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I've offended so many people here. It's ridiculous. I feel so bad. There was a thread of over wight people and someone said "it's not that all thin people are the enemy" and I said "they're not?". Huge mistake. I also have a tendency to say Catholic vs Christian instead of Catholic vs protestant. Not good. I'm sure I'm on a few ignore lists for that.

I've offended loads of people on the hive haha, sometimes on purpose but mostly by accident and then I feel badly.  Usually due to a miscommunication, like they thought I was saying something other than I was because I did not word a post right etc.  It's funny irl I am thought to be wise-ish, and people come to me asking for advice etc, but on the hive I sound like a dimwit, and can't get my thoughts out on screen properly and don't use the huge vocabulary that others us etc.


THat's partly why I like this thread.  There is no pretension, I don't feel like I have to have 3 degrees to be part of the conversation, I'm not witty with a comeback for everything, and not that smart but ya'll seem to take me as I come, which is all anyone can hope for.

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I've offended loads of people on the hive haha, sometimes on purpose but mostly by accident and then I feel badly. Usually due to a miscommunication, like they thought I was saying something other than I was because I did not word a post right etc. It's funny irl I am thought to be wise-ish, and people come to me asking for advice etc, but on the hive I sound like a dimwit, and can't get my thoughts out on screen properly and don't use the huge vocabulary that others us etc.


THat's partly why I like this thread. There is no pretension, I don't feel like I have to have 3 degrees to be part of the conversation, I'm not witty with a comeback for everything, and not that smart but ya'll seem to take me as I come, which is all anyone can hope for.

I have a bartending licence. That's got to give me some credibility here.

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I've gained a bit of weight lately, and it is making me angry with myself.  I need to get off my tush and do something about it.


Side note:  I just learned tush is an interjection, too.


Tush, my tush is pushing the boundaries of what I deem is acceptable.

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I've gained a bit of weight lately, and it is making me angry with myself. I need to get off my tush and do something about it.


Side note: I just learned tush is an interjection, too.


Tush, my tush is pushing the boundaries of what I deem is acceptable.

Not that you asked, but I'm rude so...


Daily hour long walks do wonders.

Roasted veggies for lunch easily lowers your calorie intake.

Water bottle.


Lose it app (free).

YouTube videos for fitness.


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Not that you asked, but I'm rude so...


Daily hour long walks do wonders.

Roasted veggies for lunch easily lowers your calorie intake.

Water bottle.


Lose it app (free).

YouTube videos for fitness.



Well, my real problem was a sprained ankle two years ago, which healed okay, and then my DS walked in front of me one day about a year ago and stopped, causing me to twist the ankle again.  So the regular exercise I used to get was derailed, and the high-impact of fitness videos (tried this winter) were too much for the ankle and I think I reinjured it. :(


We do eat really healthy because of DS's allergies, and I really don't snack.  I drink lots of water, and already cut back on my caffeine intake.


Most people wouldn't look at me and say, "She's fat."


I just need to get up in the mornings and go walking.  Yes.  But I'm usually up late since I work and during school we do schoolwork in the evenings, so I try to get as much rest as I can.  But it's summer now so I have no excuse.  Except that taking a shower afterwards/before work in the morning would wake up my husband who works second shift, and then he'd be grouchy all the time.


But I need to do it.

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I've offended so many people here. It's ridiculous. I feel so bad. There was a thread of over wight people and someone said "it's not that all thin people are the enemy" and I said "they're not?". Huge mistake. I also have a tendency to say Catholic vs Christian instead of Catholic vs protestant. Not good. I'm sure I'm on a few ignore lists for that.


This might be carried over from hanging out with so many Mexican immigrants in your youth (younger youth than you are now). This is how dh and his family refer to it all the time.  Even the chicanos here say Catholic vs. Christian (very heavy Hispanic area). They'll ask if you are Christian or Catholic. I don't take offense, but I do remind dh that Catholic is a different brand of Christianity. He's 42 though and will probably never change, especially since just about everyone else around here speaks that way.

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They are over wight because they are unsocialized homeschoolers, they just need to leave their house some more and get some sunlight on the wight skin :lol:


Yeah, I was going to say that a little sun could fix that problem. Too much can create other problems though. There is a very delicate balance. I'm known to say I have to look after all my wight friends. Hey, if I write it like that, does it mean I'm not racist?

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Not that you asked, but I'm rude so...


Daily hour long walks do wonders.

Roasted veggies for lunch easily lowers your calorie intake.

Water bottle.


Lose it app (free).

YouTube videos for fitness.



You are not rude. You've been there, done that, and are wise and helpful.

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This might be carried over from hanging out with so many Mexican immigrants in your youth (younger youth than you are now). This is how dh and his family refer to it all the time. Even the chicanos here say Catholic vs. Christian (very heavy Hispanic area). They'll ask if you are Christian or Catholic. I don't take offense, but I do remind dh that Catholic is a different brand of Christianity. He's 42 though and will probably never change, especially since just about everyone else around here speaks that way.

My husband's white Germanesk family speaks the same way. It never dawned on me that it was offensive. My mother in law used to say "she's not catholic, she's christian" or "we aren't christian we're catholic" when company was mixed and the topic came up. I think it's regional.

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Yeah, I was going to say that a little sun could fix that problem. Too much can create other problems though. There is a very delicate balance. I'm known to say I have to look after all my wight friends. Hey, if I write it like that, does it mean I'm not racist?


