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Um, I'm reading an abstract about bp management among special populations. It mentions an increased stroke rate among AAs who take lisinopril.  :huh:

I think if you are being monitored and try to make some lifestyle changes (like the DASH diet) that you don't have to worry as much.  Of course I don't know WHY there is an increased stroke rate though so my opinion might not mean much.  Talk it over with your doc.


BTW - I take lisinopril and I make sure I drink a lot of water and electrolytes (I put the powder in my water) and take magnesium (because it can get leached out of your body causing you to have migraines and even hbp itself).  

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STOP READING, Renai.  Information is good; information overload is bad.  (I don't mean to sound harsh.  I have an autoimmune disorder that is believed to be the leading cause of stroke in younger women.  If I don't watch myself, I get sucked into the medical "what ifs."  I forget that they are averages and lose sight of me and what I can and should be doing. :grouphug: )


I :thumbup:  the idea of the DASH diet.




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And Good Morning, Everyone!


It was, once again, 23 degrees outside when I woke up.  The thermometer on the old pole barn tells me that the temperature has crept up to 30, but the conditions outside lead me to believe that is a false high.  I have just made myself a second cup of coffee and am delaying the delivery of the horsies' hot cereal, because I am a bad, BAD mommy.  (But I did remember their jammies last night, so I know they aren't cold.  The low the night before was unexpected so no jammies.  Again, bad, BAD mommy.  [i am so glad that I have animals.  Otherwise, I might somehow escape mommy guilt when the short person eventually grows all the way up.])

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And Good Morning, Everyone!


It was, once again, 23 degrees outside when I woke up. The thermometer on the old pole barn tells me that the temperature has crept up to 30, but the conditions outside lead me to believe that is a false high. I have just made myself a second cup of coffee and am delaying the delivery of the horsies hot cereal, because I am a bad, BAD mommy. (But I did remember their jammies last night, so I know they aren't cold. The low the night before was unexpected so no jammies. Again, bad, BAD mommy. [i am so glad that I have animals. Otherwise, I might somehow escape mommy guilt when the short person eventually grows all the way up.])

Wait - I have somehow missed that you live on a ranch/farm/carnival circuit?


Glad to hear that coffee comes before poo this morning.

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I think if you are being monitored and try to make some lifestyle changes (like the DASH diet) that you don't have to worry as much.  Of course I don't know WHY there is an increased stroke rate though so my opinion might not mean much.  Talk it over with your doc.


BTW - I take lisinopril and I make sure I drink a lot of water and electrolytes (I put the powder in my water) and take magnesium (because it can get leached out of your body causing you to have migraines and even hbp itself).  


Oh, yeah. I used to take magnesium for migraines; I need to start back. I didn't know the hbp connection. Took my pill 1.5 hours ago and have drunk half a liter of water. Which isn't much, I know.


Electrolyte powder? What is this of which you speak?

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I'm with JoJosMom.


Step away from the BP research. Go do your homework.


I was only reading to see if there is a different protocol that works better with my race in general. We make up less than 1% in my area, so it's not like my doctor sees a whole lot of us. 

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Wait - I have somehow missed that you live on a ranch/farm/carnival circuit?


Glad to hear that coffee comes before poo this morning.


Oooo, I WISH I lived on the carnival circuit.  I think I'd fit right in! :wacko:


Nope. Just ten acres in the country with not enough animals.



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I want to live on a farm.  <wistful dreamy face>


Dh grew up with just a few horses and about 40 acres of land, while I grew up out in the country with my bff's farm right up the road.  Somehow, though, we've settled ourselves in land-ain't-cheap country.   The 5 acre horse farm down the street is for sale.  1.3 million.    20 acres just a bit further down the street is 4.2 million.  


We'd have to sell a wholelotta milk and eggs.  For now I just have to be content with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, and a pet spider in the corner above the vanity mirror.  

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Is it just me, or does someone have to be seriously, deeply, and incorrigibly in denial to even consider teaching a class with one's own child in it?!?!


Or are my kids just little son-of-a-guns?


I accept the appeal of co-op. I accept the appeal of public school. I accept the appeal of CC. I accept the appeal of teaching. I accept the appeal of homeschooling.


But I feel I would have to have been blind and deaf and unconscious besides to entertain, even for a moment, the notion of teaching a classroom full of children, while my own children were there.


They would destroy the learning environment in trying to get to me. It doesn't matter if I wouldn't give in. One other kid would look shocked and their horrid behavior and that would egg them on.


