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Two Updates: Missing hoody and nervous meeting w/friend


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If you were following my rant about the uniform hoody missing from my son's order, satisfaction was achieved (not to suggest I would EVER order from that company again). Yesterday I decided to phone the company while I was driving. (Note: yes, both unwise and illegal to talk and drive, however I knew it would help focus my nervous energy to call while driving as opposed to calling while pacing around my kitchen.) Anyway, apparently I stumbled upon the singular helpful, intelligent employee at that company - Tracey. (Nice name. That was the name of my sister who died.) I told Tracey my tale of woe and she immediately saw that this meant either I could get a rush-shipped sweatshirt if there was one hanging around, or she would refund my money. Fortunately, there was a suitable shirt hanging around, which she rush-shipped yesterday, complete with e-mail asking I respond when it arrives. It arrived today and I e-mailed her back. So - Yay! Win for The Universe! 


If you were following my slightly pitiful, sad story about trying to get together with my friend to hopefully connect again and clarify some bad stuff that went down, we met today...and it turned out great. Better than great! I am actually cheerful all day, which is really saying something if you knew me. ;) She did see a lot of the things that happened similarly to how I see them, so that was great validation. It didn't really repair the bigger problem in the family and I still feel very reluctant to participate in any holiday dinners, so that will still be something I have to figure out as they come up. Still, it is nice to feel that someone does like me and consider me a friend because I felt very ganged-up-on and the past couple of dinners were torture. 


I want to give a specific thanks to myfunnybunch, who put up the post I copied and read in my iPad notes moments before she arrived. I believe it helped me remember what I was trying to accomplish.


I also read something really great on FB. It was serendipitous timing that I read this yesterday and I am keeping it as something to read and remind myself of often. It went approximately like this: 


It is hard to write a new chapter in your life when you're busy re-reading the old chapters.


Indeed. New chapter, new attitude. 

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Glad to hear both worked out so well - esp the latter - but still, both!


But driving while on the phone with such a phone call???


My live and let live tolerance is being sorely tested.   :glare:   I'd best just leave it there and rejoice with you regarding the outcomes.  ;)

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