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This is a joke, right?

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I was poking around the internet this morning and ran into The Classical Curriculum. Um, I like satire and all, but this isn't very funny.


The booklist is rather benign, it's the links that are most disturbing.  :001_huh:


Sorry if this has been discussed before. Searching this site with "the classical curriculum" isn't very helpful.  :p


Who's behind this site? If they're real I want to know who they are, so I can ignore them in the future.

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I doubt it's a joke. 


It looks like a very lightly modified booklist from the Great Books Academy/Angelicum Academy with some electives thrown in and some books added to make it much more German-oriented -- and skimming the links and added books it reads like it was modified by a neo-Nazi. 

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Wow, I didn't really get what you were saying until I clicked on the link for "Understanding Human History", the description of which reads in part "Unlike other books on world history, it explicitly discusses racial differences in intelligence, and explains how, why, and when they arose."


Unfortunately, I don't think it is a joke either.

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Wow.  Take a look at the reasons not to study spanish link . . . this sucks.


Ridiculous, right?


FTR, I had a prof who got his D.Phil. from Oxford, and he had to learn to read Spanish so that he could read specific scholarly literature in Spanish. Does that count as not-low-brow enough?  :001_rolleyes:


He was British, btw. And white. And he married a white woman and had white children. And I don't think his IQ suffered from the experience.  :001_rolleyes:  :001_rolleyes:  :001_rolleyes:


The constant use of "high-brow" and "high-IQ" and links to highly-inflammatory articles that are the ONLY posts on their blogger pages, made me think (hope) that it's just a troll site. But I was curious if others knew more about it.

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Aha, I'd missed the Spanish link -- yes, now that I have seen that, I am 99% sure that this site has been put up by someone who makes a habit of trolling education websites (not specifically this one) with offensive race-based statistical rubbish, as well as maintaining several similar websites of his own.


I shan't link them because they're really horribly repulsive.

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Here is a previous discussion on the forums of the website in question.


Ah, I had just had a baby before that. Explains how I missed it. Blerg, sorry to bring it up again.


I do think some white supremacists hang around the "classical" label, and homeschooling in general. But this site...must be a troll.


It does surprise me how much money and effort trolls put into trolling. It must be a hard life...  :glare:

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Ok, there's something weird going on here.


In the previous thread to the previous thread (here) someone mentioned that they saw that site linked on a Kinist website. That got me curious. I did some "advanced" google searches and can find some sites that link to it, but neither google nor urlfind can see any site with links to or from that site. They must have it hidden somehow. Odd.



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