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First ever migraine (freak out)


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I thought I was having a retinal detachment.    Had the phone in hand ready to call 911.

Got into an ophthalmologist who said my retina look normal - nothing wrong there.


She said I was probably having an ocular migraine.


I always associated migraines with severe headaches (I had none).

But my head didn't feel quite right.   Not painful but not completely normal either.


So weird!   


Is this something you would see a doctor for?    Or just an endure-it-till-it's over kind of thing, and hope it doesn't come along too often?



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I had the same thing.  And I thought there was something wrong with my eye (my father gets these permanent blind spots from retinal artery occlusions, so I thought that's what it was).  Then closed the eye I thought it was in and saw the same image thingy in the other eye, which made me realize it was in my brain.  So I looked up migraine aura and found a video that showed almost exactly what I was seeing.


It went away in about an hour and I felt weird for the rest of the day.  My head hurt, but not horribly, but it wasn't a normal headache.


This was several years ago.  I've never told a doctor about it.  If it started happening on a regular basis, I probably would.

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If you continue to feel weird or have any other odd symptoms, I would see a doctor.  But, yes, migraines can do some pretty weird things.  I have speech difficulties the day or so before a big one hits.  I sometimes sound drunk or like I've lost about half my IQ because I will stumble over words or use the wrong ones.  Sometimes during a migraine, and for hours afterwards, I have trouble seeing clearly.  I have had flashes of light a very small number of times during an attack.  I almost always have migraine hangovers that last for 2-24 hours...I feel foggy and and slow.  


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I had one about 10 years ago and then never had one again until about Sept of this year. I've had a couple more since then. They seemed to be triggered by little sleep a couple days in a row followed by eating more sugar than normal. I just mentioned it to my eye doctor at my last regular appointment and he wasn't concerned. The last one I had lasted about 30 minutes them turned into a full blown headache. They are quite strange.

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First of all, let me say that of course it's freaky.  The first time it happened to me, I thought I had a brain tumor or some very serious fatal neurological disease or disorder.


Secondly, after many years of having them and checking things out on my own (my own research), I discovered that for me, it was definitely linked to my cycle.  It would almost always happen on week 3.  Found out they run in the family (after the fact.:-).  Tried medication for them, but it only made it worse.  From  my own humble opinion and experience, the medical community lumps a whole lot of things together and calls them all migraines.  The true cause of these can be very different for each person -- what they experience (aura, headache, or just visual, or a combination of all those).  And, the triggers (some say that fermented foods can cause these -- wine, aged cheese, soy sauce like products, chocolate -- too much caffeine, not enough caffeine, hormonal changes, stress, not enough sleep) can be very different for each person.  The list goes on and on.


As to the aura,  it's a bit freaky in itself, especially when it's never happened before or even when it's a relatively new thing.  It took me a while (years) to make the connection of feeling "off" just prior to the migraine experience.  Finally, I got to where I could recognize what was happening before it happened and then be prepared for it when the visual piece came.  I did seek medical attention for a while, just to reassure myself that all was OK and this was a normal thing for someone with migraines. But, I found that once that was done, I could do the rest (research & figure it out) by myself.


My suggestion is that you do your own research and keep a journal or at least a calendar as to when these happen (if they happen again), for how long, symptons of the event and what you did prior to the event. That way you can figure out what triggers are for you.


Stay cool.  I'm sure you'll figure it all out :-)

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I thought I was having a retinal detachment.    Had the phone in hand ready to call 911.

Got into an ophthalmologist who said my retina look normal - nothing wrong there.


She said I was probably having an ocular migraine.


I always associated migraines with severe headaches (I had none).

But my head didn't feel quite right.   Not painful but not completely normal either.


So weird!   


Is this something you would see a doctor for?    Or just an endure-it-till-it's over kind of thing, and hope it doesn't come along too often?

I had those headaches for awhile.  A flashing zig-zag-like object would start in the center of my vision, and slowly move outward, and finally disappear.  I had these occasionally in the final 7 years or so of my peri-menopause.  Not often. Sometimes with headache and sometimes not. 



Thank God for the internet today, so you can figure this stuff out. 


I never saw a doctor and you will be happy to know they disappeared after menopause (that,  good skin, and not carrying tampons are benefits of being past menopause). 


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Migraines can cause weird symptoms, and it's probably fine. However, it's always good to get checked out ANY time you manifest new neurological symptoms, such as headaches or migraines. 99% of the time it's nothing, but that 1% is a real doozy. I wouldn't say you have to run and do it now, but you should bring it up at your next appointment, for sure.


You should also go do the doctor if you ever have a migraine that lasts more than 72 hours - and that IS something you should do ASAP, should it come up.

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Migraines can cause weird symptoms, and it's probably fine. However, it's always good to get checked out ANY time you manifest new neurological symptoms, such as headaches or migraines. 99% of the time it's nothing, but that 1% is a real doozy. I wouldn't say you have to run and do it now, but you should bring it up at your next appointment, for sure.


You should also go do the doctor if you ever have a migraine that lasts more than 72 hours - and that IS something you should do ASAP, should it come up.


Agree...I would get it checked out, especially if you have never had one or been diagnosed before. It's likely fine, but the alternatives are serious enough that it is not worth taking a risk of not getting it checked out.


Yes, it's scary.  When I started as a teenager my mom thought I was having a brain tumor or a stroke.  I get the aura, numbness, and on really bad ones the speech difficulties.  No fun.



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