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Natural remedies for hundreds of bug bites while in the Amazon...


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My daughter is backpacking through Ecuador for a month following her college graduation, and was unfortunately somewhat unprepared for hiking/staying in the Amazon area.  She has hundreds of bug bites on her legs and is kind of stranded in that area for a few days.  (No pharmacy nearby!)  What are some natural remedies that might help relieve the pain?  She said no itching, just lots of swelling and pain.  I remember swimming in the ocean once and it cured my poison oak.  She's not near an ocean, but maybe a salt/water concoction?  Anything else?  I don't even know how she's able to text me from where she is!  She does have tea tree oil with her and is using that.

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Oh dear. I don't know, but I do remember a story of a lost hiker in the Amazon. Some of her bug bites were parasitic in nature--she had to scoop them out with broken glass.


Ok, that probably wasn't reassuring...


Ha -- oh my!  Well I think she's leaving that area soon, and she isn't lost... 

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Well one thing for sure is to try to keep everything clean.  One of mine is a bug magnet it seems and he often gets an infection.  But he scratches too much. 


I don't know of natural remedies.  I vaguely recall someone here saying something about rubbing plantains on the area.  This isn't the banana like plantain, but this thing below:




I haven't personally tried it though. 

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Well, alkaline things like bleach spray and urine tend to help some stings, particularly ones that involve acid injected under the skin.  (I remember that peeing on it also helps jelly fish stings, but don't know if it is for the same reason of not.)


My MIL said that an old-time remedy for bug bites was a ground tobacco leaf mush (poultice) on the bite. Another would be baking soda.  Surely those might be easy to come by?

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We use tobacco spit (my husband has a disgusting snuff habit). Vinegar is also wonderful. It is what I tend to use. Salt water brine is really good for inflammation, but it burns like hellfire. Aloe is also quite soothing and incredible for inflammation and agitation. It doesn't sting, but should be reapplied often.


If she has no access to a traditional grocery, she can use waterless hand sanitizer to kill infection. Again, it stings horrifically and will make you cuss like a sailor! The alcohol content is what kills the germs. It works though.

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