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Amazon hacked?


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True or false? I haven't seen info on major US news sources but it has been circulating that Amazon was hacked and credit card info was stolen. Amazon holds all my card numbers including my debit cards. Stupid I know. Going to the credit union tomorrow to change out debit cards. :(

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Krebs on Security hasn't reported on it - he usually does (and broke the news on the Target breach last year). If he had posted about it, I'd be worried. What I'm reading so far doesn't particularly seem all that concerning. Practice your usual internet security (don't open attachments from people you don't know or that you don't expect, Amazon/Apple/etc will never ask you for your password or ask you to verify your information by email, use strong passwords, don't use the same password for all accounts, and consider making up your own answers to security questions that have nothing to do with the actual question) and you should be fine.

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