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FIVE THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED AND NINE LIKES. BOO-FRIGGIN-YA! I'm so popular here. You people have no idea how annoying I am in real life. None.


How do you know this?  Oh, the mysteries of the Forum that have yet to be revealed...

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How do you know this?  Oh, the mysteries of the Forum that have yet to be revealed...

It's the green box on your profile. You have 1,320.


Oh, come on, Slash.  You know you want to shout it.  No one "booya"s like the Original Booya Babeâ„¢.

New.member.title. :coolgleamA:

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We have worked on the house, well actually just the first floor.  We keep yellow police tape across the steps to the 2nd floor because who has time to clean up there?    (Just kidding about the tape.)  Anyway, a few more first floor tasks to finish, but I even vacuumed up long accumulated dust from places I normally ignore.  :hurray:

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I got my coffee, AND we sang the Timeline Song three times en route.  Plus the Presidents Song.  Plus math to divide up the 25-count munchkins in a way that was fair to everybody and included extra chocolates for me.  (Yes, munchkins.  I know.  Awful.  But we have no eggs unless I steal from my neighbors coop, and I am NOT going to grocery store because I hate the grocery store, and everyone's tired of oatmeal, and no one even had shoes on in the van anyway so drive-thru options were the only options.  And munchkins are yummy.)


So we did school, right??


Now that I know what munchkins are, I'll need to think long and hard about how to write that up in CCSS format... :glare:

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Oh, serious note.  I have noticed the absence of texasmama.  Extra, double-strength prayers for her, for Nan, and for the family.

I have crawled blindfolded through the muck and mud about twenty miles to get here and post on this thread.  




Your thoughts and prayers have sustained me the entire time.  Listen for all of your names on the press conference occurring shortly.


I have two words for you all:  Science Fair.  It happened today, and we have struggled through it and overcome.  We have dealt and survivlved.


I had a terrible dream last night in which Nan was trying and was able to get out of the bed!  (Not possible, but I can see my subconscious working it all out.)  


Also, last night at the American Heritage Girls meeting, I agreed to be treasurer for next year.  It is a small troop, and the leaders are stepping down so it was going to fold unless some people stepped up.  Treasurer seemed the least time-intensive job.


My ds12 bothers me incessantly to get Amazon prime streaming.  No thanks.


In other news, dh has a MAN COLD.


Also, in the spirit of full disclosure, I had many bad words come out of my mouth yesterday.  It was just that sort of a day.   :leaving:


Funny story of the day:  The hospice nurse had the pharmacy deliver some new Benzodiazapines for Nan, only they had the wrong phone number so could not call and did not know it was NOT an emergency so the delivery dude rang the bell at midnight.  Yes, midnight.  Dh was upstairs sleeping with his man cold so I was the only one who responded.  I grabbed a robe and wrapped it around me but I neglected to put on my glasses so I squinted and tried to see who it was. So I opened the door for a strange man at midnight to get benzos.  It doesn't really sound appropriate when I put it that way.

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I obeyed.


The horses are fed and happy and many weeds have been slain.


I have failed at my goal of accomplishing nothing all week.




Woo-hoo! Or maybe Sorry??  


We got LA done!  And a mountain of laundry!  And the minions are scuttling about doing chores right now.  Not sure I'll make it to the weeds, as baby nap time isn't cooperating, but we'll see.  If that fails, I may tackle kids' dressers.  (We are slowly changing over wardrobes for the season.)

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I have crawled blindfolded through the muck and mud about twenty miles to get here and post on this thread.  




Your thoughts and prayers have sustained me the entire time.  Listen for all of your names on the press conference occurring shortly.


I have two words for you all:  Science Fair.  It happened today, and we have struggled through it and overcome.  We have dealt and survivlved.


I had a terrible dream last night in which Nan was trying and was able to get out of the bed!  (Not possible, but I can see my subconscious working it all out.)  


