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I learned how to do mental math and solve algebra problems using bar diagrams with Singapore.


Forget the kids! I needed this curriculum.

I know right? I'm embarrassed at how much I've learned by homeschooling. And my oldest is only ten. 😳 I will say I felt so vindicated when I found out that adding/subtracting from left to right, like I always wanted to do, not only made more sense, but was a valid way to teach it!

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Yeah. From what I can tell its a video, then practice problems? I could totally be wrong about that. Do you just have her do one video/set of problems a day? Or per week? Or does she do the next one when she feels she's mastered the previous one? I have a 10 and 7 year old I'd like to set up with khan over the summer, but I just am not sure how.

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Yeah. From what I can tell its a video, then practice problems? I could totally be wrong about that. Do you just have her do one video/set of problems a day? Or per week? Or does she do the next one when she feels she's mastered the previous one? I have a 10 and 7 year old I'd like to set up with khan over the summer, but I just am not sure how.

OK - I'm going to cut and paste from a bunch of different threads because I've explained this a lot (not in the ITT thread!) and I'm having a very bad pain/fatigue day and just cannot type this all out anew.  Note:  this is how I use it with the intent of it being a math curriculum and not just for practice.  Most people use it differently on this board.  


"I use Khan exclusively for math.  I am beside the student the entire time.  I teach the concepts.  Mainly that is because dd absolutely hates the videos but it is also because if I teach it, it is interactive and I can see if she is getting it.  I have a system for Khan - Mission Foundations must be done in order.  After that, dd may choose from the other math topics.  We always do a mastery challenge (or two or however many there are available) at the start of each session.  And then we always do two topics.  (I say always, but because I'm right there, we might do more or less depending on how well she's getting it, her frustration level etc.)  Dd has gone from 2 years behind in math, to only 1  year behind (and probably less because there is some overlap).  Dd does struggle with math and Khan has been the only program that has not reduced her to tears and a flat out refusal to even try.  "  (BTW since I wrote this post a few months ago, dd is now at her math grade level.  Her improvement in math was borne out by higher math scores in standardized testing as well.  



"Mission Foundations must be done in order and they must be done before moving on to anything else for that grade level.  After that, dd may choose from the other math topics.  We always do a mastery challenge (or two or however many there are available) at the start of each session.  And then we always do two topics.  (I say always, but because I'm right there, we might do more or less depending on how well she's getting it, her frustration level etc.)  Dd has gone from 2 years behind in math, to only 1  year behind (and probably less because there is some overlap).  Dd does struggle with math and Khan has been the only program that has not reduced her to tears and a flat out refusal to even try.  As I said up thread, I am always sitting right next to her.  We do not use the videos because she hates the videos.  We look at the new topic.  Sometimes she gets it intuitively because the topics we did right before it were leading right up to this next step.  Sometimes I teach the new concept.  Sometimes I let her try and if she gets stuck she looks at the hints where they spell out how they solved the problem and she sees how it is done that way.  Rarely I see that she's just not ready for that topic yet so we shelve it and go to some unrelated topics for awhile.  Invariably when we go back, she's ready to move on in that topic.  She is a visual spatial learner and Khan meets some kind of need for her that the more linear programs just did not meet.  "

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I don't get it either, but it's just a nice thing to do I guess. So be nice!

I asked you all to be my friends earlier just to be annoying.    :lol:   I hope I didn't miss anyone.  (I'm an equal opportunity annoyer!)

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I can actually. How funny. I still don't like them. I dislike most "cool" things.

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I seriously almost posted hotel California lyrics.  Great minds!  I'm friending you too, Winter.  


I got thinking about the line (with deep and philosophical feeling), "you can check out any time you like, " and the song seemed even more appropriate. 


Then it reminded me of the documentary I watched about the Eagles, and the fact that homeschoolers tend to love documentaries. It just keeps getting better!  :hat:

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Chat board.



awww, Cute.   :001_smile:


I was temporarily drawn into the Goodbye thread, but decided I just can't commit to any more addictive nonsense.  


However, all the butt talk there reminded me that my little kiddos were asking how CC works and when I mentioned that teachers there are called tutors, they burst out laughing.


(flatulence in our house is called having toots.)  



ETA:  Aaaaand a booyah, without even trying.  This is getting too easy.

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I got thinking about the line (with deep and philosophical feeling), "you can check out any time you like, " and the song seemed even more appropriate. 




I know, right??  But then I got thinking maybe y'all were too nice to listen to such music (given the context of the lyrics), so I decided against posting it.


Silly me. What was I thinking.  



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