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Google image beagle puppies.


Are they as friendly as they look?  Do they bark too much?  Pee on the carpet?  Type?


My mom and sibs all have adorable cavalier spaniels that snuggle and don't bark and are little and very cute.  Which really do fit the bill for me but dh wants a BIG dog.  Lab or larger.  

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Are they as friendly as they look? Do they bark too much? Pee on the carpet? Type?


My mom and sibs all have adorable cavalier spaniels that snuggle and don't bark and are little and very cute. Which really do fit the bill for me but dh wants a BIG dog. Lab or larger.

Beagles bark. It's their thing. I don't suppose there's any chance I could sell you on pit bulls is there? They're like the perfect dog. Seriously.

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Beagles bark. It's their thing. I don't suppose there's any chance I could sell you on pit bulls is there? They're like the perfect dog. Seriously.


Unlikely.  Our neighbors have a part pit bull, and it freaks dh out.  He makes the kids come inside when the dog is out.   


Beagles would be out, then.  I mean, the occasional "A-Bad-Guy-Is-At-The-Door-And-Is-Waving-A-Gun-At-The-Children" kind of bark can be forgiven.  But yippee incessant stuff would not work.

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Unlikely. Our neighbors have a part pit bull, and it freaks dh out. He makes the kids come inside when the dog is out.


Beagles would be out, then. I mean, the occasional "A-Bad-Guy-Is-At-The-Door-And-Is-Waving-A-Gun-At-The-Children" kind of bark can be forgiven. But yippee incessant stuff would not work.

Not yips, bays. Like a wolf's howl. Awesome dogs. Sweet. Low maintenance. Exceptionally stupid. I love them.

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I could maybe handle bays!

When we had enough hounds at the shop we used to start howling to get them going. We loved it. Our beagle Mr. Schmitz used to howl when he treed the cat in the basement, then John would mimic him. John started howling at probably 6 months old.

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When we had enough hounds at the shop we used to start howling to get them going. We loved it. Our beagle Mr. Schmitz used to howl when he treed the cat in the basement, then John would mimic him. John started howling at probably 6 months old.


I might be sold!  I just googled them.  They come in so many colors.  I want blue! and tri-color! and red-n-white!

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Beagles bay a lot and dig out of fences. Our neighbor has a beagle they can't keep contained. Hate it! It taunts our dog and then runs away. Coward!


Nan was all Girls Gone Wild this evening. I am exhausted.


This is what my dh is saying just now.   Really I just want Snoopy with a bowl on his head, but I don't think they really make those.  

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It's just me and DS and they're almost gone.  I blaming him.  I couldn't possibly have eaten that many, right?



Back to arrghing again!  (Ikslo, I "argh" when I run out of likes, so if I respond to your post with "Argh" it counts as a like.)  However, I'm pretty sure I've been robbed.  I had to wait until now to get some likes back, and I'm pretty sure I haven't liked a pageful in the last 10 minutes.  Still, it claims I am out of likes yet again....

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I really liked red velvet snow congress congress? cones in New Orleans. They were velvety. So nummers.




Reading further to see if this gets explained....

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They were a hoot. My grandpa sold his portion of the cattle ranch at 18 for 13 million dollars and spent *all* of it. He died broke, but with awesome stories.



He had a pet mountain lion named Kittywitch. She almost ate my uncle.



Blue-Eyed Quackerback would've "liked" this too, but he's outta likes right now.   If you listen carefully you can probably still hear his guffaws.  





What the heck is a red velvet snow congress congress?



She was actually just playing, but Memo was pissed and that was the end of Kittywitch. Mountain lions were not meant top be pets.



Oh, thank goodness I'm not the only one scratching my head.  I thought maybe all that sugar from the cookies I just inhaled went to my head. 





Very cool. Well, as long as you weren't counting on his will.  



Arghs and agreement to all of this!


And see, Slashie, I can too multiquote when I want to!

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Snow cones. Read the whole thing.


But that's not what it said....


So, how did the two congresses get in there?  And just to say, I'm glad the kids are in bed or they'd be spouting back to me all of the stuff on the American government I've spent the last several months drilling into their heads.  I certainly don't need to hear about bicameral snow cones....

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Are they as friendly as they look?  Do they bark too much?  Pee on the carpet?  Type?


My mom and sibs all have adorable cavalier spaniels that snuggle and don't bark and are little and very cute.  Which really do fit the bill for me but dh wants a BIG dog.  Lab or larger.  


If you have fragile things in the house beware the Labrador tail.  I love Labs, but those tails will knock down small children and sweep coffee tables clear.

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Ahh, back to the Congressional Congressional? Snow Cones discussion, are we?



I texted my sister a Halitosis Mitre Day yesterday.  My index finger was injured (probably from too much time ignoring this thread) and my phone did not like my middle finger much.  



:smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5: :smilielol5:

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Beagles bay a lot and dig out of fences. Our neighbor has a beagle they can't keep contained. Hate it! It taunts our dog and then runs away. Coward!


Nan was all Girls Gone Wild this evening. I am exhausted.


Whoa!  You get an Argh, and hugs :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: .  Is it bad of me to wonder if you got it on video?

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This is what my dh is saying just now.   Really I just want Snoopy with a bowl on his head, but I don't think they really make those.  


Snoopy is amazingly quiet for a beagle.  I'm pretty certain he's not actually beagle, but that's what they say he is because they don't know what he is.


I think he's visiting from another planet and having too much fun here to leave!

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You amaze me. Mom-of-the-Year.


BTW - that reminds me.  My ds7 saw your van pic this morning and said, "But where's the mommy in that picture?"


See!  You ain't so old as you think, Hot Mama!!  


Arghety argh argh!

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Whoa! You get an Argh, and hugs :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: . Is it bad of me to wonder if you got it on video?

Ha! Sorry, no video. I was busy managing Nan, and everyone else stared at us in horror. Dh fled the scene after giving her an extra pill per my instructions. I banished the caregiver because Nan was kicking her and calling her an idiot.
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