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WWYD - hiring a service company

Night Elf

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I got 3 quotes on a home project a couple of months ago. I contacted one recently that impressed me the most. He seemed please to hear from me. I asked him to drop by and give me a new quote as the job has changed somewhat. He set an appointment for 10:00am this morning. It's nearly 11:00am and I haven't heard from him. Should I wait a certain time and call him? Should I just wait and see if he contacts me? I don't want to end up with someone untrustworthy and I don't know if I'm just being impatient. I expected at least a phone call to say he was running late. What if he forgot about me?

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I would call.  Knowing me I would also be super apologetic about it.


"Hi.  Mr. Builder Guy, I was just checking my calendar and wondering if maybe I had written the date/time down wrong.  I wanted to check because I would hate to not be here during our appointment ..."


Then again.  Don't be like me.  



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I don't know if this is area dependent, but I've noticed an epidemic of service people not bothering to call back, keep appointments, etc., and it isn't just "deadbeats".

I had a rather illuminating conversation about this with the father of the (sometimes flaky) HVAC business owner who replaced our furnace three years ago (his dad also owns an HVAC company and had come over to help out with something).


He said he had worried for years because his son's ADHD was so severe growing up. He doubted his son would be able to successfully work for someone else. So he helped his son get his own business off the ground. The kid's mom and sister were doing his bookkeeping and scheduling, dad was still lending a hand when he could with bigger jobs. Brother had left for the military, but had helped out before leaving.


When you hear story after story of flaky service companies, you start to wonder if many of these businesses pop up for the same reason - very skilled at their trade, but they just aren't organized enough to work for another person. Then their own business starts to suffer from missed appointments and forgotten call backs. But without a "boss", there's no immediate feedback before the pattern of customer complaints start. I doubt all of them have the support from family that this guy did.

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I called. He said his daughter had a reaction to some medicine and he had to take her to the doctor. He rescheduled for 1:00pm today. Hopefully this works out. We've been wanting this done for a couple of years now.


When we were replacing our AC unit, we had 2 companies that didn't show. What made me mad was one of them was the company that serviced our equipment in the first place. Then they called about 3 months later and asked if we were still interested in purchasing a new unit. Um yeah, we did that 3 months ago with another company.

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Probably not true where you are, but if that had happened here today, I would assume he was trying to dig his truck out of a ditch somewhere while it slowly got buried under the snow.  The roads here are SUPER slippery and we have gotten well over a foot of snow since yesterday (to add to the 2ish inches that were already on the ground) and it is still coming down like gangbusters.  It seems like this winter has gone from 0 to 60 in about 2 days, so I am cutting everyone a lot of slack as they try to deal with the sudden onslaught.



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Sometimes, in those types if situations, I think that these people got into their business because they like that business, not necessarily because they are skilled "business-people", like with intelligible billing, call if you are late, let the customer know if the schedule changes. So, if I find someone I like, or want to like, I bend over backwards to make it work.


To a point, of course.

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I've had this problem over and over.  We've done several home projects over the last couple of years.  I'm amazed that so many contractors are so casual about bids.  How am I supposed to believe you'll show up and do a good job if you turn up a day late for a bid?  Also, don't ask me to pay you under the table so it won't affect  your retirement.  That dude lost the bid before he left my house. 

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As owners of a service company (HVAC to be exact), it is NOT normal to flake out on customers.  It is NOT acceptable.  We do not do residential work any more, but when we did, we would absolutely not tolerate that sort of thing.  Emergencies come up but you always let the company know so that they can contact the customer and make alternate arrangements.


I would say that 90% of the companies in our industry are run by people who either don't know what they're doing, or care about nothing other than screwing the customer out of as much money as possible.  And I mean that with complete sincerity.  Many companies are started when a technician or other person working for a contractor says to himself, "It doesn't look that hard, I can do that!" and they steal a few accounts and then boom, there you go, they're a company of their own.  They operate out of their garages with their wives answering the phone.  They don't know how to price things or design a system, and they can make all the guarantees they want - if they're out of business in 5 years you can't really call them on it.


Always, always, check the license number.  Your state should have its own website where you can look them up and see how long they've been in business, etc.  Do not go by "reviews" on sites like Yelp or the BBB.  Those are shakedown organizations that remove unpleasant things from companies' profiles if the companies pay to be "members."

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I got 3 quotes on a home project a couple of months ago. I contacted one recently that impressed me the most. He seemed please to hear from me. I asked him to drop by and give me a new quote as the job has changed somewhat. He set an appointment for 10:00am this morning. It's nearly 11:00am and I haven't heard from him. Should I wait a certain time and call him? Should I just wait and see if he contacts me? I don't want to end up with someone untrustworthy and I don't know if I'm just being impatient. I expected at least a phone call to say he was running late. What if he forgot about me?


Another possible view—I wonder if he feels a little less invested since it's just to visit again for another quote after that length of time since the first quote. He might feel that it's not a great chance it will lead to an actual job. Was he on time when he gave you the first quote?


That said, good customer service is good customer service. To me that means calling if you won't be there for a scheduled appointment, and if you aren't making it, there needs to be a really great reason.


Erica in OR

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Another possible view—I wonder if he feels a little less invested since it's just to visit again for another quote after that length of time since the first quote. He might feel that it's not a great chance it will lead to an actual job. Was he on time when he gave you the first quote?


That said, good customer service is good customer service. To me that means calling if you won't be there for a scheduled appointment, and if you aren't making it, there needs to be a really great reason.


Erica in OR


Actually I told him we wanted to work with him because his offer was the best. But yes, I need a new estimate because the job has changed. But based on what he told me and the quote he gave to me, I know he'd be the best of the 3 to work with. If he doesn't call tomorrow, I'll call the next guy.


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