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Who's going to tackle Tuesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Congrats, hjffkj!


To do today:

Stay happy, not cranky!  Between dh's cough and dd's night-owling, I'm not much for daytime activities.  Hopefully I'll be able to sleep because dd is still running slight fever so no school today.


Pay bills

Finish upstairs landing



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So sore after training yesterday. It's a good sore, not an owie one :)


Up ahead:

--gym w dh (slightly later today--yay!) for mixed cardio

--school w dd (my parts: math, chem, history, APHG)

--usual daily house things, Tuesday-specific tasks

--email SO team members

--order water bottle filters for dd19

--show dd19 how to do taxes since her w2 arrived yesterday

--library run (it was closed yesterday when we went!)

--dd ballet 5:30-7:30


I'm sure I'll do more than that :)


Yeah, like

--bake the baguettes I started last night!

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readinmom, hope yours are all on the mend!


I'm really sad because today is one year since we lost my mom. I miss her so much! 



breakfast and lunch for dh



To Do:


pack up for book club

do book club

pack back up and head home

late lunch




take dd to practice (She's in the chorus for Annie Get Your Gun.)


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Hjffkj, congratulations!!

Amy :grouphug: :grouphug:


It is frozen solid outside, treacherous.

morning chores all done except chickens, it is seriously cold out there


Grade tests

take eldest to doctor appointment and get all her new meds ordered and paid for

send box of biology stuff to a WTM friend

figure out supper

hoping to watch more of Arrow season 3 tonight, got the season pass on Amazon for my birthday. ;)


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To do:


tidy up


laundry wash

laundry fold

laundry put away






fabric store for thread and needle

work on heart quilt

mend skirts


dinner - taco salad


healthy habits:

water x x x x x x x x

run - 2.25 miles and 7 min workout x1

no sugar x

fast day of 5:2 x (yay! I made it!)


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Good Morning!


Amy  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Hjffkj enjoy your precious newborn!  I love her name and she is just beautiful!  :001_wub:


Today was SG first day of going to work with Mommy....the house is so quiet, but so much will get accomplished quickly.



  • tidy the house
  • vacuumed the first floor
  • restocked Ella's food and water
  • dishes done and put away
  • bedrooms all tidy and clean
  • ds is working on school

To do:

  • take ds to lunch 
  • run to Wm and pick up a few things we need for the week
  • school all afternoon
  • cook a yummy dinner 
  • relax and read and hit the hay early.

Have a great day everyone! 

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Good morning!

:grouphug: Amy.


Congrats, hjffkj!


We have a fairly regular day here. I have some sports administration stuff to do (paperwork/schedules for away meets),


To do:

school for all

pick up dd1 from class

oversee teens

get my paperwork done

motivated moms list

quilt a bit, if time

PM practice

judo pickup


Have a great day!

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