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Best camera for a kid--$50 or less


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My 12 year old got a $50 Amazon gift card for his birthday.  He wants a simple camera-- he has ha one like this for a couple of years:




but it isn't holding a charge anymore.  He has an inexpensive tablet, but it takes TERRIBLE pictures--worse than his $20 camera.


He just wants to take short movies and pictures for fun--decent quality, but within his price range.  Wants a view screen of some kind, prefers a rechargable camera, but honestly, after seeing his old one not hold a charge, I think using batteries (and just buying rechargable batteries) might be better.


Any suggestions?




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Guest submarines

I've been researching cameras for DD7 and came to a depressing conclusion that there's nothing worth buying under $100.

The reviews are horrible on the cheaper cameras--from not working at all, to breaking within weeks, to taking blurry photos.


Your prices might be a bit better, as I'm in Canada, but I didn't see a substantial difference.


Personally I'm waiting for a Canon to go on sale, and to shell the $100 on it for her birthday. Why isn't there a simple, but solid, reliable camera for $50?? Seriously, the technology is there.



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Dd 10 wanted a camera for her birthday. After looking online at new cameras in our $20-30 price range, we decided that we were better off buying used off of eBay. For $25 shipped, she ended up with a 2 camera lot. A Sony cybershot and.... Another camera that escapes me now. Coolpix, I think.


Anyhow, both were in great shape. She saved the extra camera to give to her brother for Christmas.

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Guest submarines

Also, for movies make sure it says HD quality video. Older models (like 5 year old or more from ebay) might have a different format and it comes out all blurry and very pixelated. Another thing for movies is whether he can zoom in and out without losing focus.


I have a Canon Elph 330 HS camera and it takes *amazing* HD videos, even in the really poor light and really good sound. It is about $200 though, and the new model that just came out (340) has poor reviews, and the one is hard to find... But this camera has lasted me through dust, sand, rain, multiple falls, has great zoom which doesn't lose focus when I zoom in or zoom out. (my older model canon elph wouldn't refocus after zooming in).





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Well this won't help with the gift card bit, but we got our children's cameras at the pawn shop. You can get a decent (normally over $50 dollars new) used camera for like 25 dollars and the shop we go to has a 30 day money back guarantee, so if it doesn't work to your standard, you can return it anyway. You also have the benefit of trying them all out at the store beforehand vs. just looking online. Maybe you can trade him the gift card for cash so he can go there?

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Annie and OP

The Nikon coolpix was such a bad buy for my 10 year old ,when it worked it was good but just after the 1st year the lens stopped opening!

So please check before you buy.

Nikon said they would repair it but I had to pay for it,They had numerous complaints  too.

It was useless to send it back,Ultimately we got her a refurbished Ipod .She has not asked for a camera since. 

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I've had a canon power shot eleph for about 8 years and its been indestructible. It's on sale for $79 on amazon.com


thank for a heads-up on the elph--we have had 2 of those and love them.  One, we bought 12 years ago, then we replaced it with another elph about 5 or 6 years ago, and it's still going.  I was envious of my son ordering this new one for $79 :) but i also know that he should be happy with this.


Thanks for the heads-up on ebay and pawn shops too--another son is waffling on wanting another camera, and that may be a good option for him when he decides.


I knew I would get some great input here :)  thank you!!



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Chiming in on the Canon Elph.


I have this one:




I got it about 6 or 7 years ago I think?


I have dropped it, ds took it on a 100 mile backpacking trip (and dropped it on rocks several times) and it still takes great pictures.





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Any chance he will get some gift money for Christmas? 


Any chance he and his brother might put in together? 


It's def more money, but I would consider an itouch. They take good pictures and video, cheap and fun editing apps are readily available, it fits in your pocket, and it's easy to show and share your work. You can add a case that will make it waterproof, and take pics/vid in the pool, etc. You can add macro, micro, and wide angle lenses. 


The extras are just that, extras he won't need to buy right away, but it's great to have the option. We bought a set of lenses for like $15, and dd uses the macro lens all the time - we have many close-up pics of spiders, lol.  


And of course the itouch has a lot of other functions as well. 


I think that most cheaper options will just wind up frustrating him. An itouch or better camera will be worth the wait. 

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