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JAWM Why do some people have to make EVERYTHING about themselves??? **UPDATED #37**


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That is truly sick. I am sorry for your continued heartache caused by these people.


I am also sorry that your dad didn't stand up for you. That's got to be a whole 'nother sort of hurt.


Yeah, it kinda is. I think he feels bad about it. And I think, in his way, he was trying to protect us by getting us out. I suspect that there were threats or other meanness said behind our backs that he's not telling us about. My parents have gone out of their way to try to make things as easy as possible on us. They initially wanted us to move into their house (back in April, when he made this decision that we should get out) until we were ready to build (next spring, we'd hoped). But we didn't want to move twice, so we found a house and decided to buy. It wasn't their fault that deal fell through. Not ours either. That was another complete mess; we seem to attract those these days.


I know the situation with us living at my grandmother's was miserable for him too. They (aunt, cousin, cousin's wife) would show up at his house in the middle of the night demanding that we move, etc. It has been a total disaster. But partly he is to blame for letting them get away with this bs for so long. I think he knows that, but I don't understand why he doesn't just cut them off. He's never been close to his sister (go figure).


I wonder if they will actually pay rent to your dad?   Considering their entitlement I doubt they will pay more than a couple of token payments.  


They bought the house -- at a ridiculously low price, because my aunt of course gifted them her half. They put up a big fight on the price, but my dad did get what was coming to him out of it. So there's that.


This is the reason he wanted us to move -- so he could be finished with dealing with them. This was the last remaining piece of the estate. Not that he will cut her off personally but at least he isn't forced to deal with her making decisions, etc. Dad was the executor of the estate, so in the end, she really had little say, unless she wanted to take him to court. But he tried to play fair until the end. You just can't play fair with people like this.

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I found myself wondering why your dad didn't force a sale; your post above clarifies that he did part with the house. That's a good thing. I do hope it's possible for you (and your folks) to move on with them not part of your daily lives. I'm sure some contact is inevitable but at least now there is probably a nearer chance of reducing interactions with them.

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