Also, last night at the American Heritage Girls meeting, I agreed to be treasurer for next year.  It is a small troop, and the leaders are stepping down so it was going to fold unless some people stepped up.  Treasurer seemed the least time-intensive job.


My ds12 bothers me incessantly to get Amazon prime streaming.  No thanks.


In other news, dh has a MAN COLD.


Also, in the spirit of full disclosure, I had many bad words come out of my mouth yesterday.  It was just that sort of a day.   :leaving:


Funny story of the day:  The hospice nurse had the pharmacy deliver some new Benzodiazapines for Nan, only they had the wrong phone number so could not call and did not know it was NOT an emergency so the delivery dude rang the bell at midnight.  Yes, midnight.  Dh was upstairs sleeping with his man cold so I was the only one who responded.  I grabbed a robe and wrapped it around me but I neglected to put on my glasses so I squinted and tried to see who it was. So I opened the door for a strange man at midnight to get benzos.  It doesn't really sound appropriate when I put it that way.





I'd say more, but the minions have called me.  It's Inspection Time.  The time when I overlook their many failures in the realm of housecleaning, praise their many successes, and hand out choco chips like the benevolent dictator that I am.  Then crash  with a coke and a book while they watch their Friday movie (today's is SWB's new science book that arrived yesterday...  Woo-Hoo!)


ETA: The BOOK is SWB; the MOVIE is Charlie Brown.  In case you wondered.  Not sure that the screenplay for Story of Science has been written yet….

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Woo-hoo! Or maybe Sorry??  


We got LA done!  And a mountain of laundry!  And the minions are scuttling about doing chores right now.  Not sure I'll make it to the weeds, as baby nap time isn't cooperating, but we'll see.  If that fails, I may tackle kids' dressers.  (We are slowly changing over wardrobes for the season.)


Season changeover - is there any good way to do this?  I feel like I'm constantly dealing with clothes - which to save for same child next year, which to save for a sibling in a future year, which to hand down to someone out of our immediate family, which to take to goodwill.  And as soon as I get it all dealt with someone needs an off-season item because it's unexpectedly hot/cold.  And then someone realizes that such and such item is really too small (which I tried to tell them when we did all this the first time), and they bring it to me, etc. 

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Season changeover - is there any good way to do this?  I feel like I'm constantly dealing with clothes - which to save for same child next year, which to save for a sibling in a future year, which to hand down to someone out of our immediate family, which to take to goodwill.  And as soon as I get it all dealt with someone needs an off-season item because it's unexpectedly hot/cold.  And then someone realizes that such and such item is really too small (which I tried to tell them when we did all this the first time), and they bring it to me, etc. 


Have a good strong drink close at hand.  


Otherwise, No.  There is no good way to do it.  I have my own uniquely quirky system that helps somewhat, but the whole process is still a pain in the you know what.  All of our stored items are kept in vacuum-sealed bags for lack of space, so I try to open those only twice a year, and have an easier-to-access basket for each child of "Next Season's Clothes."  Plus another basket of "Stuff to move to the Storage Bags When I Pull Them Out Again Next Time."  It does help that the girls are so close in age; I mostly just move their things down to the next kid, and donate the youngest dd's stuff when she's done with them.  

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My system is, as it's time to changeover clothes, I pile them all in a big pile at the foot of my bed. We don't walk on that side. As I get to them (it can take weeks), I stuff themi in bags to give or throw away because I ain't saving clothes for 11 years for the youngest or saving the youngest clothes for an imaginary next sibling that is very unlikely to come. If you don't believe me, I could take a picture of the big pile of clothes at the foot of the bed. But, I'm too embarrassed to post it. Just take my word for it.

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I'd say more, but the minions have called me.  It's Inspection Time.  The time when I overlook their many failures in the realm of housecleaning, praise their many successes, and hand out choco chips like the benevolent dictator that I am.  Then crash  with a coke and a book while they watch their Friday movie (today's is SWB's new science book that arrived yesterday...  Woo-Hoo!)


