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Here is the scenario...


My son, not even a math kid, is sitting at a table helping a private schooled girl with her math before a youth event.  She doesn't know ds is homeschooled.  Convo is going on around them.  Someone mentions something about wanting to be homeschooled and the girl being helped innocently pipes up, "my mom says that homeschoolers don't do anything....like nothing, they just play around all day and never have to do real schoolwork".   She had no idea that a homeschooler was helping her with math.  :lol:    DS didn't say a word, he just smiled.  hehe


ETA:  He didn't say anything because he has a plan up his sleeve.  He isn't too shy to say something.

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He should have spoken up!  



Oh he isn't shy and he loves to make jokes.  He sees her weekly.  He is waiting for the right moment - like next time she wants help with math ;)  She has a little crush on him.  Actually, I can't believe she didn't know he was homeschooled.  I guess it has never come up.

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Karma rules!


Oh do tell us that when he was finished helping her he slid in the obligatory, "Oh, and by the way, tell you Mom a homeschooled kid helped you with your math homework today." ROFL.



He is waiting for next week when she asks for his help again...."I don't know, would your mom be okay with having a HS kid help you?"  hehe  She has him help her quite often.  :lol:

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That poor girl is going to feel like she will die from embarrassment when he does say something. I hope he is nice about it when he tells her as then she'll have a good impression of homeschooled kids both as being capable of school work and as being nice. She is, after all, only going off what her mother has told her and kids (usually) believe their parents are right about things.



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That poor girl is going to feel like she will die from embarrassment when he does say something. I hope he is nice about it when he tells her as then she'll have a good impression of homeschooled kids both as being capable of school work and as being nice. She is, after all, only going off what her mother has told her and kids (usually) believe their parents are right about things.



I think he will be nice about it.  He wasn't hurt or offended, he was humored ;)

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My oldest has found himself in similar situations, one just recently in a college classroom. He is the curve-setter in this class, and recently the prof went on a rant about hs-ers. Son just smiled and kept his mouth shut. He says he is waiting for the right time to share the news (sharp kid will probably wait til after the final course grades are posted).


When he was a freshman in high school he participated in a civics program at the state capitol. One day the group was assigned to go over to the Capitol building and find a lobbyist to interview, to learn about the role of lobbyists. He and his partner approached a woman and very politely proceeded to interview her. Coincidentally, she was there lobbying for legislation to make homeschooling illegal in the state. The kids remained very cordial as she explained her position, they asked more questions, thanked her for the interview. She complimented them on their professional attire, courtesy, interest and knowledge of government functions, then asked what school they attended. That day my son found great pleasure in sharing that he was homeschooled. He said it was hard to keep an even tone in his voice, "but Mom, you should have seen the look on her face!"

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When he was a freshman in high school he participated in a civics program at the state capitol. One day the group was assigned to go over to the Capitol building and find a lobbyist to interview, to learn about the role of lobbyists. He and his partner approached a woman and very politely proceeded to interview her. Coincidentally, she was there lobbying for legislation to make homeschooling illegal in the state. The kids remained very cordial as she explained her position, they asked more questions, thanked her for the interview. She complimented them on their professional attire, courtesy, interest and knowledge of government functions, then asked what school they attended. That day my son found great pleasure in sharing that he was homeschooled. He said it was hard to keep an even tone in his voice, "but Mom, you should have seen the look on her face!"




Oh my gosh....priceless.  I would have loved to have been there...to see the look on her face.  Maybe she found a new job after that? haha

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