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Does the weather ever effect...


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how "into" doing school you are? I have noticed that on beautiful days like we have been having lately, we are getting less and less done. We have so few nice days before we get snow again, that I am just not to excited about us getting way to involved yet. Does anyone else ever feel like this?


Like on Friday we went out and caught crawdads (crawfish) all day. Then earlier that week we went and did other things. I know once the weather starts to change to fall/winter here we will gear more up to do more, I am just dreading doing school on such beautiful days. I know I should not be like this, any one have any suggestions?

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When we lived in GA, the summers were miserable and winters were just as bad for other reasons. We schooled year round and worked hard during those seasons and lightened during the fall and spring when you could actually leave the house and not suffer from heat stroke or frost bite.


Now that we live in WA. We took the entire summer (when it finally arrived) off. That is the first time ever! Not sure I will do that again as they are suffering now to get back in the swing of things but the rain over the last two weeks has helped us along. What else is there to do but school when it rains??




Enjoy the good weather while you can. the school books will always be there. Take it from someone who use to stress about it.



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We start schooling as soon as summer swimming ends. We have a 3-4 week break before USA swimming starts and it is hot and rainy sometimes and everyone else leaves town for their vacation. We get a huge amount done, and we work hard until fall when we take a trip to the beach with grandparents or something.

I often look forward to the rainy late fall or cold winter season because we do school in our pajamas some days, and we read and drink cocoa and coffee for hours. Boy, I loved when they were little, and I could stay in my flannels and read to them for hours! We work really hard throughout the rainy, cold seasons, because when spring comes, my kids are headed outside. When my son was younger, he would disappear for hours in the woods. Anyway, we love hiking in the spring when Dad is off, and actually we love hiking in the fall when Dad is off.

That is why we work hard and long when July ends and by Christmas we are 20 weeks or so into it.

You know though, these are so many of the reasons that I love hs - just working it around the seasons and our schedules and being with my kids.


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We're finding it hard to get back into schooling after a long break too. We run outside for an hour or two when we see clear skies, but we're trying to get a lot done too.


I met a woman here who's from the Pacific North West, but has lived in Fife for ten years. She said that it was much drier here. I was surprised, so I looked it up. Here are maps for the US and the UK. I was amazed to find that our precipitation on the east coast of Scotland is more like the middle of the US than the edges. Still only six hours of daylight in winter though....



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When we lived in GA, the summers were miserable and winters were just as bad for other reasons. We schooled year round and worked hard during those seasons and lightened during the fall and spring when you could actually leave the house and not suffer from heat stroke or frost bite.


Now that we live in WA. We took the entire summer (when it finally arrived) off. That is the first time ever! Not sure I will do that again as they are suffering now to get back in the swing of things but the rain over the last two weeks has helped us along. What else is there to do but school when it rains??




Enjoy the good weather while you can. the school books will always be there. Take it from someone who use to stress about it.





Preach it sister! it seems we are having October weather today... sigh...

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It sounds perfectly natural and healthy to me to take time off now, knowing you have time to catch up later when the weather turns.


I do know that on perfect weather days (our summers are very hot and its better to stay inside, winters are cold but no snow, but spring and autumn are just heaven) I open up the house and let the air flow through and the sun shine in. Our schoolroom has large windows both east and west. There are trees and many birds outside and I like to let the house feel like it is not so separate from the outdoors as much as possible. My kids are older and I don't easily take time off- and we do have plenty of recreational time even on school days- however, one of my regrets is that I didn't take more time off when they were younger to just do what you are doing.

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how "into" doing school you are? I have noticed that on beautiful days like we have been having lately, we are getting less and less done. We have so few nice days before we get snow again, that I am just not to excited about us getting way to involved yet. Does anyone else ever feel like this?


Like on Friday we went out and caught crawdads (crawfish) all day. Then earlier that week we went and did other things. I know once the weather starts to change to fall/winter here we will gear more up to do more, I am just dreading doing school on such beautiful days. I know I should not be like this, any one have any suggestions?


Your kids are definitely learning and that time spent outdoors with them on the banks of a creek are what memories are made of. Just enjoy the kids and enjoy your very short summer/fall. They're learning more than you know, especially about relationships and family values.


Besides that, when it's cold and you can't go outside you can make up for it if you need to. One extra assignment a day during the winter should be able to catch you up. Of course, that's only if you want. I would be gearing my school around the seasons if I lived in Wyoming. I think that is God's country, sorry Texas and Alaska.


If you have to school for a certain number of days, then consider your outside days lab experiments and make use after dark time to launch into a science or history lesson on what you experienced outside that day. Do that a little reading, practice math facts while out and bout in a fun way and you have your 3 R's. It's good enough to count it for a school day, imo.


Enjoy your kiddos and your wonderful weather!

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It doesn't bother me so much this time of yr b/c it is still so hot. When it starts to cool off, we look forward to our weeks off (we school 6-7 weeks on followed by one week off). When it really kills me is during Feb and March. Those beautiful days that sneak into the dreary days......yep.....it's time to drop the books and run outside.

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Yes, it definately changes what we get done. If it's too nice we have been known to ditch school completely, knowing that there will be plenty of rainy colder days this winter to do the bookwork. We've also done school out on our deck or just taken advantage of the situation. Last week my kids spent many hours catching, watching and releasing little frogs in our backyard. That was science :) We'll pick up on our planned science curriculum next week on a rainy afternoon. No big deal. Mine are young, though, and I think that makes a difference. If I had an older child trying to keep up with high school credit requirements we'd have to be more careful about our schedule.

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