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I can tell you what works for me, working 40+ hours and homeschooling:


1. Don't invite people over.  Then you don't have to clean.

2. Get single-ply Scott's toilet paper.  Then when they invite themselves over, they never come back.




:lol: Best.solution.ever.



As for Hamlet - have you looked at audio recordings to see how long they take?  I would think a class would take longer since their reading would not be as smooth?


This is genius.  Who needs other stupid threads when I have ITT?  This will give me an idea of the time needed to plan it, too.


This is me. :crying: I have come to the realization that nothing I want to talk about is controversial enough (grin).

I know, right???  I'm no good at starting new threads.  I'm only good at mucking up existing ones. :laugh:


How about some conga rats? (get it, get it??)



Oh, my favorite guys!

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I have to let y'all do things without me sometimes. :hat:


I'm almost myself again after the two-week vacation. Today is laundry/clean-the-house day, and I'm almost finished with that. I only need to vacuum and maybe make a quick run to the bank (less than a mile from my house), and then I'll feel that I have earned my afternoon nap. :D


I have "Miss Congeniality" playing in the background.  :D

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John: "What's Europe?"

Me: "Europe is [pointing on a map] right here on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. It's another country, just like the United States of America."
















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I am feeling like a bad mom. I decided we were going to skip a regatta this week. When I made that decision, others in our yacht club weren't going either. Well, everyone jumped on the bandwagon at the last minute and I just.couldn't.do.it. We have been sailing all summer long. I just wanted a little break.


The boys sail a 16" cub boat together and smaller boats individually. They have sailing school 2 days a week, races each sat and sun and then various regattas on and off of our lake throughout the summer. The regattas involve boat transportations and at least 1-3 days of up at dawn, home late, in the sun, lots of people kind of things. I am tired. Dh can't often come b/c he is working. If I was a normal healthy person, this would be doable. But as I am, it is hard. I should be proud that I can get them to so many events. So, why do I feel bad when we have to skip something? Does anyone else with kids in intense sports/activities ever feel like this?


FTR, kids have not complained a bit. They know I can't do everything and don't make a fuss. I love them for it. I guess I am just sick of my limitations and am being whiney about it. But I am secretly happy too because it has been a nice, quiet day, lol.

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John: "What's Europe?"

Me: "Europe is [pointing on a map] right here on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. It's another country, just like the United States of America."

















You went to Public School, I presume?


ETA:  I'm joking.  Before all the afterschoolers get all up in arms and offended. 

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I am feeling like a bad mom. I decided we were going to skip a regatta this week. When I made that decision, others in our yacht club weren't going either. Well, everyone jumped on the bandwagon at the last minute and I just.couldn't.do.it. We have been sailing all summer long. I just wanted a little break.


The boys sail a 16" cub boat together and smaller boats individually. They have sailing school 2 days a week, races each sat and sun and then various regattas on and off of our lake throughout the summer. The regattas involve boat transportations and at least 1-3 days of up at dawn, home late, in the sun, lots of people kind of things. I am tired. Dh can't often come b/c he is working. If I was a normal healthy person, this would be doable. But as I am, it is hard. I should be proud that I can get them to so many events. So, why do I feel bad when we have to skip something? Does anyone else with kids in intense sports/activities ever feel like this?


FTR, kids have not complained a bit. They know I can't do everything and don't make a fuss. I love them for it. I guess I am just sick of my limitations and am being whiney about it. But I am secretly happy too because it has been a nice, quiet day, lol.


Maybe, since they aren't complaining, secretly they didn't want to go either?  Just tell yourself that.  Because you're not a bad mom, and kids need down time, too.

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Lol. I think they did. But they also like that they got to swim after I went for a walk this morning. And they may just get ice cream tonight:-)


I think they will feel the worst when everyone is back and talking about it:-(


Such is life. I am using the opportunity to illustrate that, even though there are lots of fun things to do, we can't always do all of them. Then we talk about all of the other awesome things they have been doing lately. That does help:-)

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Too many competing needs.  And none of them are mine (which I think deserve some attention).  


And apropos of nothing:


A lady came up the drive way while I was trying to stuff more recycling into my overflowing bin.  She was a real estate agent wanting to give me a paper listing how much houses sold for in the neighborhood.  Why?  I guess to try and prompt some avarice so that I will want to sell too?  She tried to stuff the paper into my hand.  I nodded at the recycle bin and told her that I would put it right in there.  She decided to keep her paper.

