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We call dd8 The Bee Whisperer because we often find her petting bumblebees that she finds on flowers. She's never been stung. :)


Wow, I'm impressed!

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OUr caged critters are tortoises, a leopard gecko and a salamander, so not likely he would have a reaction to them.  I don't think he was tested for things like guinea pigs etc.  I requested the testing because he was having daily hives for 2 years.  We thought they were food related but turned out he has no food allergies, but he is allergic to dust, mold, dogs (a mild allergy), and cats (numbers were quite high).  Initially we tried the standard stuff, lots of vacuuming, no cats in his bedroom, even tried daily washing of cats (I do not recommend this one), ultimately decided to start rehoming when the hives were getting more persistent.  As each cat left his symptoms improved.  It will be a while before he stops reacting to the house, I need to do a massive deep clean, get the vents done etc, but for the first time in 2 years he is not having hives daily


Wow, I'm glad he is improving.  I'm glad you are doing all of this for him.  He stands a better chance of overcoming some of his allergies in time if he's not constantly bombarded with allergens all of the time.  Doing this now can mean he has a much better life later on than he would otherwise have had.


Hugs to all of the family, and gratefulness for rehoming your cats.  I know it's a big sacrifice.

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You're so smart!! Thanks. I'd give you a point or two, if we were still doing that kind of thing.


We are, so give her all the helpfulness points you want!

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There's a theme song now? I have missed a lot. 


Is Ellie still queen and do we still get points? Or must I read to find out?


You must read.  Now get to it.

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I'm off to attempt 1 year of cleaning in 24 hours. If I don't come back, I've died of chemical exposure or was buried under a mound of laundry.


It's a good thing my in-laws come visit every year or the house would never get done!


My house is awful right now because I've been concentrating on tackling old boxes.  I can clean, or I can declutter.  Don't ask me to accomplish both in the same day or week.  I work more effectively when I have fewer things to do and can concentrate on something for a while.  Right now it's declutter time again.

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Homeschooling moms are not good at following directions. It says, "Ignore this thread."  


I didn't ignore it, either!  :laugh:


Welcome here!  Now go read the whole thread.

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Writing While Whining

With my boys, I've use this one and "Writing while acting like you have no IQ points".  I honestly don't recommend either one.


I skimmed so likely missed some stuff.  Busy day AND I'm planning out the schedule for little dd's history and literature for next year.  Go me.  :D

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Yep. That's us. Magnatiles, legos, play silk, costumes, instruments, a kitchen, little people, stuffed animals, and art supplies. I think that's about it. They do each have a stuffed dog that sings to them.


Us too.  Plus Playmobil, which everybody adores.  It occupies them for HOURS.  


Puzzles I leave to the Sunday School classrooms right now… I just can't keep up with them.  No table surfaces are available for the jigsaw ones my older kiddos are ready for.  But if we did have space, absolutely.  

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I can feel the irresistible pull already.


Is this what happened to you all? Like a "Hotel California" kind of thing? You can never leave...


New welcoming theme song!!!!


Welcome to the thread Ingnor-iana

It's a lovely place

Such a lovely place to be


We're living it up in the thread Ignor-iana

Any time of year

you can find it here!

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I'm off to attempt 1 year of cleaning in 24 hours. If I don't come back, I've died of chemical exposure or was buried under a mound of laundry.


It's a good thing my in-laws come visit every year or the house would never get done!


Alright, Pineapple.  


I'm officially impressed.  It looks like you avoided this thread yesterday and perhaps DID in fact clean.


Bravo!  :hurray:


(Today is my cleaning day, and look where I am.  Hence, my admiration. )

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Saying raspberry helps too.


I will have to remember this the next time I think I will sneeze at a funeral or other event of import.  My sneezes tend to blow people away....

