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Now two sick relatives. How will we cope?


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This is really just a selfish whine.


My grandmother's in the hospital and could be transferred to rehab today. We were going to check out the facility this afternoon. Now this morning, my niece who had cellulitis over the last week became much worse and the doctor says the infection could be in her blood. She is being tested now. My grandmother has dementia and my grandfather is hard of hearing. They can't be alone at the hospital, making these decisions. My niece is an adult but high needs, and practically speaking can only count on my mother and my mother might need help with this one. I really don't know how I'm going to manage this all. I only have one at home now, but she's too young to leave alone so whatever I do, I'll have to take her along.


I think I'll eat lunch, and deal with this stuff after that.

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:


Can a friend take your youngest while you devote time to caring for loved ones? Especially early morning or whenever the docs make their rounds. I always missed that time when my mother was in the hospital. If you could be there then, it would be helpful. 


I'm so sorry. 

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Thank you for all of your kind responses. 


A major crisis developed yesterday that I can't talk about publicly. It has nothing (or very little) to do with the other stuff, but that has been a huge stress on my very good, suffering mom most of all. Please keep us in your prayers and send good thoughts our way. 

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