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I need permission....


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... to drop history until spring. (Yes, I feel a little stupid phrasing it like that)  BUT, nothing bad will happen if the kids go a few more months before we pick up where we left off... right?  I mean, it's not getting done regularly anyway, so what's a few more months.  


And THEN, I'm giving myself permission to buy a history program, rather than winging it, because winging it stinks.  I.hate.it.  I'd do that now, but I'm trying not to spend too much money before the holidays.


By the way, if you know of any good American history programs - post-Revolution to modern times - I'm all ears.  Something foolproof that provides the scaffolding.  Then I can add in the fun stuff (or not) as time allows.


ETA: both kids are working around 5th grade level.

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You have my permission. 


I have also set aside history. Not for the first time. History IMO requires a bit of commitment and consistency to be worthwhile. Not a lot of ...extra stuff...but you really can't let too much time pass between lessons or it's hard to hold the thread. If you don't have that available, it's better to hold off until you do, rather than trudge through and remember nothing. 

That's my feeling, anyway. 

We haven't used them yet, but I have these, and I'm chomping at the bit to get to them when we can. I have the Kindle editions, but the paperbacks are cheap, too. http://www.amazon.com/America-Story-Us-Illustrated-History/dp/B00CAYOFT6/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1415722913&sr=1-1&keywords=america+the+story+of+us

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... to drop history until spring. (Yes, I feel a little stupid phrasing it like that) BUT, nothing bad will happen if the kids go a few more months before we pick up where we left off... right? I mean, it's not getting done regularly anyway, so what's a few more months.


And THEN, I'm giving myself permission to buy a history program, rather than winging it, because winging it stinks. I.hate.it. I'd do that now, but I'm trying not to spend too much money before the holidays.


By the way, if you know of any good American history programs - post-Revolution to modern times - I'm all ears. Something foolproof that provides the scaffolding. Then I can add in the fun stuff (or not) as time allows.

(Prefacing with - I can't see how old your kids are)

I've been using the workbooks The Story of the U.S.A. by Franklin Escher jr. We do a lesson or two a month from there and in between read Venezia books on the presidents or other non-fiction books on chronological topics.


Until then, do what you need to!

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Nothing bad will happen.  :)


We are enjoying A History of US by Hakim.  It is history from the very beginning, but you can pick up wherever you like.  I am using a self-styled history and lit program for US history for my boys this year with the Hakim series as the spine.  If you want to see my plan and chop it up however you want, you are welcome to it.  Just pm me.  It is very adaptable because I adapted it from the Sonlight US history Core 100, though it is not recognizable as SL any more.

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Yes, outsource it to history at our house with scott Powell. I have mentioned in the past how great my wife and I think his teaching is. It so happens our 4th, 5th, and 7th graders are taking his excellent American History class this year. Truth be told, I love listening to the classes on my way to work.


He offers live class subscriptions or subscriptions for the recordings only. We do the recordings for $20/month. He conducts the live class on webex and the recordings are available later in the day. We started last year in January and were able to finish the class by end of June by doing a class a day, so you can definitely catch up. The class has notes, test review, tests, and map exercises. A favorite part of the course is the history through art classes he does once every week or so. It is so enlightening and interesting. Your child is 5th grade, so would be in the upper elementary course.


Check it out. Oh it is from a secular perspective if that matters to you. All 3 of my kids are constantly talking about mr Powell and how much they love his class.



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Well I'm no hs pro but if it makes you feel better we aren't doing history at all! Ans haven't done any history (or much science!) since we started in first grade, he's in second now (little brother in kinder). I did, however, order SOTW through the Peace Hill Press to use sometime after the first of the year. We'll see how that pans out!

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There are I had some free history audits from audio books for free. I can't remember the names and I didn't listen to all of them so I don't know how good they are but it would be a way of touching it.


Otherwise permission totally granted. I hate when I need new resources and there's no money.

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