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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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worked on Monday and came home to hear form everyone how bad the twins were. Turns out it was not really the twins falt.- Ds11 gave one of them a glass jar to carry back to the house for him. Of course they dropped it on the pavers. Apparently there were shards of glass everywhere, so DH put the twins up on the veranda while DS11 and he cleaned up. DD15 had just completed a masterpiece painting and had left it out on the veranda to dry..... What di the twins do... they thought they would embellish it by tipping water all over it. Twins were then banished to various parts of the house while DS11 and DH cleaned the pavers of glass shards and DD15 cleaned the veranda of paint. I came home to the  cleanest pavers ever and a beautiful clean veranda. and two very sad twins. I had a friendly chat to the  whole family that if I was to leave a plate of lollies ( candy) on the table, then I shouldn't be surprised if everyone ate them. neither should anyone be surprised if things are left too low that the twins would get into them....



that night, while tidying the kitchen, I noticed that the ants were stating to get into the big plate of Prune plums that were on the bench. I shifted them onto the table. Early in the morning ( at 5:30 it is pretty darkish) I got twins dressed and went milking the cow. DH came out of the bedroom to find in front of twin one a mountain of plum pits and in front of twin two a pile of uneaten and a pile of eaten plums.....if you leave a dish of lollies down low don't be surprised if they get eaten.. one thing for sure they are nicely cleaned out now ( not that there was any problem)

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Ice over night--we could skate on the driveway :eek: Hopefully the roads are ok as dh has to drive a lot today to visit with clients!


So for me:

--exercise this afternoon (gym)

--school w dd (my part: math, chem quiz, APHG FRQ boot camp)

--usual daily things; Tuesday-specific chores

--email the SO team, which I didn't get to yesterday

--get mushrooms I forgot yesterday (oops)

--make croutons

--prep dinner

--dd ballet 5:30-7:30 (may go to gym after I drop her off)

--compare all the transcript examples I've gathered to decide which style and features I prefer

--continue to think about course choices for next year

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Melissa, sorry for the problems, but the prunes are funny!


Lucky, hope your dh makes it okay today on the roads!



Today is my birthday!  When I started homeschooling, I instituted a no school policy for birthdays, so we won't be doing that.



slept in and found birthday note dh left me


To Do:


play some games

go out to lunch with the kids

maybe do our taxes (I've got to get them done and I'll have more time today than others)

pick up friend's kids from the visitation for the great-grandmother who died at the party

dinner-find out if we'll be feeding the guest kids or not


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Happy Birthday, Amy!!  Sounds like a fun day!


Melissa - your twins are so sweet!  A good lesson for all of us!



tidy up

too icy to run, so ride a bike inside or wait to run this afternoon... or...

watch tv only if sewing

buy pink thread

buy violin strings (why didn't I order a spare set when I ordered a couple of other things???)

drop off dry cleaning

bathroom wipe down

vacuum downstairs


more laundry

work on quilt (finished it!!)

read To Kill a Mockingbird

dinner: tacos


and if i get that done, I have a few other things I would like to do:

hang photos in my room

hang big mirror in my room

work on table runner


healthy habits:

no sugar x

water x x x x x x x 


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Happy Birthday, Amy!


Thanks for the laugh, Melissa. Well, I have things to do today that I should have done yesterday. So the list looks like a but of a repeat.

To do:

School for all

Pick dd1 from class

Motivated moms list

Finish my tshirt "alterations"- so tired of crew neck team shirts

Maps, travel packets for meet this weekend.

Mop floor

PM practice

Judo pickup


Have a great day!

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Good Morning... Happy Birthday Amy :)

- called the IRS regarding our refund and now they need more information... What this could be who knows.

- laundry- load in washer and dryer

- tidy house- round 1 done

- fold laundry- have them all sorted, towels and dd1's clothes are folded and put away

- dishes

- get dd1 off bus- done

- dinner- meat thawed

- baths

- bedtime routine

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