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Declutter week 7


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I already did my kitchen (that one was easy).  This weekend, I organized & cleaned out over 500 CDs and cassette tapes, got rid of 6 bags of trash, cleaned out all of the toys, pens, pencils, crayons/office supplies, unpacked 2 boxes, emptied several plastic bins, got rid of 3 old, small pieces of furniture, 5 bags of clothes, my silver plate that I haven't used in 18 years, my pampered Chef stoneware I haven't used, and half of the coloring books.


This week, we'll empty out 5 more boxes, I'll de-clutter/re-organize all of the school book shelves, probably get rid of 4 boxes of textbooks/guides, get all of the Christmas paper/boxes re-organized and put away.  I also plan to clean out the big pantry/storage closet and the cleaning closet. Next weekend, assuming the weather is good, we should at least get some basic organization to the garage, so we can begin really re-organizing, de-cluttering & tossing stuff.  Oh, and I found 6 boxes of my husband's junk HE gets to go through and get rid of :D


Slowly, but surely we're getting through this mess.  I am not bringing this stuff back to the states with me!  After we get stuff pretty much cleaned out, I will be ready to start re-packing things to go back (assuming we know by that point).

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As I recover from my c section I've been spending a lot of time in bed staring at my closet and dh's closets. They aren't too out of control but spending 5 minutes on them a day this week will be my goal. I think I'll be able to fill up a bag or 2 to send to goodwill and will feel motivated to get my bedroom to a place where everything has its own spot.

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Wow, Lisa K , you have accomplished a lot!


Everyone is doing great! Hang in there!


Last week was slightly less productive for me. I decluttered and organized part of my laundry room.


This week I need to get a couple bags of clothing out of the house. It is a busy week for us so I will probably do some mini sessions of decluttering.

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I tossed my worthless crockpot today.


I got the rest of the bins I need to finish my front closet organization!


I should really make a master list of projects to do before I host a bridal shower in April to keep me focused.


I am moving a bunch of stuff in the basement to move a wall, but what goes back will be under scrutiny when the time comes.


I should go through the kitchen cabinets again too.

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Wow, Lisa K , you have accomplished a lot!


Everyone is doing great! Hang in there!


Last week was slightly less productive for me. I decluttered and organized part of my laundry room.


This week I need to get a couple bags of clothing out of the house. It is a busy week for us so I will probably do some mini sessions of decluttering.


My body is very sore...it helps a lot that my husband was right there organizing stuff with me (he did all of the DVDs/Blue Rays/video games, assembled some IKEA furniture, and started working on his office disaster -- and that he was there so I could ask him which was the band name or the name of the album on his CDs that I was alphabetizing).  As a bonus, I found my Bind It All spines!! Assignment books can now be bound, and I can print off the next books for my kids (whew!)

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This week I am organizing nursery supplies/ baby gear. Dh should be done with the painting and trim in our bedroom today so tonight we can move back in and I can organize everything. Like pp, the clothes, shoes and things that come back in will be under much scrutiny. I am only keeping what we really wear/use. The rest is getting donated.

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Still working on my kitchen :)


Me too! Specifically, cookbooks and the bakeware cabinet.


I got distracted from the kitchen last week. I finished reading the Tidying Up book so I hesitantly went through my closet. I don't have big chunks of time to pull everything out like the author says to do but I managed to fill up a bag with clothes to donate. Reading this book and looking through my closet, I realize how many clothes I just don't like anymore. They're stained, don't fit right, or whatever, but I'm afraid to get rid of them all because then I'll have nothing to wear! So, I got rid of about 1/4 of them. For now. {Sigh} I may need professional help.

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One of my friends just posted this "40 bags in 40 days" challenge.  I think I'll cry if I have 40 bags of stuff!  Well, if it's MY stuff (school/craft/kids & me).  Now, if you include my HUSBAND's stuff, I have a feeling it's more than 40 bags worth.  Getting him to let go is hard, though.  On the plus side, he IS letting go of old Microsoft Software...ya know like MS 97, MS 2000, etc., etc.  I have trouble believing that this junk came all the way to Italy with us!  He was complaining about the school books & school supplies -- but at least we are using/will use those!

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