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Exercise Thread ~ November 23rd-30th


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My weekend didn't turn out as planned and I missed two very fun classes that were supposed to be a treat for me.  First a women's free parkour meetup and second a handbalancing class.   Bummer.   But these things always cycle around again, so I'll just bide my time for now.    Despite that, I'm super sore all over from stretching which I did accomplish this weekend.


Today, WO stretch roll. 

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My weekend didn't turn out as planned and I missed two very fun classes that were supposed to be a treat for me.  First a women's free parkour meetup and second a handbalancing class.   Bummer.   But these things always cycle around again, so I'll just bide my time for now.    Despite that, I'm super sore all over from stretching which I did accomplish this weekend.


Today, WO stretch roll. 


Handbalancing?  What's that?


Parkour- oh wow, I hope you get to do it next time.  I sometimes daydream myself running a parkour course- splendidly of course- and in some European city.  In my daydreams I never every twist my ankles or knees and I look fabulously strong. 


3 mile run, Katas, Thai combos and pushups.

Tonight I have martial arts.

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I've been very tired for a few weeks and I think I need to give Insanity a break. I've done alpha phase twice and I'm just tired. This is what I'm thinking:


Monday: C210K, 100 Push Up Challenge, 16 minute of ab H*ll

Tuesday: Inanity Pure Cardio, 40(?) minutes (I love this)

Wednesday: C210K, 100 Push Up Challenge, Abs

Thursday: Yoga (I need this)

Friday: C210K, 100 Push Up Challenge, Abs

Saturday: Plyometrics (to aid in running)

Sunday: Lots of napping


Does that sound nifty? Does anyone more intelligent than I (that would be you) think it's a bad idea? Thanks.




Today: Running, push ups, abs  :coolgleamA:

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I did 4 fast miles with Leslie and then a 30 min lower body pilates thing called "The Perfect Bum Series"  Worst title for real, but a good workout if you have muscle weakness or lower back problems.  I am feeling super busy so any workout is a :hurray:  in my book. I made up a little rotation and 'perfect bum' is on it. It's not too challenging, so I really can't wimp out, but those slow moves have me burning by the end, so I feel like I did something. I wish he had something for abs because I like his slow and gradual approach. The first couple weeks I did once and never again, too easy! But this week in the series, week 4, felt like a mild challenge. I might do it one more time and move on to number 5. I should add that it is a series meant to be done over 8 weeks for people who have weak muscles in their butt. I don't have that problem, lol, but I like the workouts.


It is on Amazon prime if you want to check it out.  I wish they had more exercise workouts on prime

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Lisa, dark chocolate is good for you. :)



Today was more kettlebell strength work.  Today's workout focused on squats and lunges, with some rows and snatch work as well.  My body is feeling like I've been pushing it hard.  I'm not going to take any bells with me on our Thanksgiving trip, so it will be just yoga for the next 4 days.  I think I need that.  

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Took a good run. I have, however, followed it up with dark chocolate and coffee for breakfast so I think it's a wash.

Hey now, that's a standard Shukriyya breakfast if you replace the regular coffee with decaf ;)


Kim, tell me more about kettlebells. I'm envisioning adding some strength training to the mix soon. I've got a few beginner vids lined up but the kettlebells themselves leave me :confused: How are they different from straight weights?

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Hey now, that's a standard Shukriyya breakfast if you replace the regular coffee with decaf ;)


Kim, tell me more about kettlebells. I'm envisioning adding some strength training to the mix soon. I've got a few beginner vids lined up but the kettlebells themselves leave me :confused: How are they different from straight weights?



They are very different.  The kettlebell has a handle, so because of that the center of gravity is different compared to holding a dumbell.  You can swing the kettlebell, which allows for more cardio work.  I liked them because it seemed like an efficient way to do weights at home.  I own Ader bells, not the vinyl ones, but they are good too.  


I have 4 DVDs, as well as 2 books, and a program (workouts and a schedule).  I highly recommend Lauren Brooks products.  Her instructional stuff is very good, not any fluff.  

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I've finally found the workout that works for my body. I'm finally dropping those last few pounds of baby weight and toning up!

Jari Love ripped 1000. I've been doing it for about 3 weeks and my body is loving it. The energy boost has been great too.


I've been doing it every other day and upping my weights when I feel like the current weight is getting easier.

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Tuesday night- martial arts, mostly spent sparring. Picture a little girl huddled in a corner whimpering.... That's how "powerful" I felt sparring against the tall blackbelt I was paired with. I learned a lot:)


Today- weightlifting and HIIT workout. College dd wants me to run with her and her friend this afternoon- maybe.