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Also, all the sun does is make me red. Once the red peels off I'm glow in the dark again. It's so sad. My leg hair is so thin and blond that I don't shave it and no one has ever noticed. Not even my husband. I mentioned it to another woman and he was like "yes you do" and we argued about it for a few minutes until I finally pulled my pants down (in a public park no less, because I'm me and I do things like that) and he rubbed my legs and was like "see, you do shave" until he looked closer and his jaw dropped.

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Not that you asked, but I'm rude so...


Daily hour long walks do wonders.

Roasted veggies for lunch easily lowers your calorie intake.

Water bottle.


Lose it app (free).

YouTube videos for fitness.




Fave quinoa recipes??  I tried a spinach quinoa dish that was a colossal flop.  I liked it, but couldn't sell it on anyone else here. 

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Fave quinoa recipes?? I tried a spinach quinoa dish that was a colossal flop. I liked it, but couldn't sell it on anyone else here.

I run my spinach through a food processor so it's less like spinach and more like pretty green decorations. I like it with...


Oh, wait. I forgot I stopped giving you recipes because of your constant h-ing. Remember when you asked for slow cooker recipes? Um yeah. I'm awesome with a slow cooker. Sucks to be you!

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Sorry. Dealing with kids while I type = no catching of the typos.


I shipped mine off to Jean and Tex this morning*.   USPS Ground.  Insured and packed in oreos, because they're cute and I really do love them. 





*This is in fact a lie.  DD6 is jumping repeatedly on a DD4/DD3 human pile-up, and DS7 is watching with mild interest while baby plays in crib.  I am ignoring it all.  

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I am so white that I had one woman come up and ask me if I had leukemia. When I said no, she argued with me. I have many things wrong with me but not leukemia. The whiteness is just lack of melanin, no pathology involved.

You should get an award.

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I shipped mine off to Jean and Tex this morning*.   USPS Ground.  Insured and packed in oreos, because they're cute and I really do love them. 





*This is in fact a lie.  DD6 is jumping repeatedly on a DD4/DD3 human pile-up, and DS7 is watching with mild interest while baby plays in crib.  I am ignoring it all.  

Since Tex and I live thousands of miles apart, that would difficult to send them to both of us at the same time.  

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I run my spinach through a food processor so it's less like spinach and more like pretty green decorations. I like it with...


Oh, wait. I forgot I stopped giving you recipes because of your constant h-ing. Remember when you asked for slow cooker recipes? Um yeah. I'm awesome with a slow cooker. Sucks to be you!




I'm off to edit the top-of-page-200 post.  And here I was being sooooooo sacrificially tolerant, including a BOOYA with the more widely acceptable BOOYAH just to be sure all viewpoints were represented.



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Also, all the sun does is make me red. Once the red peels off I'm glow in the dark again. It's so sad. My leg hair is so thin and blond that I don't shave it and no one has ever noticed. Not even my husband. I mentioned it to another woman and he was like "yes you do" and we argued about it for a few minutes until I finally pulled my pants down (in a public park no less, because I'm me and I do things like that) and he rubbed my legs and was like "see, you do shave" until he looked closer and his jaw dropped.


I wish we all lived in the same town.  Girls Night Out would be SO.FREAKING.AWESOME.

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I am so white that I had one woman come up and ask me if I had leukemia.  When I said no, she argued with me.  I have many things wrong with me but not leukemia.  The whiteness is just lack of melanin, no pathology involved.  


You know, Jean, essential oils will cure leukemia.  For reals.


(ETA:  That really is a joke.  I don't say "for reals" for reals, only for joking. :wacko: )

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I'm glad.  I may not believe the same things as jasper but there was no need to make a thread just to make fun of her.  Heck I have had posts deleted, warning points and bannings for doing less, I make a generalized comment and get in sh*t from the mods.  I did report the landing thread.  So what if she sounded nuts in the vax thread when she said it, it is not right to make a thread just to make fun of her.  


If that's what that thread was about I'm glad I missed it.  I glanced through the other, and it was getting rather heated.  Back to this thread.  I like this thread.


I had to scold the kids today and remind them it's not a good day to try my patience when I have already told them I am irritated over other stuff.  We had two history lectures today, one which they like and one which I like.  I let them have theirs first and even cooked and served up lunch while theirs was playing.  Then, when I could sit down and eat and watch mine, they clowned around noisily and kept distracting me from my lecture.  :mad:


I also vented at length here and then deleted it because it was mainly self-pitying whininess.  I needed the vent, but now I need fun and silly.  Time to check for new posts since my last one.  What silliness are you getting up to today? :willy_nilly:

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I'm off to edit the top-of-page-200 post. And here I was being sooooooo sacrificially tolerant, including a BOOYA with the more widely acceptable BOOYAH just to be sure all viewpoints were represented.



Whateves. I got post 10,000.

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If that's what that thread was about I'm glad I missed it.  I glanced through the other, and it was getting rather heated.  Back to this thread.  I like this thread.


I had to scold the kids today and remind them it's not a good day to try my patience when I have already told them I am irritated over other stuff.  We had two history lectures today, one which they like and one which I like.  I let them have theirs first and even cooked and served up lunch while theirs was playing.  Then, when I could sit down and eat and watch mine, they clowned around noisily and kept distracting me from my lecture.  :mad:


I also vented at length here and then deleted it because it was mainly self-pitying whininess.  I needed the vent, but now I need fun and silly.  Time to check for new posts since my last one.  What silliness are you getting up to today? :willy_nilly:


Silly?  We are not silly.  We are serious, classical homeschoolers.  I am deeply offended. 

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This is the thread that's awesomest

there is no doubt that it's the best!

The people posting here are nice and very funny, too

so this is a great thread to visit when you're feeling blue....

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