ETA: The BOOK is SWB; the MOVIE is Charlie Brown.  In case you wondered.  Not sure that the screenplay for Story of Science has been written yet….

I thought that was lightening fast on Story of Science being made into a movie because the book came out about a minute ago.  ;)


Ooh, I think SOTW should be made into a movie.  In fact, it could be a B movie with a low budget and all of us in the Hive as actors.  Imma call SWB on her batphone right away and suggest it.

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Regarding seasonal changing of the clothing, my advice is to have all boys because their clothes take us less room for some reason so I just keep them all in the closet/drawers regardless of season.


With my girls, I tossed it all in a bin and stored it above the cabinets in the laundry room until the next season, when the dds would try things on, determine what fit and what was outgrown, and then swapped them out.  I then weeded through the outgrown, sold the nice brand/nice shape stuff and gave away the rest.  It actually worked pretty well.

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Well, I don't know if I should have, but I emailed dd's folks at her school about a particular issue - math. In a nutshell, her teacher sucks. He's really smart, and really adhd (no, really, he admits it), and flits from flower to flower leaving all the little bees behind.


I have no idea how i ran into that analogy. Anyway...


Yesterday, I emailed the other teacher that she has tutored with periodically asking if he knew what the teacher lineup was for next year. And, if she doesn't pass algebra this year if she would wind up with the same one she has now. Basically, yeah, cuz there's only three math teachers at this school. Only one sucks. The instructional specialist was cc'd on the message since dd also has an iep. 


So, I got a response today from the IS, verifying that they are not sure who is teaching what next year, but there aren't too many choices. They'll do the best they can to help dd to succeed whatever the outcome. But, he talked to her teacher and he seems to think she's going to pass. How with a 49% right now, I'm not sure.


I write back to him thanking him for the response. Then mention that I'm concerned that most of her passing grades are in Respect, Responsibility, and Participation, and not so much on math work. I want her to understand the concepts. We're paying a tutor every week that she understands, but I see a lot of homework grades that are 0/5. I don't know if that's because she hasn't done the homework, he hasn't graded the homework, or she just really flunked the homework. Tests are mostly Cs, Ds, and Fs. I am not very hopeful. Yes, I wrote all that. I also said that I thought she would do very well in geometry, but I more than likely would need to supplement at home with an algebra curriculum just to make sure she understands the concepts and will remember them for algebra 2 the following year.


For the record, dd thinks she overheard the teachers talking about her math teacher. They were saying just about everyone was flunking in his classes and they were going to look for another teacher. She was shocked when I told her yesterday that I still haven't seen an ad for his position and the emails implied he would still be there.


Ok. Enough serious stuff. I told her I wouldn't discuss school vs homeschool for next year until AFTER her dance intensive in July. She said, What?! Why?!

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Renai, you are such a good mother. :grouphug:


Thanks. But I'm actually not. I am lazy, and my house is a mess while I sit here and type on WTM. (FTR, I was certifying for one of my at-home jobs, and I just now passed, so...). Also, ftr, my 15yo thinks I'm a great mother and really cool, and my 4yo thinks I'm perfect.  :lol:


My daughter told me the other night it was up to me if I homeschool her next year. What is that? Her way of not taking responsibility for her education, and if everything gets screwed up she can blame me? Or what? I told her that I'm allowing her to decide. But, now I'm thinking I'm asking her to make a decision she's not mature enough to make, which is why she's passing the buck to me. Sometimes I wonder...

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Thanks. But I'm actually not. I am lazy, and my house is a mess while I sit here and type on WTM. (FTR, I was certifying for one of my at-home jobs, and I just now passed, so...). Also, ftr, my 15yo thinks I'm a great mother and really cool, and my 4yo thinks I'm perfect.  :lol:


My daughter told me the other night it was up to me if I homeschool her next year. What is that? Her way of not taking responsibility for her education, and if everything gets screwed up she can blame me? Or what? I told her that I'm allowing her to decide. But, now I'm thinking I'm asking her to make a decision she's not mature enough to make, which is why she's passing the buck to me. Sometimes I wonder...


