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Note to self - the first 3 weeks are always treacherous!

Stacey in MA

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Ugh! Just a little vent note! School started for us this week.


Digging in to new curriculum is fun in so many ways, but MAN do my kids get out of good habits during the summer!! It took us literally 1/2 the day to get through 2 subjects! They are not "on their game" at all! I'm asking DD6 a math question, and she's reaching over coloring on DD4's coloring book. I'm asking DS9 to trudge ahead to another subject and he's asking if he can go outside. I'm trying to offer DD4 a little of my long-awaited time and DS1 is screaming almost all of the time. All the while, I'm struggling to figure out where we are and what's next to do in whichever subject we're in (all the chaos of finding the routine of new curriculum). If I even DARE to pause in my speaking, they take that as an invitation to get up and move about the cabin as they please. Yikes! Chaos!


I know, I remember, it WILL get better. They will get used to the routine, to focusing, and the quantity I will expect of them. The WILL NOT balk forever. They WILL actually enjoy themselves sometimes. They WILL appreciate someday! OK, now I'm pushing it!.....

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Oi - we're starting next week and while I'm so excited on the one hand, on the other I know we're going to experience just what you described. I anticipate much dragging of feet as we try to get back into the swing of things.


This last year was a less consistent school year for us, because we played a lot with the baby. I tried to school through the summer, but threw up my hands sometime in July and called it finished. I hope, hope, hope we can stick to our schedule this year and be done with school in early June, so we can have the summer off without guilt, but I think we will still do some math and handwriting so we don't get completely out of the habit.

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It does settle down, right?

My dd5 (starting K) and my ds3 (starting preschool) have a far greater desire than their big sister dd7 (less than a week now) to "do school". They are constantly interupting reading or math (trying to finish the 1st grade book and the primer) so that I can read the instructions on their pages to them.

I can only hope we can figure out a way to do three without everyone taking all day and mommy going crazy!

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........Digging in to new curriculum is fun in so many ways, but MAN do my kids get out of good habits during the summer!! It took us literally 1/2 the day to get through 2 subjects! They are not "on their game" at all! I'm asking DD6 a math question, and she's reaching over coloring on DD4's coloring book. I'm asking DS9 to trudge ahead to another subject and he's asking if he can go outside. I'm trying to offer DD4 a little of my long-awaited time and DS1 is screaming almost all of the time. All the while, I'm struggling to figure out where we are and what's next to do in whichever subject we're in (all the chaos of finding the routine of new curriculum). If I even DARE to pause in my speaking, they take that as an invitation to get up and move about the cabin as they please. Yikes! Chaos! .....


We're five weeks in. First two weeks were brutal. Started getting better around week 3 and now things are groovin' pretty well again. Y'all just have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I am still seriously considering seat belts on their chairs, though. No, dear child, you are NOT free to move about the cabin. SIT YER BOOTY DOWN. :D

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We start on Tuesday and after an eventful last couple of weeks (dd10 broke her wrist, of course it's the one she writes with), I'm looking forward to starting school and getting onto a schedule.


I was thinking of taking a couple of days next week and "easing" into the schedule. Did any of you start with just a few subjects and then add subjects as the week progressed? Did it help at all? Or does it just drag out settling into a routine?

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We start on Tuesday and after an eventful last couple of weeks (dd10 broke her wrist, of course it's the one she writes with), I'm looking forward to starting school and getting onto a schedule.


I was thinking of taking a couple of days next week and "easing" into the schedule. Did any of you start with just a few subjects and then add subjects as the week progressed? Did it help at all? Or does it just drag out settling into a routine?


I was wondering that too. We've been on a summer schedule of trying to finish math and finish history (tomorrow) and finish OPGTR (tomorrow), and we just finished FLL1.


I thought since we've been doing that it would be better to just dive right into our full schedule. Is that crazy?

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Yes, we made it through the day. Yes they went to bed early for various infractions of sassiness (is that word??). And yes, my head is spinning - I want to go to bed!!


Someone asked, so I'll tell...We did only do a couple of subjects each day this week b/c starting new curriculum does take longer at first. I thought it would be a way of easing in, but it's seeming to take just as long as always!


Someone also asked, so I'll tell.... Yes, it does get better. Bet your bottom dollar, or I bet we'd all not be here to tell about it, right all? It's like any discipline though. Painful to start, but easier once you're on a roll. There will always be constant tweeking, but just around the edges. I think we all get a core routine rolling (motion out of no motion must be started with ENERGY! right?? ugh!...).


