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Weight loss & comfort habits


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I'm trying so hard right now to lose some weight. SO HARD. It's working, slowly but surely :). 




I love love love delicious coffee drinks in the winter. Seriously love.


For nearly a month now I've looked longingly at the espresso machine that my family received from Santa this year. Everyone is enjoying it. It's mocking me.


Today I caved. I made a delicious Illy espresso, steamed some unsweetened almond milk, added a spoon of cocoa & 5 drops of vanilla stevia.


It was like all was right with the world.


It was, of course, not nearly as divine as the full kit-n-caboodle, but it helped soooo much.




How bad is this? Is this even a cheat? The slope's so slippery for me. :( Coffee's so acidic. Ay. I truly don't want to derail!



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I lost weight with Weight Watchers. From them I learned that there shouldn't be much you should ban from your life because that only makes you long for it more and perhaps sabotage your diet. So I've always had anything I wanted, within reason, but being very mindful of the portioning. I lost 50 lbs., so I feel what I was doing was working.


FWIW, the only thing I really tried to stay away from was cake. It was rare that I allowed myself that luxury because it is a trigger food for me. I'm not satisfied with a small taste. I want more and then feel terrible when I've had the small amount and can think of nothing than eating more. So I learned to substitute other snacks that I found satisfying. Weight Watchers makes snack cakes and I could have one of them and feel satisfied. While they taste good, they are nowhere near as good as a real cake. But it was an acceptable alternative. (Says the lady who bought a whole cake a couple of days ago. I lost my head. But after one piece the day I bought it, I've resisted it. It's not easy though.)

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I don't see anything wrong with enjoying your coffee the way you made it.   Where is the cheating?    How would the whole kit & caboodle be different?   Sugar instead of stevia?    What does the acidity of the coffee have to do with weight loss?  (I'm just curious about that last bit.  I've just never heard of any link there.)

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For me the caffeine from coffee or diet soda causes blood sugar spikes that make me even hungrier when I am dieting. Splenda also makes me ravenously hungry. I was very relieved to find that studies show it is an appetite stimulant so that I knew I wasn't crazy. I can drink all the unsweetened tea in the universe and not have the same problem. If  I had a project that I needed to get done and needed the caffeine I probably would simply have the coffee and be extra hungry, lol.


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I think your coffee sounds like a very minor indulgence, which really isn't even an indulgence...only in your mind.


Relax and enjoy your coffee! When we are talking about weight loss we need to look at long term life style changes. If coffee ranks high up on your gratification scale then enjoy it, there is no reason to suffer and torture yourself for goodness sake!

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Night Elf is 100 percent on the same track as I am. I lost 48 lbs. nine years ago. Giving up things you absolutely adore is the sure path to gaining again.


That said, I never bring chips in the house. I'd consume the entire bag.


But I do eat pizza. I'm just careful during the day to eat well and then I enjoy pizza. Not five slices -- two.


I've mainly given up ice cream whereas I used to eat a ton.


I'd advise doing what I did: take your coffee only w/ low fat milk and eventually move to black. Crazy, I know. I thought black was disgusting for decades, but I only take it black these days. I retrained my taste buds.


Good luck and don't deny yourself!



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I like it black :). It's just in the winter I like a sweet coffee drink ~ it's more dessert than coffee :). 


My trigger is.....sugar. Period. :*( One taste & I'm a goner. I'm currently off of all processed goods w/sugar & trying to find a level of fruit that works for me w/out driving me straight to "more, more, more." It's working pretty good & the sugar cravings are gone. Replaced by a coffee craving. I wonder if it could it be the acidity (found in sugar as well as coffee) that I'm craving. Just trying to connect some dots about myself :). 

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