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Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays?


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Why do celebrations have to include trees, natives, cards, Santa, stockings, gifts, or massive dinners to "count" as a legitimate holiday in December?







Litha=Summer Solstice=Midsummer= We watch Midsummer Night's Dream. 


Shakespeare! That's culture!




This is a country town, people say "Merry Christmas." We are probably the only ones in town who also celebrate something else. There are two different occasions that are both called the same thing and are both observed on the same day, with mostly the same traditions. I'll take "Merry Christmas" as meaning anything from "Remember the reason for the season! From your friendly neighbourhood, young earth Christians" to "Everyone loves public holidays!"

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I don't really say anything, at all.  I'm kinda shy (believe it or not) so I don't just go around saying greetings.  If someone says "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Holidays" I just just smile and say, "You, too."  I especially would never tell someone, "Merry Christmas" if I knew they didn't celebrate it.  If someone said some holiday greeting that I didn't celebrate, I would probably just smile??  Not really sure.


Did you have a happy solstice?




(Are you smiling?)



((Pulling your leg.  :rofl: ))

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Litha=Summer Solstice=Midsummer= We watch Midsummer Night's Dream.


Shakespeare! That's culture!




This is a country town, people say "Merry Christmas." We are probably the only ones in town who also celebrate something else. There are two different occasions that are both called the same thing and are both observed on the same day, with mostly the same traditions. I'll take "Merry Christmas" as meaning anything from "Remember the reason for the season! From your friendly neighbourhood, young earth Christians" to "Everyone loves public holidays!"

Hehehe, you missed the old earth creationist Christian. ;-)

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I think the analogy of Happy Birthday is a good one.  If I know, or have reason to think I know what someone's celebrating, then I specifically reference that holiday.  So, if you're my cousin and I know you're Christian, I say "Merry Christmas".  If you're my neighbor and I know you're Hindu I wish you a Happy Diwali.  If you're a complete stranger at the grocery store, but you're wearing a sweatshirt with Santa, or a cross, or are accompanied by a 6 year old in a Catholic school uniform, then I'll say Merry Christmas.  Similarly, if you're wearing hijab or a kippah, then I'll adjust my greeting appropriately.


If I don't know, then I'll say "Happy Holidays".  


It doesn't offend me when someone says "Merry Christmas" to me.  It doesn't offend most of my non-Christian friends.  But, I do think that some of the arguments against "Happy Holidays" are.  I feel as though people are essentially ignoring the existence of other faith traditions in this country.  

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Massive family dinners... check

Exchanging gifts... check

Sending cards to everyone... check

Menorrahs in the windows... check

Dreidels, chocolate coins, jelly donuts, latkes... check


Christians do not have a monopoly on festive holidays. 



Yup, we do all that.  Chanukkah is huge here for us and our children.  This year we had a huge family/relative dinner, a friend dinner/party, decorations, Chanukkah cookies, songs, dancing, dreidels, Chanuukah cards purchased in a box from an actual big box store, Chanukkah stories read each night at bedtime... 


And when someone at a store wishes my 7 year old son "Merry Christsmas" he responds with a big smile and says "Happy Chanukkah".  Only once has someone responded with, "I don't celebrate Chanukkah." and his perfectly nice and calm response, "Well, I don't celebrate Christmas."  And no, he's really not being snotty.  He is very friendly and very excited about HIS favorite holiday of the year.

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Have you actually been told not to wish anyone a Merry Christmas and that it's offensive, or are you just assuming it happens because angry pundits say it does? It's never happened to me. It's never happened to anyone I know. And believe me, we've discussed it. Sane people really don't care what you say when the intent is that you're wishing them well.

Sadly, yes, I have. When I was working in a retail position I experienced hostility over Merry Christmas several times, from a several minute long diatribe on how Christians 'stole' Christmas from the Pagans to snippy retorts like "We don't celebrate Christmas!" accompanied by eye rolls and huffs. I've even been snapped at by members of Christian denominations that do not celebrate Christmas. I don't recall any specifically secularist/Atheist objections though--it generally seemed to be members of another faith. I just try to remember that it is a difficult time of year for lots of people and smile a lot.

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