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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Looks like the kids will have school today - I hope!  Love them, but they are going to forget everything they learned if these "weather days" continue.  [ETA, they have school.]


So here's the plan for today.

  • Get back on track with work - start before the kids get up if possible (yeah, it happens maybe 5% of the time).  [Well, I thought about work before 7:30, does that count?]  [As of 8:25 I sent 2 emails and prepared 2 invoices.  Could be worse.]
  • Get the girls up and out, including review of stuff they are about to be tested on today, breakfast, lunches.  [done]
  • Take out the garbage.  [done]
  • Clean bathrooms, kitchen, some clutter.  [done]
  • Yoga stretches.  [done]
  • Chiropractor appointment.  [done]
  • Clean out car.  [done]
  • Work until 4:45.  On work breaks:
    • A little exercise.  [done]
    • A little fun reading.  [done]
    • See if I can fit in the laundry or other personal tasks.  [did some laundry]
    • Start kids on homework.  [done]
  • Kids to swim team.  Take computer and work while waiting.  [done]
  • Dinner.  [done]
  • Kids' homework, test study, piano, AHG badge work.  [Kids had a lot of homework & test study so that was all we got to.]
  • Read-aloud.  [done]
  • Kids to bed.  [done]
  • Work from 10-12.
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It was a balmy 15F on the way to the gym :D


Up ahead:

--wake the teenager

--school: math, chem, history, APHG, SO

--order SO team tshirts

--daily things

--Wednesday-specific tasks

--take turkey out of freezer to defrost for Sunday

--research Seattle hotels convenient to public transportation (from airport and to train station)

--make English decision for next year (dd's choice)

--continue reading about AP Environmental Science, now that I have a handle on bio


Have a great day :party:

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Good morning

- volunteer at dd1's school for lunch- done

- meet with her GS leader about new fundraiser (can't make the meeting tomorrow)- done

- transfer $- done

- get money, milk and a few other things- done

- laundry- not enough for a load yet

- tidy house- round 1 done

- dishes- done

- get dd1 off bus- picked her up from school

- play practice

- dinner- pizza at play practice

- baths if needed

- bedtime routine

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Good Morning! 



  • school --turn in writing assignment online, work on chemistry-new module, literature finish up for the month of Feb. Done
  • tidy main floor--vacuum, dust and put everything away Done
  • cook dinner--baked spaghetti, salad and bread Done
  • take ds to get his hair cut She wasn't there...put off to another day 
  • pick up anything we will need for the next couple of day...more snow tomorrow Went to Hobby Lobby and got lots of stuff to decorate and came home and did some more work around the house.  

Have a lovely day!

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Morning all!! Right not I'm in survival mode. My body is not ready to do much yet but I have 3 wild kids who are insanely hyper. It's only day 3 without dh and I'm already quite overwhelmed. I'll be happy with the day if I get dinner done and don't snap at the kids

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Jen and hjffkj, praying for you both!  :grouphug:  :grouphug:



breakfast and saw dh off (he's in training for the last day today)
practically had to drag dd out of the bed (such a teen!)

breakfast for the rest of us

emailed back and forth with IEW, might be working the booth in Greenville!!!!

some school

lunch (dh came home for it)

made a meal plan for nephew's food this weekend and next week (gluten free)


To Do:

more school

get a shower

drop off dd at library

phone call from IEW

dh or I pick dd up

read lesson for class tonight

dinner at Subway because we have some free stuff





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Jen  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Amy, how exciting about the prospect of working the IEW booth!  Congrats!


Jean, don't let them turn you into a human pincushion.  


To do:

I honestly don't feel like doing anything.  


Coffee, readings

Bank and mailing center, again.




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Wednesday is speech day, 7:30 am...oh the sacrifices we make for our kids!

DS1 Chemistry - DONE

DS1 Math -

DS2 Math - DONE

DS2 Reading -

Breakfast - DONE

Lunch - DONE

Dinner -

take DD to speech - DONE

drive DD to school (45 min each way :( ) - DONE

Wash laundry - 3 loads done

Fold laundry - 1 load done

Put away laundry -

Pick up playroom/dining room -

Vacuum playroom/dining room -

Clean kitchen -

Pack 4 boxes -

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After dh went off to work I did errands.


1.  I managed to deposit money into the ILs account even though the fluffly-headed teller tried to tell me that the check went into the Payer's account.  "No, the money is coming from them, not going to them!"


2.  Got new BOOKshelves at Nordies.  Very depressing and that's all I want to say about that.



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Banking and mailings done.


Dd and I went out on our delayed breakfast from yesterday.  Set some goals, which will probably carry through the summer.

Went to library, helped her find books on Middle Ages, King Arthur, etc.  


Listened to her get grilled by kind lady at the library bookstore as to why she wasn't in school.  For the record, this has never, ever happened to us.  Proceeded to listen to dd give rapid fire answers to vocabulary definitions, other queries on her abilities.  Had to laugh when lady asked if she had other siblings at home.  Dd said she should just ask if she had any brothers or sisters.   :closedeyes:


The bonus was dd spotted a flyer for musical auditions in May.  She has missed her musical theater class.  


I'm going to read, go to bed early.  

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