This is very rude of me and I apologize, but it sounds like she's manipulating you.

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This is very rude of me and I apologize, but it sounds like she's manipulating you.


No, it's not rude of you. You just can't see her from this side. I think she's scared to make a decision. She's a pretty immature 15yo. She has very low self-esteem, little confidence, and has been beaten down many times by her peers. Which should be enough reason to pull her out of school.


It's all social problems - as social as she is, it seems it is awkward for her. (I've even had a couple of peers tell me things like, "she'll say something that is supposed to be funny but we're looking at each other like, what??" I have not told her about that.) She gets along well with those younger than her, or older than her, but peers... :confused1: . It's been like this since she was little. I saw so many things when she was small, I put her on the Feingold diet, which seemed to help with things like - focusing enough so she could start reading social cues. I told her I may put her on it again.  :huh:


Even if she is manipulating me, it would be in favor of homeschooling. There is no way she could transfer to the public schools once we start. Not that I'd put her in. Or, she'd stay at the charter school, which *I* don't have a problem with. Except for the social issues...


ETA: Dh has been telling me to pull her since...when. But, he usually says it when he's mad at her.

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. I think she's scared to make a decision. She's a pretty immature 15yo. She has very low self-esteem, little confidence, and has been beaten down many times by her peers. Which should be enough reason to pull her out of school.







Dude. I am well into my 40s and I find myself wanting to let others make hard decisions.  Because it's hard. It's also possible that she simply trusts your judgment more than her own in this case. Which sounds like a pretty mature approach, if that's what it is.


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Dude. I am well into my 40s and I find myself wanting to let others make hard decisions.  Because it's hard. It's also possible that she simply trusts your judgment more than her own in this case. Which sounds like a pretty mature approach, if that's what it is.




And this, too. Since WE can tell how much you care, I'll bet your DD can, too.  That's some serious awesomeness.


Good Gravy.  I'm having 80s flashbacks.  I really need more sleep at night.

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My daughter told me the other night it was up to me if I homeschool her next year. What is that? Her way of not taking responsibility for her education, and if everything gets screwed up she can blame me? Or what? I told her that I'm allowing her to decide. But, now I'm thinking I'm asking her to make a decision she's not mature enough to make, which is why she's passing the buck to me. Sometimes I wonder...


What does "taking responsibility for her education" really mean?? She's still compulsory school age, meaning she has to be "enrolled" somewhere or her parents will go to jail (ok, maybe not jail, but still). How much "responsibility" can she actually take?


If she's willing to be homeschooled, I say go for it. She could be much more "responsible" at home than at school, anyway.

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No, it's not rude of you. You just can't see her from this side. I think she's scared to make a decision. She's a pretty immature 15yo. She has very low self-esteem, little confidence, and has been beaten down many times by her peers. Which should be enough reason to pull her out of school.


It's all social problems - as social as she is, it seems it is awkward for her. (I've even had a couple of peers tell me things like, "she'll say something that is supposed to be funny but we're looking at each other like, what??" I have not told her about that.) She gets along well with those younger than her, or older than her, but peers... :confused1: . It's been like this since she was little. I saw so many things when she was small, I put her on the Feingold diet, which seemed to help with things like - focusing enough so she could start reading social cues. I told her I may put her on it again.  :huh:


Even if she is manipulating me, it would be in favor of homeschooling. There is no way she could transfer to the public schools once we start. Not that I'd put her in. Or, she'd stay at the charter school, which *I* don't have a problem with. Except for the social issues...


ETA: Dh has been telling me to pull her since...when. But, he usually says it when he's mad at her.

I hear anxiety in her wanting you to decide.  My anxious kid gets paralyzed making decisions at times, even small ones.  And this is a big one.


I think you are rocking it even if your house is a mess because I am rocking it and my house is not stellar.  We are all rockin' mamas because we are in the game and spending inordinate amounts of time and energy trying to "do the right thing" by our dc.

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