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JoJosMom skip this post ;)


I needed a tooth pulled because I didn't have room with my wisdom teeth coming in, but instead of pulling my wisdom tooth we pulled the weakest molar. My wisdom tooth has now half way filled the hole. It's been less than a week. I wish the rest of my body was that efficient. In other news I'm completely miserable. Every morning I wake up with a mouth full of saliva and blood, and an upset stomach presumably because I have a tummy full of saliva and blood. I just wanna go back on Percocet and be stupid again. It was easier. I have to go to work today and I don't want to, and Matt is leaving me with the kids tomorrow and I don't want to do that. I'm cranky.

:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Poor Slashie.

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That sounds very much like BPPV. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.


It is fixable by specially trained physiotherapists who will make you get into certain positions very quickly to rearrange the tiny fragments of stuff in your ear labyrinth.


Ear yoga!

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Thanks!  Pic is cute, but I'm not good at identifying dog breeds, so I was just wondering.


I've only had two dogs in my life.  The first was a hand-me-down-rescue-mutt-get-this-worm-ridden-creature-out-of-my-10-year-old-life-why-must-you-bury-the-food-I-just-fed-you type of dog which caused me to hate dogs.  He barked at anyone with a beard, which meant he hated our milkman.  I think the feeling was mutual.


The other was one my husband got from a rescue.  Cocker spaniel.  He was so well-behaved and cute, and made me realize I didn't actually hate dogs - just the one I had growing up. :)  He died of cancer, andnow DS is allergic (so was DH, but he sucked it up) so we are sans animals.



ETA:  LOL - if I had kept reading the thread I would have seen he was a Newfie.  I really need to carve out some time to read the whole thread. :)  I'm such a slacker.


You are finally beginning to understand the importance of listening to the Matriarch.  Now get busy.

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I think I'm in a later time zone than some of you. It's not even 8 pm here - way too early to think about bed. Come to think of it, Slache, you're in my time zone!


I think there's a lot of limited tv watchers here. Kind of explains the longevity of the thread...


Tonight is The Voice Finale. Am I the only one who's going to be watching? (Don't tell me who won if you already know).

Sorry. On my phone and my quote wound up in the middle. =-O

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I think I'm in a later time zone than some of you.  It's not even 8 pm here - way too early to think about bed.  Come to think of it, Slache, you're in my time zone!  


Tonight is The Voice Finale.  Am I the only one who's going to be watching?  (Don't tell me who won if you already know).  


Enter this thread, and you enter the EDT Time Zone.  It's universal.  Per my orders, about 73 pages ago.  


Go to bed.  No fun allowed while I'm stuck sleeping.  

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Positional Vertigo.  Try this.  

 I've done it successfully.  My ENT approves.  



(coming out of lurkdom just long enough to post and run   :leaving: )


HI, Jean!  


Oh, wait.  I didn't mean it to sound quite like that....


Greetings and felicitations!  At the sound of the tone you have one minute to live it up!  Oh, wait, that's Dad's outgoing message....


I greet you in the name of humanity.  We come in peace.  No, that one isn't appropriate, either....




Glad you are here!  Have you read the whole thread yet?

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Pewter gray.


This thread has made me realize that dental issues make me woozy.  I'm good with most things, but dental is different for some reason.  I would never pull my kids' teeth.  They had to pull each other's.  It grossed me out too much.  I have watched multiple childbirths and helped folks with huge gashes.  I have removed dh's and ds's stitches, superglued myself together when I got a tin can cut, was present at my dh's vasectomy and watched some of it, held a lady's arm which was broken (the nurse at the hospital asked me for my help), and watched my dad get a weird blob of something removed from his back.  But no teeth, thank you very much.  I think it is a very good thing I have no wisdom teeth.


DD10 can't stand to pull her own baby teeth, even when they are (JOJOSMOM, LOOK AWAY!) just hanging by a thread.  She got a BIG reward from the Tooth Fairy when she managed to get not one, but two out before the dental appointment in which they were going to be pulled.  That reduced the count from 5 to 3, and reduced the dental bill commensurately.  Which is a good thing, because the poor kid is certainly going to need braces once her permanent teeth are all in.

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We all have our own issues. Mine are fingernails and v*ginas. In and of themselves they're fine, but malfunctions in those areas are catastrophic to me.


Oh.  Don't look at my hands.  Nail-biter

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Oh, I forgot.  I don't do feet - only baby/toddler feet.  I seriously find feet repulsive, particularly men's feet.  They should never wear sandals.  They are terrible.  


