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My 23yo son called me this morning crying


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Because his new baby sugar glider died. It broke my heart to hear him so upset but it also made it swell a bit because his heart is so soft to the smallest of creatures. It makes me mad too because obviously he was given an unwell baby so I hope he contacts the breeder and demands either a refund or a new baby.


Pets sure have a way of inching into our hearts in short amount of time.

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Awww, that's so sad.  I hope he's able to start over again with a healthy baby sugar glider.


My 23 year old son is also an animal softie.  He was crying this week because had to put down his pet because it was too aggressive and nothing, including an animal behaviorist and meds, helped.

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Awww, that's so sad.  :(   Was he able to bury it and mark the occasion in some way? 


I saw a glider once and they are the cutest, most adorable little creatures.  I hope your ds can get another one, if that's what he wants. 


He lives in an apartment so I offered for him to bring her over here and bury her in our flower garden but he had already left the baby with the vet to be cremated. I'm not sure if he is getting the ashes back or not.


I feel so bad for the other sugar glider now left alone. She will be heartbroken over the loss of her little buddy.

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