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Dd is learning math - real math - with only Khan academy despite dark rumblings that say it's not enough.  I'm progressing too.  In fact, she's ahead of me now and I'd better rush and catch up!  I now understand ratios for the first time at age 51 (see, I am older than Tex and AMJ).  


Harrumph!  I don't believe it.  Either you are exaggerating, or you have been negligent in your matriarchal duties.  Which is it, missy?  You want this matriarch job?

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OK - I'm going to cut and paste from a bunch of different threads because I've explained this a lot (not in the ITT thread!) and I'm having a very bad pain/fatigue day and just cannot type this all out anew.  Note:  this is how I use it with the intent of it being a math curriculum and not just for practice.  Most people use it differently on this board.  


"I use Khan exclusively for math.  I am beside the student the entire time.  I teach the concepts.  Mainly that is because dd absolutely hates the videos but it is also because if I teach it, it is interactive and I can see if she is getting it.  I have a system for Khan - Mission Foundations must be done in order.  After that, dd may choose from the other math topics.  We always do a mastery challenge (or two or however many there are available) at the start of each session.  And then we always do two topics.  (I say always, but because I'm right there, we might do more or less depending on how well she's getting it, her frustration level etc.)  Dd has gone from 2 years behind in math, to only 1  year behind (and probably less because there is some overlap).  Dd does struggle with math and Khan has been the only program that has not reduced her to tears and a flat out refusal to even try.  "  (BTW since I wrote this post a few months ago, dd is now at her math grade level.  Her improvement in math was borne out by higher math scores in standardized testing as well.  



"Mission Foundations must be done in order and they must be done before moving on to anything else for that grade level.  After that, dd may choose from the other math topics.  We always do a mastery challenge (or two or however many there are available) at the start of each session.  And then we always do two topics.  (I say always, but because I'm right there, we might do more or less depending on how well she's getting it, her frustration level etc.)  Dd has gone from 2 years behind in math, to only 1  year behind (and probably less because there is some overlap).  Dd does struggle with math and Khan has been the only program that has not reduced her to tears and a flat out refusal to even try.  As I said up thread, I am always sitting right next to her.  We do not use the videos because she hates the videos.  We look at the new topic.  Sometimes she gets it intuitively because the topics we did right before it were leading right up to this next step.  Sometimes I teach the new concept.  Sometimes I let her try and if she gets stuck she looks at the hints where they spell out how they solved the problem and she sees how it is done that way.  Rarely I see that she's just not ready for that topic yet so we shelve it and go to some unrelated topics for awhile.  Invariably when we go back, she's ready to move on in that topic.  She is a visual spatial learner and Khan meets some kind of need for her that the more linear programs just did not meet.  "


Thank you for this, Jean.  I will check this out, too.


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I asked you all to be my friends earlier just to be annoying.    :lol:   I hope I didn't miss anyone.  (I'm an equal opportunity annoyer!)


I will go look for your friend request later, when I'm done catching up!

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:ohmy:   :w00t:   :smilielol5:   :rofl:   :smash:   :willy_nilly:   :001_tt2:

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Whoa, I really could read that one quite easily!  I didn't know I was dyslexic....

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I got thinking about the line (with deep and philosophical feeling), "you can check out any time you like, " and the song seemed even more appropriate. 


Then it reminded me of the documentary I watched about the Eagles, and the fact that homeschoolers tend to love documentaries. It just keeps getting better!  :hat:


Argh!  (hearty agreement)

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awww, Cute.   :001_smile:


I was temporarily drawn into the Goodbye thread, but decided I just can't commit to any more addictive nonsense.  


However, all the butt talk there reminded me that my little kiddos were asking how CC works and when I mentioned that teachers there are called tutors, they burst out laughing.


(flatulence in our house is called having toots.)  



ETA:  Aaaaand a booyah, without even trying.  This is getting too easy.


:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:   I love your kids' sense of wording!


I missed the Goodbye thread.  What was that all about?  Someone posting a swan song?