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Well, a lot of kids have never been sailing.  So there's that.




Mommy guilt is such a "trick" mirror - never showing us what is real.  I was feeling badly the other day thinking of opportunities my kids have not had - speech and drama team, concert and marching band, etc.  But, they've had swim team which I never did and some of them have done dive team.  I never even learned to dive.  Yay for them.  The other mistake I often make is thinking there is some formula of experiences that will help them turn out "right" if I can only find it.

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I wish that dh would stop helping in the kitchen.  When he puts things away none of the rest of us (who all know exactly where things go) can find things for a month.  I just opened the dishwasher to find dirty dishes in there.  I could not just run the dishes because they were put in haphazardly.  I rearranged the dishes and had over half of the dishwasher then empty so that I could put the rest of the dirty dishes in to run.  #hemakesevenmoreworkformewhenhedoesthis

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I think you hit it on the experiences thing. Dh and I are pretty low key on the sports/activities. They need to demonstrate their drive to us... Then they get to stay in whatever they are wanting to do. I will not pry grumbling kids out of bed to go to their activities, and if we don't see them putting in the work to be good at whatever they are doing, we surely aren't going to pony up the dough, lol. That being said, we don't pressure them to do anything just because we want them to either.


My big thing is "being sick". I have a very poor radar after 10 years of ill. It is hard for me to gauge how much is enough. My pre-sick self was triathlete, grad student, leader, energizer bunny. My post-sick self is happy if she can fold clothes AND have enough energy to go for a walk in the same day. It stinks. I find myself listening to friends who are "normal" (for lack of a better word) and they amaze me with their capabilities. Which is funny because they aren't really doing THAT much. (That is not an insult to them... I just mean their level output is average but seems colossal to me:-)


I just have a hard time personally with how much my limitations affect the dynamic duo. They will never know the "real me". Not really. Luckily, dh tells them. But, the person I am now is so different. So I guess that is why I feel bad. And they are good guys. They appreciate the things they get to do, work hard, and have on the whole pretty good attitudes. For that, I am very grateful.


Wow, I am so introspective today. Y'all should feel special. Dh says pulling emotions out of me is like dragging a car up the side of a mountain. With a rope. And bare hands :lol:

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Mommy guilt is such a "trick" mirror - never showing us what is real. I was feeling badly the other day thinking of opportunities my kids have not had - speech and drama team, concert and marching band, etc. But, they've had swim team which I never did and some of them have done dive team. I never even learned to dive. Yay for them. The other mistake I often make is thinking there is some formula of experiences that will help them turn out "right" if I can only find it.

And it sounds like you are doing awesome. The funny thing is all of that is pretty intensive, so maybe to do anything well, the narrowing is good, right? ((Hugs))

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Heather - I've been chronically ill now for over 25 years. Dh has never known the real "me" either! I understand exactly what you mean about not wanting to impact our kids. But it does impact them so I guess it's more like trying to minimize the impact.

:hugs: thanks. I totally agree. It is almost like damage control, lol. I do often pray that the experience will give them empathy and compassion for others. I did not have that before I got sick. Sometimes I laugh at the irony:-)


I am glad your dh loves you for exactly who you are now. That is so important when you are navigating all of the carp.

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OK - so maybe I've arranged the day so that no one gets hurt.


I am now at the library and finally got my computer to work here, so my need to work on camp lesson plans will be met.

I will stay here until 3 ish then I will go home and get a snack - another "need".

Then I will take ds to the store for whatever it is he has been saving up for and desperately needs today.  I will put off my need for a nap for this.  

Then I will come home and will collapse for a bit.  Dh can eat leftovers for dinner.  

Then I will drop ds off at taekwando and will then take dd to the feedstore for bunny stuff that she needs.  


This is way too ambitious but hey, YOLO right?  

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Quick grammar question:  "Not only are Grue and the Minions in trouble, but their friends are too."  It is "are", right?  In both places?  


Yes, that is correct, although technically, there should be a comma after  "are."

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Double again.  What is up with that.


A couple of times today, I got an error message. Instead of going back to my post, and I thought my post had been swallowed, but when I left WTM altogether then came back and checked, my message was there. Have you had problems like that?

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The board is glitchy today.


I have decided to listen to the Audiovox reading of Hamlet in class, and I will assign Acts 2 and 4 for homework listening over the three weeks we have available to cover Hamlet.  I feel that I will be giving short shrift to Hamlet, but I can't fit everything in and give it long shrift.  :D

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