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Can we chat about the viruses going around?


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I know it's weird but it always makes me feel better to hear what other sick people are going through when we're not feeling well.


I have three kids mildly sick this week with low-grade fevers and stomachaches with no vomiting. There have been some complaints of dizziness and malaise. This is one DDs third day home sick from ps. (This gives me a bad feeling since it's happening so early in the year. She missed so many days last year that it affected her grades due to missed assignments. It makes me inclined to hs her again, if she were open to it.) 


I've had an on and off sensations that I'm getting a sore throat but it hasn't turned into anything, but I've had major muscle soreness and stiffness in the last two days, worse than in a long time.


So, what is everyone else suffering with?

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Ds 16 goes to public high school and has already missed 3 days. He had a nasty cold two separate times only about 2 weeks apart. I'm praying that he doesn't catch the flu that his sister has


My 19 dd has influenza A and B and is very sick. She is her doctor's first case of the season. She has had a high fever since Monday night.


I felt miserable on Sunday but thought at the time it was severe allergies (congestion and runny nose). Now I have a sore throat, fatigue and muscle aches but no congestion. It's really strange. So I'm not sure if I have a mild case of the flu or something completely different.

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We have colds and mild sore throats. Nothing worth even exploring medically so it's hard to say if these are really cold viruses, mild forms of something else, who knows. We've been staying home the last couple of days, but really nothing in the grand scheme of things. Entero scares me though since people are contagious for so long. Thankfully, no one here has respiratory issues such as asthma so our chances of kicking it without serious problems is higher if we do get it.


I worry about my dad. He's 71, had one half of a lung taken out last year, and has had a new spot show up in the other half that was not removed. NOT GOOD! He may need another surgery, and entero could easily just kill him.

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Ds has strep. He said his head hurt, his tummy felt icky, and he had a fever. He also slept for two days. I thought it was the flu showing up early, but day three I took him in, and it was strep. There are several things going around my area, and none of them are the scary things from the news.

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The kids and I all have/had something. Slight sore throat and very slight cough for me. The kids have runny noses and worse coughs, especially the one with a little bit of asthmatic tendencies. The 3 year old was a bit draggy yesterday, but other than that, no major changes in energy levels.

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My 3 have had various symtoms. I've had two pukers and two with funny colored loose stools, not the same two. All three have had bouts of no appetite this past week, the youngest has been very clingy. I called the doc this morning and he said there is a GI virus going around with those exact symptoms. He said not to worry unless they spike a fever or increase the frequency of their stools.


Of course the one that puked on half the upstairs did it in the middle of the night when my husband was out of town. Scrubbing carpets for two hours in the middle of the night is not my idea of fun.

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My 3 have had various symtoms. I've had two pukers and two with funny colored loose stools, not the same two. All three have had bouts of no appetite this past week, the youngest has been very clingy. I called the doc this morning and he said there is a GI virus going around with those exact symptoms. He said not to worry unless they spike a fever or increase the frequency of their stools.


Of course the one that puked on half the upstairs did it in the middle of the night when my husband was out of town. Scrubbing carpets for two hours in the middle of the night is not my idea of fun.


Oh, that really stinks. I'm sorry. 

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