I wish I had the capacity for denial that some parents have, I really do.

My kids act better in public (and in class) than they do at home.  I currently teach two of my kids in a co-op class.


Instead of me researching for my literature review, I started looking up racial differences in blood pressure control. I just finished reading a study that showed that AAs (African American) have less of a dip in pressure at night than whites. It is being considered a factor in the higher rates of cardiovascular diseases among blacks. It's like, the heart isn't getting as much rest at night ( explained for the layperson).


I remember when I was on a beta blocker when pregnant with the youngest, my bp would dip so low at night it freaked me out. But, it also gave me asthma attacks so my doc changed my med to the calcium blocker in week 11. Funny enough, my bp stabilized on its own during pregnancy and I didn't have to take meds from 12 weeks through 39. I restarted it in week 39 when bp started creeping back up (doc said when it hit 140/90. It never got that high, but the persistent climb I started taking the med so it wouldn't get that high).


The studies also talk about high nonadherence rates of AAs in taking medications. One study mentioned the high side effects of meds in AAs. I know I stopped my one med when it began giving me severe migraines. It seems my current med is keeping me in the pre-bp range, but it's not going any further down.

Before I read your water intake posts, I was going to suggest drinking more water.  Also, I like the magnesium suggestion.  I take Natural Calm and drink it in 4 cups of water to start my day, which puts me ahead.  During pg, your blood volume increases so maybe that helped your bp some.  Mag helps a lot of things.  I take it for migraine prevention, and it does work.

Edited by texasmama
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Good Morning!


Little children are watching cartoons, oldest dd is getting ready to leave for mid-state choir audition, and I need to take a shower before going to a theater parents' meeting. At some point I need to buy some groceries.


ETA: I teach classes that my own kids are in - sometimes it works well, sometimes not. It is particularly helpful for ds10 who has auditory processing disorder because he can "hear and understand" me and it prevents a lot of frustration (and the resulting behavior) that he sometimes has with other teachers. He is getting better, though. He is currently in 3 various classes with different teachers he has known for a couple of years now, and things are going OK.


Did I already know this?? My mind is so foggy these days.  But I should pick your brain.  Ds 8 also has auditory processing disorder.  We've toyed with OT but it would be expensive, and his case is mild so I'm trying to tackle it myself for now.  Groups without me (like CC, or clubs at church)  are the biggest challenge.  I'm trying to find specific ways to strengthen his listening skills (he tunes everything out if overwhelmed... I can cue him back if I'm in the room, but of course his other teachers are understandably not able to do this or catch the signs of it like I can).  

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Oh, yeah. I used to take magnesium for migraines; I need to start back. I didn't know the hbp connection. Took my pill 1.5 hours ago and have drunk half a liter of water. Which isn't much, I know.


Electrolyte powder? What is this of which you speak?

You can get either tablets (like Nuun) or powder (I like one called Ultima) that dissolve in water.  I can get it at our local drugstore as well as a vitamin shop.  Or there is always online.  

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My kids act better in public (and in class) than they do at home.  I currently teach my two boys in a high school English co-op class.


Before I read your water intake posts, I was going to suggest drinking more water.  Also, I like the magnesium suggestion.  I take Natural Calm and drink it in 4 cups of water to start my day, which puts me ahead.  During pg, your blood volume increases so maybe that helped your bp some.  Mag helps a lot of things.  I take it for migraine prevention, and it does work.


I was taking magnesium for migraines before I got pregnant and continued until several months ago. I don't know why. I was also taking vitamin D. Maybe I need to get back on my regime. It seems it was working. I went ahead and took my mag and D a little while ago.

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Slept in a kid room.  I woke up a lot, but I always went back to sleep.  This has been the sleep report.


Made organic kale salad with healthy turkey bacon (no nitrates or other junk), and three of us had that.  I did put in some organic raisins for Susan.  Four packages of kale salad down, and four to go.



Edited by texasmama
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Sleep Report:  Check.    Glad you at least could fall back to sleep, though being up frequently will take a toll on you.


Pet Report:  Check.  I am glad they are all still alive, none have accidentally made it into your Kale Turkey Bacon Concoction, and poor little Hamster's eye is seeming to be okay.  Your story was a riot to read, but really.  Living that would've done me in for the whole weekend.  I want to live on a farm, yes; but I do not want a farm living in my living room.  While I try to cook.   I am nominating you for sainthood.  