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Did a nice 10K this morning.  I don't know if I'll get anything done tomorrow. I must get cooking now.  And cleaning. And laundering. And...and...well you all know.  Have a wonderful holiday everyone who celebrates. :grouphug:

I'm so jealous of you and all of your running. I want to be runner so badly, but my body just doesn't want to do it.


I've finally found the workout that works for my body. I'm finally dropping those last few pounds of baby weight and toning up!

Jari Love ripped 1000. I've been doing it for about 3 weeks and my body is loving it. The energy boost has been great too.


I've been doing it every other day and upping my weights when I feel like the current weight is getting easier.

Don't you just LOVE that!! I did workout after workout with minimal progress, until I tried P90X. The change was phenomenal. I'm so happy for you!!






Cardio and 100 Push Up Challenge. I need to rethink my plan because the gym was too hot to run and we have no sidewalks. I'm not sure what I'll do next.

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So far a short-ish rambly hike, one hill, with pup. Came back to a nice hot cup of tea and some extra dark chocolate with salted pistachios for breakkie. I thought of you joyofsix ;) I've missed a few days of hang time so am hoping to get a couple of sessions of that in today as well as yoga-pilates video and a long hill hike.

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I'm so jealous of you and all of your running. I want to be runner so badly, but my body just doesn't want to do it.


Don't you just LOVE that!! I did workout after workout with minimal progress, until I tried P90X. The change was phenomenal. I'm so happy for you!!






Cardio and 100 Push Up Challenge. I need to rethink my plan because the gym was too hot to run and we have no sidewalks. I'm not sure what I'll do next.

I know I live under a rock, so could I ask you about P90X? Does it consist of HIIT and weights?

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I know I live under a rock, so could I ask you about P90X? Does it consist of HIIT and weights?


Weights? Yes, but I ignorantly don't know what HIIT is. P90X is one of the first extreme, in-home fitness programs. It's over 10 years old. The program has upper and lower body strength training, yoga, plyometrics, and martial arts. It's extremely well-designed, and I recommend it over any program I have ever used, including Insanity. Aside from the results I noticed involving my weight-loss, muscle tightening, strength, flexibility, and endurance, I also saw strength building in my lower back and right (previously injured) ankle, which I've never noticed before.This program is incredibly effective,and SAFE. There is a P90, P90X, P90X2 (for P90X grads), and P90X 3, which can be done in 30 minutes a day. Here is my blog post about it: 


P90X is a 90 day fitness program which Beach Body categorizes under  their “Extreme Results†section. During the 90 days, you do various exercises, including weight trainingaerobicsyogaplyometrics, and martial arts. I’ve been through the program twice, but the second time I discontinued so that I could begin P90X3, which only takes 30 minutes a day. The full P90X program includes diet, exercise, and supplements. I only did the exercise, as I was borrowing the DVD’s from a friend. These are my findings:

It’s easy to modify. I started with 5 pound weights, and quickly worked my way up. I was able to down-scale many of the exercises, and near the end, I was able to up-scale many of them.

Don’t watch the scale. My first time through the program, I lost 1 shirt size, 2 pants sizes, and had a more sculpted body, but I gained 20 lbs. As a woman, I had a hard time with the weight gain, but I am very satisfied with the results.

Fast results. Within one week, I could see my body tightening, and every week I noticed drastic improvement in the way I looked and felt.

I had an increased desire for water. I was always someone who had a hard time drinking a lot of water, but with this program I found myself chronically thirsty. My water bottle turned out to be  a good investment. I advise you get one too.

P90X is time-consuming. You can plan on spending an hour to an hour and a half a day on the workouts. I had a hard time fitting my workouts in every day, which is why I have since switched to P90X3.

It requires supplies. In order to do the program, you need free weightsa pull-up bar or bandsyoga mat, and maybe yoga block.

This program completely transformed my body, and I would recommend it to absolutely anybody. My fat loss was intense, my energy level increased, and I feel amazing.

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I got practically no sleep last night and like a true nut job I still did my WO. 


