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Who's going to tackle Friday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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It's 4 am and I've been up with a miserable child all night! He's finally asleep but I'm wide awake so I think Friday will be spent sleeping while dh takes care of the kids. He would have helped with the sick one if he was wanted but DS only wanted mom tonight. He was so clingy that he'd scream hysterically if I wasn't touching him which would bring on uncontrollable coughing.

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I'm going to try and get some things accomplished today.


Laundry, esp all new gift items and towels

Finish compiling school samples for semester report

Sort and swap out 1st and 2nd semester books for ds

Finish returns at the mall...find ds a pair of slippers that fit and get lunch if everything else is done by then

Pick up milk and a few other grocery items on the way home

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Good morning! I am up and headed out the door to the second morning practice. The girls are already there, and the boys are leaving soon. I am headed to the bank and maybe grocery store as well. I suppose it is time to restart the list.


To do: 

motivated moms stuff

take down some of the Christmas things (dh still wants the tree up)

write thank you note

go over leftover school stuff with dd1 and ds2

school administration

call for bulk pickup

load for Goodwill

regular practice (2 pools) tonight


Have a great day!

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Good Morning

- dishes- done

- tidy house- round 1 done

- laundry- in dryer

- meet lady at Walmart to give her clothes at 3 and get some groceries- done

- dinner- picked up a pizza

- bedtime routine

- anything else I manage to get done- cleaned trash can (eww), cleaned and vacuumed under big couch

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Well I got some sleep!  Dh has already told me to take a nap when I need it so I have that to look forward to!


-put ornaments and lights away

-have dh haul out the tree

-get downstairs back in order before 6:30

- friends coming over for a boardgame and pizza night!

-deposit money

-call pet sitting client about returning a key


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I have a call in to see if I can find someone to give me a shot.  It's the second in a series and I'm already late getting it because I was so sick with that virus but they are short-staffed because of New Years.  So it might be today or it might be next week.  I hate that not because I esp. care when it is scheduled but because it makes me wonder when I'll get a call and driving there and back takes me at least an hour out of my day.  

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Dropped ds off to watch movies with friend

Costco run for eggs and veggies

Finished assembling green smoothie bags for the freezer (30 day supply)


to do:

coffee and a nap

check gym membership prices


watch football, finish Walking Dead marathon

plan something for dinner

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I need a list to remind me to make a tackle list. :D


Today I mainly made (another) recipe/grocery list. It was afternoon before I made it out to the stores (Whole Foods, Sam's Club, Aldi, Kroger). Aldi and Sam's were both out of bnls chicken thighs. I put groceries away, put together 3 freezer meals that didn't need precooking, washed up, and watched another episode of Broadchurch.


Also ordered ds's texts needed for the spring semester - found a cheap used rental and another inexpensive used book, so the total came to only $115 rather than the $250 I was expecting.


Tomorrow will be spent mostly cooking and putting together more meals for the freezer.

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