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I can't call my dh

Jean in Newcastle

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It doesn't matter if I use the number that I've had in my contacts for a year or if I type it in directly, his number connects to a bank.  The number is his.  I could understand numbers getting crossed once, but I've been trying to call over and over again - trying to get through to him.  Anyone heard of anything like this happening?  

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Maybe it is our phone provider's revenge after I kept calling them to fix my billing problem for 3 hours today.  Anyway, he came home.  It was weird because I told him what happened and he looked at his phone to see if there was any record of me calling.  There wasn't.  And then all of a sudden while he was watching, my calls popped up on his screen.  So maybe it got switched back then?  He asked me why I didn't leave a message and I told him that I doubted that the bank was interested in the fact that I had gotten him "green bean chicken" for dinner.   :lol:

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Weird.  Were you able to text him?


My husband's phone is also his work phone.  When I really need him, I email him at his work address.  Sometimes he silences his phone while in meetings and forgets to turn it back on.  The emails buzz differently so it gets his attention.

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Maybe it is our phone provider's revenge after I kept calling them to fix my billing problem for 3 hours today.  Anyway, he came home.  It was weird because I told him what happened and he looked at his phone to see if there was any record of me calling.  There wasn't.  And then all of a sudden while he was watching, my calls popped up on his screen.  So maybe it got switched back then?  He asked me why I didn't leave a message and I told him that I doubted that the bank was interested in the fact that I had gotten him "green bean chicken" for dinner.   :lol:


:) This is the first thing that came to my mind. :lol:

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This is not funny anymore.  It is continuing.  I'm having to send messages from confused people to his e-mail.  I finally interrupted him at work to let him know that the problem is still there since he doesn't usually check e-mails while at work since there were some urgent ones regarding his parents.  Ai yai yai.  And no, I can't call the phone company for him since this cell phone is under his name and was issued by his work.

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