I feel like hambuger.     Hopefully I'll sleep good tonight!  LOL


I can't really 'like your post, SD, since you're obviously not a happy camper right now. But your 'hamburger' descriptive gets the point across in a creative and visual way ;)


No yoga-pilates for me today due to scheduling issues. Tomorrow though at some point before our meal I'll slip it in along with some hang-time and a long, rambly cross-country, though hill-less, hike

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Weights? Yes, but I ignorantly don't know what HIIT is. P90X is one of the first extreme, in-home fitness programs. It's over 10 years old. The program has upper and lower body strength training, yoga, plyometrics, and martial arts. It's extremely well-designed, and I recommend it over any program I have ever used, including Insanity. Aside from the results I noticed involving my weight-loss, muscle tightening, strength, flexibility, and endurance, I also saw strength building in my lower back and right (previously injured) ankle, which I've never noticed before.This program is incredibly effective,and SAFE. There is a P90, P90X, P90X2 (for P90X grads), and P90X 3, which can be done in 30 minutes a day. Here is my blog post about it:

P90X is a 90 day fitness program which Beach Body categorizes under their “Extreme Results†section. During the 90 days, you do various exercises, including weight training, aerobics, yoga, plyometrics, and martial arts. I’ve been through the program twice, but the second time I discontinued so that I could begin P90X3, which only takes 30 minutes a day. The full P90X program includes diet, exercise, and supplements. I only did the exercise, as I was borrowing the DVD’s from a friend. These are my findings:

It’s easy to modify. I started with 5 pound weights, and quickly worked my way up. I was able to down-scale many of the exercises, and near the end, I was able to up-scale many of them.

Don’t watch the scale. My first time through the program, I lost 1 shirt size, 2 pants sizes, and had a more sculpted body, but I gained 20 lbs. As a woman, I had a hard time with the weight gain, but I am very satisfied with the results.

Fast results. Within one week, I could see my body tightening, and every week I noticed drastic improvement in the way I looked and felt.

I had an increased desire for water. I was always someone who had a hard time drinking a lot of water, but with this program I found myself chronically thirsty. My water bottle turned out to be a good investment. I advise you get one too.

P90X is time-consuming. You can plan on spending an hour to an hour and a half a day on the workouts. I had a hard time fitting my workouts in every day, which is why I have since switched to P90X3.

It requires supplies. In order to do the program, you need free weights, a pull-up bar or bands, yoga mat, and maybe yoga block.

This program completely transformed my body, and I would recommend it to absolutely anybody. My fat loss was intense, my energy level increased, and I feel amazing.

Thanks for all the information. I'll need to look into it further. It sounds like something I would like to due except the time commitment. I do my current workouts 1 hour 3times a week, and I don't know how I could manage 1 1/2 hours!

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Thanks for all the information. I'll need to look into it further. It sounds like something I would like to due except the time commitment. I do my current workouts 1 hour 3times a week, and I don't know how I could manage 1 1/2 hours!


If you like it I wold do this:



Monday- Upper Body 1 (+abs)

Tuesday- Plyometrics

Wednesday- Upper Body 2 (+abs)

Thursday- Yoga

Friday- Lower Body (+abs)

Saturday- Kenpo

Sunday- Rest



Week 1 Day 1- Upper Body 1 (+abs)

Week 1 Day 2- Plyometrics

Week 1 Day 3- Yoga

Week 2 Day 1- Upper Body 2 (+abs)

Week 2 Day 2- Lower Body

Week 2 Day 3- Kenpo


PM me if you ever want to talk about it. I'm kind of an addict.  ;)

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If you like it I wold do this:



Monday- Upper Body 1 (+abs)

Tuesday- Plyometrics

Wednesday- Upper Body 2 (+abs)

Thursday- Yoga

Friday- Lower Body (+abs)

Saturday- Kenpo

Sunday- Rest



Week 1 Day 1- Upper Body 1 (+abs)

Week 1 Day 2- Plyometrics

Week 1 Day 3- Yoga

Week 2 Day 1- Upper Body 2 (+abs)

Week 2 Day 2- Lower Body

Week 2 Day 3- Kenpo


PM me if you ever want to talk about it. I'm kind of an addict. ;)

I'm going to hold you to this. ;). I'll look into buying it in December, so don't be surprised if I start pestering you. I've heard so much about the program, it's time I looked into it.

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I created my own turkey triathalon, which I did on machines in the gym yesterday morning. I did a 10K row, 20K bike, and 2K run. I pushed myself more than if I were just working out and finished in under 2 hours. It was super fun and my son was supposedly going to do it with me, only in his university gym 12 hours away. Well, he was actually making the long drive home and suprised me last night. Icing on the cake!

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Yesterday I did a long, rambly hike with dh, ds and the dogs plus my yoga-pilates video. Today a short-small-hill hike with one pup already and later a long, hill hike. I've got to get in two more yoga-pilates video sessions by Sunday evening to complete my 3x a week goal with them. Not feeling it today though.

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About to do this walking workout. I keep hearing about him on the Video Fitness forums.


Editing to add: Probably the best walking workout I've ever done. No talking, no frills, yet super-effective and my arms are sore. :D

Thank you! I previewed it and it looks great! Completely different than any other walking workout I have ever seen! :001_wub:
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