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Anyone else waiting on RD for the majority of apps?


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The majority of DS's outstanding apps are RD with notification dates clustered in March and April.


I think I just need to relax and understand that most things (admissions, scholarship notifications) are going to happen slowly and in the next semester. :chillpill:


I ask for forgiveness and grace for the next few weeks for my questions :confused: , ponderings, headbanging :banghead: and other general craziness :eek: .


I will do my best to cheer on all of your DC. :Angel_anim:

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It's horrible. My ds was in at his three Big State U safeties by this time last year, but he had been deferred by his REA school. While it was nice having those three safeties (with nice money) in his pocket, none of them were really his first choice. It is a loooooong time between mid-December and late March when other schools start notifying. And not everyone gets that. It is exhausting explaining over and over again that not all the decisions are in. So many folks' kids go to State U's which have rolling admissions. Many are one and done, and they cannot relate to what you are going through. It also doesn't help whenever everyone knows your kid is aiming high. Everyone asks over and over again whether or not you have heard. We also had tons of snow (for our area) last winter, and I felt so cooped up. That didn't help either. It just seemed to drag on and on. However, all of a sudden, the time will be here and you will get many decisions very close together and THEN things will feel like they are moving too fast! I wasted a lot of time last year just lurking on CC and fretting in general. Once all the apps are in, it really is best if you can just put it out of your mind. My ds was much better at this than I was. I worried waayyyy too much which in turn made me feel guilty about my faith level. I wasted a lot of energy during that time period. If you can find something to do to keep you distracted, that is what I would suggest. I promise your holiday season next year is going to be MUCH more enjoyable than your holiday season next year. Hang in there. Hugs to you!

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My dd has been accepted (with nice scholarships) at her 2 safety schools, which both happened to be rolling admission.  Now, we are waiting till March/April to hear from the rest...On the one hand, I'm so relieved all the applications are DONE!  I pictured in my mind that when they were all done, I could put all this out of my mind, and just enjoy our ordinary life once again.  But somehow, I can't seem to do that.  I wish I could just let this go.  Obviously, I am going to make myself miserable for the next 3 months if I don't just get a grip and stop my worrying.  


I don't even know why I should worry.  My dd has worked so hard in high school - I think she is extraordinary.  If she doesn't get accepted somewhere, then in the big scheme of things, it doesn't matter at all!  She is still extraordinary!  


Also, if a college thinks that, for whatever reason, she is not a good fit.  Then it's all for the best anyway that she does not go there.  Because maybe it would not be a good fit.


So, I'm now going to get myself a glass of wine, watch a movie with my hubby tonight, and forget about this college craziness!!

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Here.  I posted this to the Class of 2013 and thought of it with your thread.  It might be time to post it again as it sums up my thoughts and mixed feelings about it all even now.  Reposting was easier than rewriting and I'm getting lazier with my older age!  It may be difficult to comprehend fully (as it is for all of us), but definitely enjoy the time while you have it.  What may seem like dragging is actually flying in disguise.


It's a myth that time marches at the same speed. We are brought up with that myth and we've programmed our clocks and computers to perpetuate it, but it's a myth. Who here hasn't experienced reality - when time flies on vacation or doing something fun, but drags when we're waiting for a loved one to return? It's the same thing with college. Time flies until they leave, but drags while awaiting news. Another mystery is how time can be dragging and flying at what appears (to us) to be the same period... I'm convinced that String Theory will someday connect it all. wink.gif

For me, when dropping them off at college, I really understand just how quickly time flew. "Dragons live forever, but not so little boys..." (from Puff the Magic Dragon taken the non-druggy way). It's sort of become my motto when I get into reminiscing as my life changes. I'm thankful for the young men, but I really miss the old days. I take solace in knowing we spent a ton of time together and have a world of memories. There are many "things" we did without to enjoy memories instead (from board games to travel) and I don't regret a bit of it - not one bit. I may work into old age, but I got to enjoy my boys when they were young.

Congratulations to all who have heard more good news!!! 

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((Creekland))  Thank you for reposting. 


It's coincidental that you resurrected an old post because I thought to myself last night "Creekland had some interesting things to say last year.  I think I should search the forums."




So it was your brain waves I was reading this morning as they reached here.  It's good to know that method still works!


FWIW, I still get really nostalgic at times and wonder where the time went.  If I could relive time saved in a bottle, it would be 2006 forever.  My boys were 14, 12, and 10.  It was a wonderful year, absolutely wonderful.


It's still fun seeing what they do with their lives and where they go, but it's definitely different.

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The majority of DS's outstanding apps are RD with notification dates clustered in March and April.


I think I just need to relax and understand that most things (admissions, scholarship notifications) are going to happen slowly and in the next semester. :chillpill:


I ask for forgiveness and grace for the next few weeks for my questions :confused: , ponderings, headbanging :banghead: and other general craziness :eek: .


I will do my best to cheer on all of your DC. :Angel_anim:

We are -- my ds applied  EA to Yale and was deferred.

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No ED/EA or rolling admissions last year, so everything was waiting on RD.  It made for a long winter for me.  Enjoy the holidays and soon enough it will be time to stress over FAFSA and CSS and that will be a bit of a distraction.  The time from acceptances and decisions to the time they pack and leave absolutely flies, so try to enjoy the time you have now. 

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We were in this same boat last year -- my son was deferred at his two reach EAs (we had been assured -- as much as one can be, and by people who would know) that he'd probably get into at least one of them), and his safety EA (GA Tech) was overwhelmed and postponed their decisions until January.** Well, around about now I had a mild panic attack (having heard of high-stats kids shut out of reach schools and encountering "Tufts Syndrome" at match schools), so I encouraged my son to add a few true safety schools. Which -- in hindsight -- added a lot more paperwork and he wouldn't have been happy at them ... but ... it made me feel less anxious at the time.


As with Hoggirl, it did all end up perfectly, but there were some nail-biting moments there for me ... 


... I had envisioned a well-managed, well-planned college application process, but I had forgotten to factor in the 16yo-boy angle -- a 16yo boy who had strong opinions and wouldn't always listen to my voice of reason  :banghead:  ... For instance, he refused to "play the game" (as he called it) and do what other WTM kids on this board did when deferred from reach schools -- send a letter, update them on ECs & accomplishments, etc. Sigh ... Yes, I'm glad he "owned" (I don't like that term, but it fits) the process, but a bit more receptivity would have been nice. But I want to emphasize that it all ended up well, and my son is exactly where he should be and LOVING every. single. minute of his freshman year. Yay! (just a few more grey hairs for his mother ...) And -- getting advice from experienced moms on this board, as you're doing, was absolutely invaluable. Best wishes.



** ETA: Plus, as it turned out, we couldn't have afforded it anyway (surprise!) -- but that's another story ...

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Dd has one EA we are waiting on.  SHe has one rolling admission she hasn't even done yet- mainly because she knows she will get in and doesn't really want to go there for actual college- she already is there for dual enrollment.  I don't know when the others will be announcing.  One other I think may be EA and that is the one she is most interested in, I believe, but she hasn;t visited yet.  One is RD since it only has ED as another choice and she wasn't going to do that for any school since she really is undecided about which school will be best for her.   So we wait.

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