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Who's going to tackle Sunday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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relax after yesterdays marathon food preserving day.


vacuum house and mop all unrugged floors.


clean deep-freezer and pack with freshly butchered cow. ( we paid someone to chop it up this year)


spend 1 hour calming down twin 2 who was in one of his screaming frenzies.... and think how amazing that he has one only every few days now when all his reports say that he had them greater than 12 times a day before placement with us.


Ring up my mum and use her as an ear to hear my absolutely overwhelming frustration on the next demand of the twins case manager. I somehow had the idea that the case manager was meant to be of assistance to us and an advocot for the twins, not a lets- throw - as- many- obstacles -and -make- everything - as- difficult- as - possible  person.


a gazillion other small tiding up the house jobs that are to tedious to write down.



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Melissa I'm sorry, that stinks.  Jumping hoops is no way to live.


It's a full on blizzard here folks and in the worst timing category, dh has come down with whatever youngest has, fever, cough, feeling pretty lousy, I have him resting today, he has to be out clearing driveways all day tomorrow.


Big week coming up, Tuesday to the infusion center for first dose of new antibiotic.  New infusion company wouldn't deliver unless her first dose was monitored, which is so stupid as she's been on a similar iv drug before.  I hate that our old, local infusion company closed, we loved them so.


Wednesday we head up to Boston to meet the surgeon for youngest.  She is finally being allowed to get her poor nose fixed, she broke the septum and fractured her nose 5 years ago but they wouldn't fix it then becuase the fracture was on the growth plate. Since then, her septum has become almost completely peripheral and she hasn't been able to breathe well in several years.   It will be a double surgery, one to fix the septum and one to fix the break.  Her primary and I have concerns for healing as with her Lyme, she will be slower to heal, but her breathing is so compromised, we are agreeing to have it done.


In the meantime, we are hunkered down, woodstove cranking, soup on the stove waiting for the blizzard to end.

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The crazy winds last night blew off the gate to our fence!! Haven't gone outside to see if it took off any siding, which has happened in the past. Hopefully it's just the gate and we can install a new one once it starts warming up a bit.


Today we have Mass and that is about all I want to do. I have a massive headache that will hopefully disappear soon now that I got some ibuprofen in me.

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The wind is just horrid! I'm so thankful we didn't lose power.


Up ahead:

--start beef burgundy later

--do FAFSA, yuck

--have dd think about application for a PA Homeschoolers AP English class

--plan what dd and dnephew will do tomorrow for their APHG meeting


Dh just called down---the pipes in our bathroom froze overnight :( Crud.

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Good morning it is -11 with a wind chill of -33

- freeze butt off to clean off car and start it (if it will)- done, car started but she didn't want to

- take dd1 to play practice (dd2 will stay home with daddy)- done

- while dd1 is at play practice I need to buy ziplock bags for chicken we got yesterday and another box of valentines if I can find them (I forgot 1 kid)(forgot the bags yesterday)- done

- laundry- in washer

- have dd1 do a spelling test that she missed in Friday when school was cancelled (her teacher will give credit for it)- done though dd1 doesn't have school again

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- help dmil with her tax stuff- done

- dinner- dh made beef and dumplings ðŸ˜

- baths- done

- bedtime routine

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Good morning!


Jean, feel better and I'll look for the controversies!


Melissa, you are such a wonderful gift to those twins and the difference you are making their lives! :grouphug:


Lizzie, praying you can get to all the things you need to despite the blizzard and that the surgery goes well and healing is quick!


Everyone stay warm and dry!



We've had a busy couple of days. We got iphones for dd and me. My old Straighttalk phone was dying, and we wanted to give her one at least by graduation, so we moved it up to an early birthday present (like a month early). She was so excited. It's going to be a lot for me to learn, but hopefully I'll like it.


I'm rejoining the co-op I began 3 years ago and taking back the reins of director. I'll be teaching Physical Science and IEW All Things Fun and Fascinating.


My older sister came to visit and watch ds' basketball game. My younger sister lives where a lot of snow is coming in this week. We were supposed to go up and help, but can't get trapped. I came up last night and am going home tonight. It gives her a break, chance to go to church, get food and stuff in before it hits tomorrow.


Done for today:

meds and breakfast for nephew

saw sister off

breakfast for me


To Do:


anything I can do to help her

afternoon snack/meds


leave going home





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Dh went to mass w/o me (he has to lector). I get to babysit the pipes. Yay. Dd just wandered down, wondering why we didn't wake her up lol


Yesterday we pre-ordered bagels from Panera for pickup today. They're always out of everything bagels by the time we get there after the 10am. I predict another pot of decaf in the (extremely near) future ;)

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Good Morning,


-come home

-do nothing all day. I'm beat.


And I would like to extend an invitation to all you stuck with lousy weather. You can come visit me today. The highs are in the mid to upper 70's, skies are blue, and the daffodils are blooming.

If my car wasn't already pitching a fit, I would. It's so cold that my heater isn't working right :(
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After having been gone all day yesterday and dh came down with some mild form of either cold or flu (he has been taking echinacea tincture in his tea and is feeling better) we are doing NOTHING today other than a little work from home for our jobs.


If Krissik's house gets full after she extended an invitation to all of those who are stuck in bad weather, I would like to invite the overflow here (mid 70's and sunny). Just let me know before you are heading over so I will be dressed by the time you arrive!  :)

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