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Struggling with questions about Palin's last pregnancy

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I don't know if it's just a rumor or not, but nothing surprises me in the world of politics.


I've read that the daughter was out of school for anywhere from 5 to 8 months for mono during the same time period. If that's true, it certainly adds fuel to the rumor fire.

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I don't know if it's just a rumor or not, but nothing surprises me in the world of politics.


I've read that the daughter was out of school for anywhere from 5 to 8 months for mono during the same time period. If that's true, it certainly adds fuel to the rumor fire.


I knew a girl who was down with mono for a year. On the couch for a solid year.


My son got mono in college and he was not himself for over a year. He could function, but not very well. (I suspect it contributed to what we thought was depression and laziness)

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Not exactly.

From the March of Dimes

But that's because younger women have many more babies. The chances for any given pregnancy to be a baby with DS go way up with age.


The likelihood of having a baby with Down's syndrome increases with the mother's age:


20 years - 1 in 1,500

25 years - 1 in 1,300

30 years - 1 in 900

35 years - 1 in 350

40 years - 1 in 100

45 years - 1 in 30


From this health information page. So it's remarkably unlikely that a teenage girl would have a baby with DS, but not at all unexpected for a mom of 44. I guess it all depends on how you play the numbers.

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I knew a girl who was down with mono for a year. On the couch for a solid year.


My son got mono in college and he was not himself for over a year. He could function, but not very well. (I suspect it contributed to what we thought was depression and laziness)


It's not impossible, that's for sure. It's just one more "Hmmmm..." factor.

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First I've heard of this, but it sure smells like a smear to me.


And if it is, I'll find it doubly hateful coming from my side of the aisle.


This kind of charge is poison, and unless "proved" has no place here, or anywhere else in American politics. Smears really make me sick.


Bill (who's feeling a little grumpy today, forgive me)

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I'm sure that many here have already heard the rumors surrounding Sarah Palin's last pregnancy. According to the story, she concocted the pregnancy to cover for her teenage daughter. There are lots of pictures floating around the web purporting to prove that Palin didn't look pregnant late in her pregnancy and others proving that she did. I admit to being very torn on the subject. A big part of me feels that her personal family business should have no bearing on the race. But another part of me feels that if the rumor is true, then we've all been manipulated in a most deceitful way. I'm wondering if there is some credible information on the topic, especially on this particular point...


I don't understand why a woman, upon the discovery that her amniotic fluid is leaking a full month before her due date, would then:


-choose to deliver a speech at a conference as scheduled

-choose to take an 8 hour flight from Texas to Alaska

-choose to drive 45 minutes to the planned birth place instead of a closer hospital

-and do all this knowing that the baby has Down Syndrome and might need special care.


I remember hearing this story before long before SP was chosen by McCain, and it didn't sound quite right to me back then. It defies all logic and what I would consider normal maternal concern for a mother in labor to act like this, or for her husband to stand by and let her do it. As crazy as it sounds those choices would make more sense if she were pretending to be in labor while her daughter was actually laboring under medical supervision elsewhere.


On one hand I think it can't be true because who would go to all the trouble of inventing a pregnancy in this day and age. Why not just say, "Our daughter's having a baby and we are dealing with it as a family." Surely this would only win points for a staunchly anti-abortion political family. Then five minutes later I think there must be some truth to the allegations since no reasonable woman in labor with a sick baby would take such reckless chances with the health of both mother and child. There are both rumor and rumor-debunking sites on both sides, and most of them would not qualify as reliable news sources. I'm guessing that the good people of the Hive will be able to shed some light on this.


This is the first that I have heard of any rumors.


I was very small with all of my pregnancies, so it doesn't seem odd to me that she didn't look pregnant. Not everyone looks pregnant when they are pregnant.


I agree with the others who have said this seems like a tabloid story.

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Here is a picture of her' date=' looking quite pregnant in February. The woman is a marathoner, people! She isn't going to look like a beached whale like i do when I'm pregnant! I can't believe I am even posting this. This ticks me off. The "reproductive privacy" journalists are turning out to be some of the biggest hypocrites the world has ever seen. Alan Colmes worrying about her pre-natal care, Sarah faking her pregnancy to shield her teen - I can't find an eye-rolling emoticon big enough.[/quote']


Wow, jugglin! Are you all fired up today.:D



Elaine, who agrees with you completely. Except the part about you being a beached whale. ;)

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One other more important thought about all of this is, if this were true I doubt very seriously that she would have passed the vetting process to be chosen as the VP running mate. During the vetting process they examine every area of the persons life very closely. Edwards got away with what he did as long as he did because he was a candidate but when some one is vetted they are looking for these types of skeletons so that they can rule out that person before hand. McCain and his folks have to much to loose to choose some one doing what this rumor states. I would wager that they knew about the rumor and check it out and Sarah passed because she is the mother.


The problem that some have (and please remember that I don't see any reason not to believe the Governor) is that they are worried that she was not vetted properly.