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When is your first appointment? I'm curious to know how far along you are? Will you find out gender when you are able to? Or, more importantly, will you tell US gender when you know it??

November 3rd for blood tests and history, November 25th for ultrasound and hopefully gender. I'll tell y'all if you start spelling Booya properly.

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Sleep Report:  Check.    Glad you at least could fall back to sleep, though being up frequently will take a toll on you.


Pet Report:  Check.  I am glad they are all still alive, none have accidentally made it into your Kale Turkey Bacon Concoction, and poor little Hamster's eye is seeming to be okay.  Your story was a riot to read, but really.  Living that would've done me in for the whole weekend.  I want to live on a farm, yes; but I do not want a farm living in my living room.  While I try to cook.   I am nominating you for sainthood.  

Oh sainthood!  Yay!  The adrenaline rush was quite a...rush.  Also, middle aged women can move pretty fast if needed. :laugh:


So.many.pets. :huh:   I told little dd that when this hamster passes over the rainbow bridge and arrives in hamster heaven, no more small rodent things.  It has been four years of hamsters and mice.  It's like Dr. Doolittle's parlor up in here.  Finally, the last betta fish died - what a relief!  One less mouth to remember to feed.

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I was going to post a second bp report when I responded to Quackers about the 1% black population rate here, but it was really high, and I chalked it up to me reading those abstracts and the various ways I could die from bp as a black person. Either the bp or the meds will do me in, and I guess the thought made my bp go higher. My main concern is finishing my master's degree prior to my demise.

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I was going to post a second bp report when I responded to Quackers about the 1% black population rate here, but it was really high, and I chalked it up to me reading those abstracts and the various ways I could die from bp as a black person. Either the bp or the meds will do me in, and I guess the thought made my bp go higher. My main concern is finishing my master's degree prior to my demise.

I don't know what you mean by really high but if it is over 180/110 (on either end) then you need to promise me that you will go to the ER.  Please.  I actually would be worried at 160/100 but Dr. Google says the first number I quoted is a hypertensive crisis.  

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Shucks.  Y'all got back to me while I was figuring out how to properly use shall/shan't.


Slache - Np.  I'll just send you blue AND pink onesies.  Because h.


Tex - That's where the DSM is killing us.  Ds doesn't have any other conditions (ASD or otherwise) so getting help for it is on us.  The OT for the district who first tested him at age 4 was thrilled we were hs-ing; she knew she couldn't provide any help for him in the classroom, and actually said he'd be better off with me at home.  Which he is, but of course then it's on me to figure out how best to meet his needs so that he can function well outside of our home, too.  The good news is that I exhibited many of the same problems as a child (before anyone cared to test such things) and coping mechanisms plus time helped me overcome a lot of it.  So I get him, which helps with patience.  And I'm usually fairly good at implementing strategies to deal with issues as they arise.  But still I'm a mom, and I want to be sure he gets the best intervention.  


Books?  Articles you'd recommend?  We've already read Out of Sync.  What I really need are specific strategies for specific problems, and Out of Sync was too broad to be very helpful in that.  What I really need is probably to save up for 6 months of OT and just milk it for all it's worth.   

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I don't know what you mean by really high but if it is over 180/110 (on either end) then you need to promise me that you will go to the ER.  Please.  I actually would be worried at 160/100 but Dr. Google says the first number I quoted is a hypertensive crisis.  


It was 154/110. This was after meds and half liter of water. It's gone slightly down since. I'm not taking another reading until before lunch since I just finished eating and don't want to dwell on it.

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It was 154/110. This was after meds and half liter of water. It's gone slightly down since. I'm not taking another reading until before lunch since I just finished eating and don't want to dwell on it.

They make bracelets that ding or vibrate every hour or half hour to remind you to drink water.

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I was going to post a second bp report when I responded to Quackers about the 1% black population rate here, but it was really high, and I chalked it up to me reading those abstracts and the various ways I could die from bp as a black person. Either the bp or the meds will do me in, and I guess the thought made my bp go higher. My main concern is finishing my master's degree prior to my demise.

Maybe biofeedback/neurofeedback?


ETA:  Booya(h) and Susan's song, and I will spell anything any way I wish.  So there!  Cuz no one is the boss of me!

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I love Bob Ross. His voice is just so calming and soothing. Renai, he might help your bp come down. He has a channel on YouTube with full episodes. A person could learn to paint if they were so inclined.

My educational post for the day.

I love Bob Ross so much!  "some happy little trees"....sigh.

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