This is the thread that never ends,

It just goes on and on my friends.

People started posting not knowing what it was,

And they'll continue posting forever just because...


This is the thread that never ends

You'd best come join it with your friends

'Cuz it will replace Facebook as the latest web-based craze

And everyone will post here instead for the rest of their days


This is the thread that's always there

They'll cheer you up so don't despair

The group is growing well as more people start checking in

And we'll keep sucking them in because our cheer is addictive


This is the thread that never ends...


This booya is dedicated to the versatile avocado.

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