I discovered a great trick today though.... I made DS9 (no, not optional - do it, now, before I lose my mind!!) help DD4 with her workbooks. I set the timer for 15 minutes. He did it while DD6 and I made lunch. He actually did well, DD4 enjoyed it and got some workbook time in, and I felt less guilty. Woo hoo! I'm going to assign my DD6 some time with her each day too. She needs someone to read the instructions on each page - nothing heavy. I got some time in with her before dinner too, so she was happy by the end of the day.


OK, now my curriculum rants..... I don't like SOTW V4 yet!! It's not as fun as the other 3. Much more detailed and dry. DS9 is still at the SOTW3 reading level, so this is a little challenging for him. Also, my Trail Guide to US Geography....ugh, is all I can say. Too chaotic. I'm going to stick to it, but we're not really the "do different things for different days" kind of family. I need it to be "more of the same" kind of format. I feel the same way about CKE Earth and Space so far. I felt like I was looking all over the book for this picture and that map, then back to the chapter. Poor DD6 really wanted to dig in and I was so scattered! Ah well, it will move forward...


Have a good night all! More tomorrow, I'm sure....

- Stacey in MA

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Guest Dulcimeramy

I wish I could post a clip of the Mr. Rogers song that has been getting me through each day!


Remember this one? King Friday used to sing it. You have to sing it with a really deep voice, from the chest.


"Be brave, and then be strong!


Be brave, and don't be wrong when you are right.


Be brave, and then be strong!


Keep your chin up! Keep your chin up!


Be brave, be brave and then, be strong."


Find an anthem and keep it playing in your head, that's my advice. Have it be something deep and intellectual, like mine.

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This thread made me smile.

We started this week too...

First day always makes me think I AM CRAZY... WHAT AM I THINKING???


Dear little three month son waking three times a night to nurse does not help either...


I was pleasantly reminded by my beloved sister that if I wasn't homeschooling- I would be running around getting two children ready for grade school, one for k and one for prek all the while taking care of my infant and two year old... it would NOT be better! It would NOT be easier.


"Just keep schooling, just keep schooling" sung in the tune of Nemo...



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You are definitely not alone.


I started replying to this thread earlier today and my computer crashed - probably my hard drive. Hold me. I haven't backed up in ages and if it's the hard drive (we are 100% sure yet) I will have lost my precious photos and my homeschooling documents that I have spent HOURS preparing over the last few months. I'm sick to my stomach. I'm trying to remain hopeful that the hard drive is okay - of course that means that we need a new computer.


Anyway, we started on Monday and things are going well enough, but yes, this first week has had it's challenges. I planned this week as a "warm up" week, so we haven't cracked open a bunch of our work. We're starting with the basics - math, grammar, spelling/phonics, reading, handwriting and we've done some history read-a-louds. This is our first full year homeschooling and I just knew that we had to have a slow and easy warm up week. It's SO hard to break out of summer mode.


I've already noticed that my plans are too aggressive in some areas and not aggressive enough in others, so I have some tweaking to do on our plans and goals over the Labor Day weekend.


We start the "fun" stuff a little bit next week - history, art, music, science, chess. I think that will help my boys get a little more fired up about learning as I plan to integrate the "boring" subjects into the "fun" and bring it all together. The week after we will really dig in and get to learning.


I had to give us these two weeks to ease into our year.

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Wow. Thanks for the heads-up. We start in another week (dh vacation time happened to coincide with my original start day of Monday) and it will be good to remember this as it is only our second year.


I am also going to back-up my hard drive, tonight.

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Because of this, we go light the first week, add in more the second week, and by week three we're doing everything. Slow and steady wins the race for those of us who don't school year round. I always plan to do summer school, but it seldom happens. I think I need that summer break just as much as my ds...or more!!:p

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They are not "on their game" at all! I'm asking DD6 a math question, and she's reaching over coloring on DD4's coloring book. I'm asking DS9 to trudge ahead to another subject and he's asking if he can go outside.


My 2yo has forgotten that he's not the center of the universe. He's crumpled onto the floor in tears every single time I've just said, "just a minute," in the past two days.

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We started today too and although it was almost a full day time wise, we accomplished half of what we would have mid year. We did a lot of review today and worked with curriculum that we already know the routines for. I added 1 new curriculum per child for this week. Next week I'll add some more. It is exciting to have new things but it takes a week or two to get into the groove of it.

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