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Freecyclers: How do you handle no-shows?


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When I list items on Freecycle, I say that it's "easy porch pickup" which means that I'll put the items in a bag on my porch for the person to stop by and pick them up without needing to ring the bell.  I ask the person to let me know when they can pick up and I don't give out my address (via private email not on the Freecycle board) until a date and time have been stated.


What do you do when the person doesn't show?  How long do you wait after the no-show until offering it to the next interested person or re-listing the item?  Do you email the original person and tell them it's no longer available?

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I would give the person a time limit. If the item is not picked by 4:00pm, it will go to the next person. Feel free to email if you find you cannot make it and we'll set up another time. However, this item must be out of my house by Oct. 19th so if it's not picked up at the next stated time, it will go to the next person in line.


I stopped using Freecycle because people were just so rude. I had people expecting me to deliver items. Not happening.

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I would give the person a time limit. If the item is not picked by 4:00pm, it will go to the next person. Feel free to email if you find you cannot make it and we'll set up another time. However, this item must be out of my house by Oct. 19th so if it's not picked up at the next stated time, it will go to the next person in line.


I stopped using Freecycle because people were just so rude. I had people expecting me to deliver items. Not happening.


I quit using it for the same reason.  People wouldn't show up, but then they'd email a week later asking to schedule a new pickup time and when I told them I'd given it to someone else, I'd end up subjected to a long and angry tirade.  Or if I had multiple inquiries into an item, the people who I didn't give it to would send me angry emails.  Now I just give my free stuff to the thrift store.

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That's awful that people have been so rude.  I've had good luck in my area; the worst problem I have to deal with is the occasional no-show.  I did have one person get grumpy once when they didn't show and I gave the item to someone else.  Most of the people have picked up on time and been very kind and grateful.  


I like the idea of specifying a time limit in our original correspondence, so I think I will start doing that.  

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I never found a good way to handle it, which is one of the reasons I stopped Freecycling. Now, unless an item is huge and bulky or something I'm about to trash (like piles and piles of cut fresh rosemary), I haul it to the thrift store myself. What would happen is that a number of people would respond, yes, I'd like that. And I would pick someone and send information. And the item wouldn't get picked up. So I would try to move on to the next person, who usually would not respond. And then the next, ditto. It was way too much hassle.

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Every post I offer says "Include day and approximate pick up time with request email."  If they can't read that, and follow directions, I don't even bother with them.  It seems to cut down on my no shows.  If you don't pick it the day you say you are picking it up, and I don't get a text or email around the time you were due saying something like "sorry, yada yada, can I reschedule?" then I move on to the next person who requested it.  Most of my offers go to the person who can pick up first.   I have always done this and have never had much of a no show problem. 

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I always add something like "please respond with a 2 hour pick up window, if interested." If they give that info, I will give them the address. If they don't give that info in the first email, I delete it. If they don't show, depending on my mood (!) I will either offer it to the next person, or give them till dark before offering to the next person. If they email with a request to change times, no problem.


Our freecycle group is very active, and we also have a system for reporting no shows. I've never done it though.


Generally, I choose the same people over and over - the ones who always pick up on time. If for some reason they don't show up, I usually wait till evening, knowing something came up.

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Our area has a culture of "free piles" in front of houses. My kids LOVE free piles. It's like finding treasure chests!

Our thrift stores can be picky about items, so I'll put many things out in a free pile. Toys, especially, can't be used by most of our thrift stores because of the liability to the store. 

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I usually extend some grace after the first no-show and email them again to see if they plan to follow through and pick it up on a second try or if I should go to the next person in line. I'd rather take a little time to re-deal with them than to start over with someone new. I try to mentally make a note about who does and doesn't flake out, for when I'm deciding next time I offer something.


Erica in OR

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if you have set the item outside so they don't bother you when they pick it up - they still might have come and decided they didn't want it, but didn't contact you to say "sorry, I don't want your item'.


if we agree on a rough time frame 'i.e. fri am' and it's still there in the afternoon, I notify the next person.

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