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Really deep homeschool stuff is not allowed here. I think. I only post homeschool angst. Nothing deep.


Math is angsty for many.  Posts allowed.  Matriarch has spoken.

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See, if I had known this would be a thing, I would have used it earlier when my space bar wasn't working. However, that belongs in the *other thread, not here. Stop confusing things.


Which other thread?

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It might be Winning with Writing.  I think it's the same folks who made Soaring with Spelling and Growing with Grammar. 


I am a walking homeschool supply catalog.


Ohh, aren't they put out by the All About Alliteration Alliance?

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Writing with Warcraft.  A new venture combining the growing markets of homeschool curriculum and gaming.






Yup, I agree!  Argh!

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New welcoming theme song!!!!


Welcome to the thread Ingnor-iana

It's a lovely place

Such a lovely place to be


We're living it up in the thread Ignor-iana

Any time of year

you can find it here!


Um. NO. We already have a theme song. And it's not creepy.

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Yeah, what happened? Is it because the title was Goodbye. They should have read the whole thing.

Well it is in the TOC that swan songs are not allowed.  


For those that didn't know Luanne changed a thread she made early in May to be a good bye thread with a post about being done with this board.  It morphed into a random fun thread (I only read the first page last night and then went to bed so not sure exactly what all went on in it.  But because it was titled good bye with the swan song post the mods poofed it. I never replied in that thread because the only thing that came to mind was "don't let the door hitcha...."


For further clarification of my not niceness, see the thread about what your kids learned today haha 

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I'm a really bad parent. I don't think we'll ever have video games. Or a TV. Or many other things everyone else will have. People have seriously judged us for our lack of electronics and toys but my kids are some of the happiest kids I know so I think they'll survive.


They do have toys, but not as many as most kids.


Don't rush it, and they don't need all that many toys.  Keep the amount of stuff low, and they will enjoy what they have a whole lot more.  And contrary to what many schools around here seem to think, I do not agree that screens are a necessary daily component of elementary learning.  In fact, I have very real concerns about ergonomic injuries and eye strain which are born out by life experience.


Your kids are young.  Yes, we are a techie family, but I'm still saying don't rush it.

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I play Minecraft.  And Runescape.  My kid's friends ask if they can play with me because they've never played computer games with a mom before and they think it is super awesome.   :coolgleamA: In Runescape I've had kids tell me all their social problems and about their infected piercings!  My kids think that part is hilarious.  


I hadn't heard of Runescape.  Is it another sandbox?

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This. And puzzles. Don't forget puzzles. Puzzles are good (although you have to contain the pieces). We happen to be a puzzle family that likes many-pieced ones, too. Haven't done one in a while though.


I like puzzles, too.  My ILs also find them addictive.  MIL had a boxed set of 10 out on a table yesterday evening, and I started one.  FIL told me I was evil -- apparently they can't just let it lie unfinished.


They had a really wicked one recently that had really oddly-shaped pieces.  That one was tough.

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It really is geared to public schools. It is CC based and there is a lesson for learning objective (can be more than one objective for each standard). Schools will be able to customize for students by picking and choosing which lessons they need based on the objectives. I don't see home schoolers using this.


The company I'd the same that put out Little Lincoln curriculum.


Although, I still have plans to write a Spanish curriculum for heritage speakers. Maybe.


Well, okay.  Go help the public schools.  They need good stuff to work with.

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I sent all the annoying electronic toys to my niece. My brother should have been nicer when we were growing up  :smilielol5:


Good for you!!!!  One year I gave my nephew my brother's old snare drum for a present.  They should have given quieter toys to our kids over the years!

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I know!  I know!


Oh, but am I still a noob?  I have been around for over half the thread now, so I'm not sure.


You can't give the answers anymore.  You are part of the study material!

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I'm arghing your Arghety argh argh argh!






And I am Arghety Arghing your Arghing of my Arghety Argh Argh Argh!



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