I cannot imagine that she was not. But that is the concern for some. (Democrats don't seem to be "concerned" about it, but I have read some astonishment that it would be a possibility.)

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OK people....the very liberal Daily Kos' date=' which has been the most responsible for spreading the rumor...has now confirmed that it is just that. An unfounded rumor...back to your regularly scheduled programming now.




Thank you for putting this to rest. This kind of smear is really despicable.



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I hadn't heard of this before, but to me it's obviously gossip. Two main reasons-


1. If she wasn't really in labor, she would not have said she was leaking amniotic fluid, taking a long flight, etc. immediately before birth- she would have just flown home when her daughter went into labor, and then said she had a short labor and the baby was born.


2. I'm sure McCain's research team was all over this, and decided she was clean and coule prove it. If she wasn't totally clean, she would not be on the ticket.




I'm sure that many here have already heard the rumors surrounding Sarah Palin's last pregnancy. According to the story, she concocted the pregnancy to cover for her teenage daughter. There are lots of pictures floating around the web purporting to prove that Palin didn't look pregnant late in her pregnancy and others proving that she did. I admit to being very torn on the subject. A big part of me feels that her personal family business should have no bearing on the race. But another part of me feels that if the rumor is true, then we've all been manipulated in a most deceitful way. I'm wondering if there is some credible information on the topic, especially on this particular point...


I don't understand why a woman, upon the discovery that her amniotic fluid is leaking a full month before her due date, would then:


-choose to deliver a speech at a conference as scheduled

-choose to take an 8 hour flight from Texas to Alaska

-choose to drive 45 minutes to the planned birth place instead of a closer hospital

-and do all this knowing that the baby has Down Syndrome and might need special care.


I remember hearing this story before long before SP was chosen by McCain, and it didn't sound quite right to me back then. It defies all logic and what I would consider normal maternal concern for a mother in labor to act like this, or for her husband to stand by and let her do it. As crazy as it sounds those choices would make more sense if she were pretending to be in labor while her daughter was actually laboring under medical supervision elsewhere.


On one hand I think it can't be true because who would go to all the trouble of inventing a pregnancy in this day and age. Why not just say, "Our daughter's having a baby and we are dealing with it as a family." Surely this would only win points for a staunchly anti-abortion political family. Then five minutes later I think there must be some truth to the allegations since no reasonable woman in labor with a sick baby would take such reckless chances with the health of both mother and child. There are both rumor and rumor-debunking sites on both sides, and most of them would not qualify as reliable news sources. I'm guessing that the good people of the Hive will be able to shed some light on this.

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OK people....the very liberal Daily Kos' date=' which has been the most responsible for spreading the rumor...has now confirmed that it is just that. An unfounded rumor...back to your regularly scheduled programming now.




just to be clear, anyone can publish a diary on DailyKos, and that's what the story was--a diary, not a story published by one of the people who work for the site. In fact, as I understand it, they removed the diary from the front page shortly after it was published.

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I don't think this is accurate. There is a vocal, passionate percentage of Republicans/conservatives who are one issue focused, but I don't believe that for the party at large at all. Many (less vocal) are fiscal conservatives, for example, or Libertarian leaning but chose not to waste time/money/votes on 3rd parties.


I think we represent a wide variety of issues and ..... um, a bit more credit. ;)


Um, that's not what I mean. ;) I mean that for Supreme Court appointees, for presidential candidates, and vp candidates, this is the issue that makes or breaks. I don't think it's necessarily so for congressional candidates or lower, though, depending on the area of the country.


I give you lots of credit. I was one, and I live with one, and am the daughter and dil of four! LOL


Is that more clear as to what I was trying to say?

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OK people....the very liberal Daily Kos' date=' which has been the most responsible for spreading the rumor...has now confirmed that it is just that. An unfounded rumor...back to your regularly scheduled programming now.




Are you sure they were spreading a rumor? Were not people discussing it, and in the comments section weren't there those who said this is a bunch of nonsense? I mean, we're discussing it here and I wouldn't say the WTM board is spreading the rumor.


Right? Anybody can post a diary on Kos. My kid has done so, even, a couple of times. They aren't "spreading" his ideas, just providing a forum.

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I give you lots of credit. I was one, and I live with one, and am the daughter and dil of four! LOL




What I really want to know is are you the mother of one? Or is my pretty politico going to need to convert your handsome politico? ;)


I said something about taking a trip to the mountains and she said "Are we going to meet the husband you picked for me?":lol:

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Are you sure they were spreading a rumor? Were not people discussing it, and in the comments section weren't there those who said this is a bunch of nonsense? I mean, we're discussing it here and I wouldn't say the WTM board is spreading the rumor.


Right? Anybody can post a diary on Kos. My kid has done so, even, a couple of times. They aren't "spreading" his ideas, just providing a forum.


It's my understanding that the rumor has been discussed in Alaska for months, and that when polled, a majority of Alaskans said they believed the rumor was true. This was long before she was announced as the VP candidate. (Not that any of that makes it true.)

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