Oh, okay.  DD10 and I will TRY to keep our shoes on around you.  Seriously.  Our feet cry out for freedom and our shoes run and hide from their fervor.  


I guess we should keep our shoes on around Slashie, too, since she doesn't like nail malfunctions.  DD10's are okay there, but I have an odd nail or two.  

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Stinky boy feet. Yuck. My guys decided it would be fun the other day to crack each other's toes... SERIOUSLY!?! I thought I was going to hurl. Boys. I pretty much made them boil their hands in oil before they came near me again that day.


Man feet get judged on a case by case basis. Dh has cute feet. He is also very well-groomed and clean, so he doesn't gross me out. Not that I will be cracking his toes anytime soon, ug.


It's not just the teen boys.  DD13's feet get quite ripe.  I have told her that I want one of her pairs of shoes in each load of laundry she does from now on because even with socks *phew*!

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DD10 can't stand to pull her own baby teeth, even when they are (JOJOSMOM, LOOK AWAY!) just hanging by a thread.  She got a BIG reward from the Tooth Fairy when she managed to get not one, but two out before the dental appointment in which they were going to be pulled.  That reduced the count from 5 to 3, and reduced the dental bill commensurately.  Which is a good thing, because the poor kid is certainly going to need braces once her permanent teeth are all in.

When dd's first tooth started to come out (JOJOSMOM, LOOK AWAY!) it was hanging by a thread too.  I reached over and yanked it out.  She screamed (not in pain) and cried,  "Put it back!"  

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My mama warned me about people asking me to send pix of body parts....


This really made me wonder about your Mom, until I realized it didn't say "...asking me to send six body parts..."

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We have no scorpions, deadly or otherwise. Our only snakes are totally benign garter snakes.


You have to drive inland about 6 h and then there are rattlers in some areas.


We do have coyotes and bears - some areas more than others. But it's not like you step in those accidentally or they curl up in your shoes :D


Renaiiiii!  We need a pic of a bear curled up in a shoe!

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This is the thread never ends.

It just goes on and on my friend...


Some people started posting here not knowing what it was

and we'll go on a-posting here forever just because...!

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I'll take that as a compliment. I hope it wasn't some of my drunken ramblings. I went back and read some. It was awesome. I don't even remember them. I've never been drunk so you guys are my first. Lucky you.


Uh oh.  Your dad isn't going to come after us with a shotgun, is he?

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Enter this thread, and you enter the EDT Time Zone.  It's universal.  Per my orders, about 73 pages ago.  


Go to bed.  No fun allowed while I'm stuck sleeping.  


I remember 73 pages ago. No such thing was established. 

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I have no dental knowledge. We need some big guns for this.


No, I checked her thread and it's foot related.  I can't help her there other than to say get an x-ray.  I'm the nitwit who broke the same toe twice in the same day clobbering it on the same chair leg (chair still was sitting in the same wrong location, too)....

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I forgot what I was going to say about this. But, I'm pretty sure there's a cure for what's ailin' ya.




Oobedoo!  I wanna be like you-oo-oo

I wanna walk like you

talk like you



What I desire

is Man's red fire

so I can stop monkeying around!

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And...once again, I don't realize I'm at the top of the page because I'm too busy responding to the millions of posts I've missed. 


She finally got it!

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I think I'm in a later time zone than some of you.  It's not even 8 pm here - way too early to think about bed.  Come to think of it, Slache, you're in my time zone!  


Tonight is The Voice Finale.  Am I the only one who's going to be watching?  (Don't tell me who won if you already know).  


I can tell you!  They all finally closed their mouths and lots of people applauded!


Did you ever notice how performers THINK the audience likes them, but the audience only claps AFTER the performers stop?  I think the situation needs some reassessing!

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Enter this thread, and you enter the EDT Time Zone.  It's universal.  Per my orders, about 73 pages ago.  


Go to bed.  No fun allowed while I'm stuck sleeping.  



Wrong zone.  *cue Twilight Zone theme*

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I'm a very long time lurker on this thread.  So yes.  


Dd just noticed I was posting here.  She said "They sucked you in!"


You have a very bright and observant procreation output!  5000 points for raising a smart kid!  Now, pop quiz:  how many points have you racked up by reading the whole thread?

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It's almost 11 PM here, and I had a very busy day.  Much to teach tomorrow (though less of it since we are finishing some subjects for the school year), so off to bed I go.  Nighty-night!

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