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2015 Challenge # 2 - Random Acts of Kindness


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As I mentioned in the 2015 Challenge # 1 - Gratitude thread, I am working on mini habits and habit stacking. The other habit I want to include daily is performing one random act of kindness daily.


I would like to *be* more of my heart and profession, creating a better world to live in. My means to do that are small, but there is sure a lot I *could* do but don't. So, each day, I want to do SOMETHING, however small to be kind to another human.


I'd like to post and read about the acts of other people. I don't suggest posting to brag - and, indeed, we may want to keep some acts private because the motive isn't to "brag". But if you are willing to write about your acts, it would help inspire creative thinking in terms of kindness. Kind acts can range from a positive wall post on someone's FB page (or here, even!) to buying groceries for someone, etc.


Again, I think a weekly thread is the most efficient.


Want to join me?


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I have a couple of items that were acquired in different ways that are place-specific souvenirs/kitchenware items.  I did not seek them; they found me.  I don't want them.  Is it a random act of kindness to pick a name out of the phonebook related to those locations and just mail them?  Or would that be evil?

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I love this idea, and I'd love to attempt to join and keep up with posting about it! It's something I want to do with my kids as well, so I'll be looking for ideas there...my dd1 (9 years old) has asked to get items to donate to our local animal shelter. We got the list of needs off their website and she bought some things with her $$$ at the dollar store. I'm going to Petsmart and will supply the funds for bags of food. I'm hoping that volunteering there can be an option...

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This is another practice I'd like to be more mindful of--kindness. (The other is about spending.) I think there are often little ways to express kindness that I overlook when I feel rushed or tired or I'm just not thinking.


I'm looking forward to seeing how others express kindness in the hope that these ideas will help me grow.

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I have a couple of items that were acquired in different ways that are place-specific souvenirs/kitchenware items.  I did not seek them; they found me.  I don't want them.  Is it a random act of kindness to pick a name out of the phonebook related to those locations and just mail them?  Or would that be evil?


Is this for real or am I missing an inside joke?  :001_smile:


(In case it's real, I don't think it would be evil but it sure would be creepy to receive something like that.)


I could use a little help in the random act of kindness area.  I think about doing things but never seem to get around to it. 

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